The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

Probably because they believe its an issue of fundamental personal autonomy between the woman and her body, with the doctor in consultation, vs. some old white guys who can't have babies. But I am not from NY so don't know.

I am missing the relationship to the OP. On the positive the Union definitely had better uniforms (plus they had uniforms). A rare one: US Marines:


more appeals to authority without backing it up with anything substantial.
Because after 10 pages or so, any topic is worn out more than Curried goat's well used asshole.
Then why don’t you start your own thread on abortion or your desire for Curried Goats asshole?
Leftwhiner, you plodding fuckwit:

A reply to an observation made by previous posters doesn’t require starting a new thread, you shit for brains moron.
Anyone who chooses to honor the Confederacy is honoring slavery
Countered by there is another life involved, created by the acts of her AND him. Despite the left's desire to forget that part.
Yes, you definitely value the ability of the government to interfere in our most basic private right, the right of bodily autonomy. We get that.
Says someone that probably cheered over the wu-flu shot mandates.
There were no government wu flu shot mandates. You get mad if someone wants you to have a vaccine to ...not die... but giving the government the absolute authoritarian control over someone's body, thats ok.
There were no government wu flu shot mandates.

COVID-19 vaccination mandates in the United States - Wikipedia

Executive orders were announced directing all federal agencies to mandate the vaccination of their employees (with exceptions as required by law, and no option for regular testing in lieu of vaccination)[31] per guidance to be developed by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force, and all future government contracts to include a clause requiring compliance with guidance to be developed by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (likely to include a similar mandate).[31] The administration set a November 22, 2021 deadline for most federal employees to be fully vaccinated and a January 4, 2022 deadline for federal contractors to be vaccinated.[32]

And look at the table of ALL THOSE Mandates, including hospitality workers even in places like Connecticut and NJ.
You zipped right past - "employees. " Thats not a mandate. Thats an employment requirement.

Oh fucking please, it's government mandates that those employees had to have the shot or go through sham testing at crazy intervals.

It's right there and you deny it....

Fucking moron.
Oh fucking please, it's government mandates that those employees had to have the shot or go through sham testing at crazy intervals.

It's right there and you deny it....

Fucking moron.
No thats an employee requirement, unless you think all employer requirements are bad. Didn't know you were a union guy. And you still bitch about that. Must be because the government is not trying to get into your pants. Thats why its an issue for women.
No, it was mandated BY THE GOVERNMENT that certain workers in certain industries had to have the shot OR ELSE.
Or else they had to work for someone else. Yes. Thats an employer requirement. Its also a state employer requirement. Pisses you off when you think the government is trying to tell you what to do doesn't it.

Thats how women feel. And a rmeinder, without the Roe cases, the state government can now turn around and require all men to get vasectomies, or rings in their nose, or whatever, just BECAUSE NOW THEY CAN.

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