The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

Statues remind us of the tragedy of slavery. They are historical. Maybe we should have just buried slavery and the civil war so people like you can't use it to denigrate folks.
Those statues dont
They honor those who fought to preserve slavery
The Uygurs have been enslaved for over 20 years, India has had slaves for hundreds of years, that's history too yet you choose to pick on America where we stopped it shedding mostly white blood. What are you trying to do here?
Not the CSA. Not in the Americas at all.
Statues remind us of the tragedy of slavery. They are historical. Maybe we should have just buried slavery and the civil war so people like you can't use it to denigrate folks today who had nothing to do with it and most of whose ancestors fought and died to FREE the slaves.
There is this thing, called, BOOKS.
For over a hundred and fifty years, the legacy of the Confederacy has been sold as a noble Lost Cause of states defending their states rights.

The reality is that the Confederacy was an Evil Empire. One of the worst nations in the history of mankind.

The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever,
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage.
The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain.
The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children.
The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock

By any valuation, this was pure EVIL and should never be defended or honored in todays society.
So say the Victors. Ho-hum.

So after all that puffery
You got nothing?

Color me surprised
Trying to dodge your burden?

Absolutely an everyday thing with a coward like you.

Here’s a freebie since we all know you’ll never sack up, you pussy:

Trying to dodge your burden?

Absolutely an everyday thing with a coward like you.

Here’s a freebie since we all know you’ll never sack up, you pussy:

Oh yes
The old Lost Cause

ry. Others minimize slavery and point to other factors, such as taxation or the principle of States' Rights.

The principle of States Rights to allow Slavery
Issues like the economy came down to an economy built on free labor
The Issue of Lincoln came down to his opposition of slavery
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Oh yes
The old Lost Cause

ry. Others minimize slavery and point to other factors, such as taxation or the principle of States' Rights.

The principle of States Rights to allow Slavery

Yes, just ignore Lincoln's own words, and the fact almost all of the 'freed slaves' that survived the contraband prison camps and govt. plantations remained in the South after the war.
Yes, just ignore Lincoln's own words, and the fact almost all of the 'freed slaves' that survived the contraband prison camps and govt. plantations remained in the South after the war.
Lincoln fought to preserve the Union
Slavery came second
Lincoln fought to preserve the Union
Slavery came second
lol rubbish.

"But what am I to do in the meantime with those men at Montgomery [meaningthe Confederate constitutional convention]? Am I to let them go on...[a]nd open Charleston, etc., as ports of entry, with their ten-percent tariff. What, then, would become of my tariff?" ~Lincoln to Colonel John B. Baldwin, deputized by the Virginian Commissioners to determine whether Lincoln would use force, April 4,1861.
Oh yes
The old Lost Cause

ry. Others minimize slavery and point to other factors, such as taxation or the principle of States' Rights.

The principle of States Rights to allow Slavery
Issues like the economy came down to an economy built on free labor
The Issue of Lincoln came down to his opposition of slavery
Leftwhiner has the most cowardly way of admitting he has been exposed as flatly wrong.

He simply lies some more.
No society is totally evil, and it is sophomoric to claim that about the CSA, 150 years after the fact. 150 years from now, there will be arrogant ass-holes saying that the U.S. of the 21st century was inherently evil because we ate animal flesh, and did it enthusiastically.

It was generally believed among all "White" people in the 1800's that black Africans were manifestly inferior to Caucasians. Some thought that they were a sub-species of human, but regardless, they were inferior. At the same time, it was believed that slavery, harsh as it was, was a better existence than what the enslaved people would have been experiencing in their homelands in Africa. Who can say they were wrong? The government and social leaders of the Confederacy (and the Border States) did not think of themselves as fighting to support evil, but rather fighting to prevent outsiders from screwing up their lives.

Slave labor was not "free" in any sense of the word. Slaves were purchased at great cost, or raised from infancy and maintained for years before they could do productive work. They had to be clothed, fed, and housed, and kept alive, whatever that entailed.

What a colossally stupid OP.

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