The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

Unless the statue is a memorial at a battlefield or a grave, if its on public land, then it was put in place during Jim Crow, so I would have to lean to yes.

AT the dedication of the statue in front of Goergetown in 1916:

It was also the time many of these leaders were dying off, and the rank and file were getting old and fat.
Where did I write " You are the one saying anyone defending keeping some of these Statues is a confederacy advocate?"

If a person wants to keep CSA symbols on public ground, then they are advocating CSA principles.

Such symbols should be on private ground and in museums with proper curation.,
Where did I write " You are the one saying anyone defending keeping some of these Statues is a confederacy advocate?"

If a person wants to keep CSA symbols on public ground, then they are advocating CSA principles.

Such symbols should be on private ground and in museums with proper curation.,

No, they aren't. They are remembering war dead, like the Union side does as well.
They are recordings of the peace made after the war was over. Mourning and Remembrance allowed by the victors to heal the nations wounds, and bring the southerners back into the fold.
They lost, but did not want to change. They came back with the Klan, segregation, jim crow, and horror.

Nothing good can be remember about the CSA.
For over a hundred and fifty years, the legacy of the Confederacy has been sold as a noble Lost Cause of states defending their states rights.

The reality is that the Confederacy was an Evil Empire. One of the worst nations in the history of mankind.

The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever,
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage.
The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain.
The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children.
The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock

By any valuation, this was pure EVIL and should never be defended or honored in todays society.
Therefore, the United States of America was also an evil empire from 1782 until 1863.

Periclean Greece, the "birthplace of democracy," was also an evil empire. You know that Pericles, the "father of democracy," owned dozens of slaves, right?

Slave breeding was largely a myth spread by some Northern abolitionists. It rarely happened.

And it is an exaggeration to say that all Confederates viewed slaves as nothing but livestock. That is simply not true. Some did, but more did not.

None of this is to say that slavery was not evil. It was inherently evil and caused much suffering and misery. However, maturity and balance are required to objectively analyze U.S. and world history on the subject.

Have you ever read a single scholarly work that challenges the Radical Republican version of antebellum (pre-Civil War) history?
Slave breeding was largely a myth spread by some Northern abolitionists. It rarely happened.

The importation of slaves from Africa and the Indies was banned after 1805
From 1805 to 1860 the slave population more than doubled through slave breeding

A female slave sold for as much or more than a male slave. Not for the labor she could provide but her ability to breed new slaves. They would bear children every year from the time they were 12 till they were 40

Female slaves were allowed to marry but also bore children from the master, his sons and any other muscular slave that looked like good mating material
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The importation of slaves from Africa and the Indies was banned after 1805
From 1805 to 1860 the slave population more than doubled through slave breeding

A female slave sold for as much or more than a male slave. Not for the labor she could provide but her ability to breed new slaves. They would bear children every year from the time they were 12 till they were 40

Female slaves were allowed to marry but also bore children from the master, his sons and any other muscular slave that looked like good mating material
Read southern county property registers before 1860 throughout the lower South.

Plenty of entries about barracoons, or slave breeding pens.

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