The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

That literally makes no sentence in comparison to my statement.

Yes, it was. Just like Nazis were evil. Bolsheviks were evil. Stalin was evil. John Wayne Gacy was evil.

The Holocaust was evil, the deliberate killing of prisoners of war and civilians as reprisals was evil. The rest was just war.

The Holodomor was evil, The purges were evil, the rest was just authoritarianism.

Murder in general is evil.
No, you are wrong painting northern dems as all being for the war and the abolition of slavery.

It's evil now, it wasn't evil then.
No, those are your words. Not all the north supported Lincoln. One fourth of Texas voted against secession.

Words have defined meanings, and you don't get to change them.
Your thinking is muddled. First you whine over the past yet want to excuse those who owned slaves claiming some Democrats fought for Lincoln. His war was not smart and sure was not legal.
Hundreds of thousands of northern Democrats fought for Lincon.

Who am I excusing who owned slaves?
I don't see it that way at all.
Nobody here has celebrated the confederacy that I have spotted. We do however want the truth told about this nations history. Such as Democrats celebrated owning slaves.
You see it wrongly. Once again your belief is not fact other than you believe wrongly.
That literally makes no sentence in comparison to my statement.

Yes, it was. Just like Nazis were evil. Bolsheviks were evil. Stalin was evil. John Wayne Gacy was evil.
And Democrats were evil. In fact due to their authoritarian nature, to me they still are evil.
Joseph Smith was a polygamist, Robert W, the fount and founder of it.

If you follow Michelle Brady Stone, you are in heresy. Continue and you will become an LDS apostate.

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