The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

Some of them actually fired weapons. And the CSA government was talking about raising armed units of slaves who would get their freedom, at the end of the war.
That idea went nowhere
While they were desperately in need of troops, that was a line they wouldn’t cross
No, but that is one of the things that is evil. Others include but are not limited to: Nazis, serial killers, serial rapists, Bolsheviks, Stalin, the dude who invented childproof lids...

Is, not was. Now that we have decided collectively that it's a bad thing, we can call current attempts at slavery evil.
Celebrating the Confederacy celebrates slavery
I don't see it that way at all.
Nobody here has celebrated the confederacy that I have spotted. We do however want the truth told about this nations history. Such as Democrats celebrated owning slaves.
Actually it is Republicans defending Confederate heritage
The most recent example of Democrats going against Blacks was when (D) Franklin Roosevelt banned them from combat roles in WW2 and almost at wars end created the Tuskegee airmen. But other than those blacks, the rest were delegated workers on supply issues.
Democrats are this nations true authoritarians.
Women disagree.
Who refuses to keep the border safe for the rest of us?
Congress. Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, Trump, Biden.

Who wants Trump banned?
Banned from what? Dancing in public? OK I will raise my hand on that one.
I can go on and on.
I am sure, but again, don't see how it related to the topic.
Women disagree.

Congress. Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, Trump, Biden.

Banned from what? Dancing in public? OK I will raise my hand on that one.

I am sure, but again, don't see how it related to the topic.
Trump has the record for least illegals allowed in. Sure women disagree. Because they are authoritarians.
The topic is about the Democrats who owned slaves. None today exist. Unless they were in Africa dealing in slaves and now are here as Democrats.
Trump has the record for least illegals allowed in.
Horsepucky he does.

Sure women disagree. Because they are authoritarians.
Women are authoritarians?
The topic is about the Democrats who owned slaves. None today exist.
Cool. Slavery was evil. they were evil.
How does Joseph Smith enter this discussion. First he was not engaged in polygamy. And when he was murdered his wife was the only woman he had married.
You are a polygamy denier! Meaning you do not understand how sourcing, primary and secondary, are conducted academically. You must also be Qanon.

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