The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

Exceptions don't prove the rule. I would trust a doctor more than I would trust a male politician who can't get pregnant in the first place.

The law allows those "exceptions" to basically sign of on any abortion, at any time, as long as they can claim the woman's health is at risk.

And the law doesn't define health.

So "I may get post-partum depression" would be a valid reason to abort a viable fetus at any time as long as the doctor signs off on it.
And they don't define health. So if a doctor decides her having a rash after birth is a health risk, the law allows them to abort a viable fetus.
I trust a doctor to make the call over a Republican politician deciding for all women
The law allows those "exceptions" to basically sign of on any abortion, at any time, as long as they can claim the woman's health is at risk.
Yes, as before, it appears than NY gives more weight to concerns of the woman in consultation with her doctor in their calculation.
Yes, it gives more weight to the concerns of the woman.

It gives no weight of any kind to the lives of the preborn humans.
I just realized, wow this thread sure shifted from the Confederacy didn't it!
Actually, that’s true. Side topics somehow tend to take on a life of their own.
it gives them a blank check.

And why is that?
Probably because they believe its an issue of fundamental personal autonomy between the woman and her body, with the doctor in consultation, vs. some old white guys who can't have babies. But I am not from NY so don't know.

To the OP. On the positive the Union definitely had better uniforms (plus they had uniforms). A rare one: US Marines:



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