The Constitution is the Constitution, anti-Muslims please read

Monkey you are offended, why are you continually posting about it?

It is true, the first Europeans that came to the Americas were killing, pillaging, robbing, raping and exploiting all under the cross and thought the Natives were pagan heathen people who needed to be converted, those are not lies, those who converted were not treated as bad so shut up monkey, the first Europeans in the Americas were only Christian in name not in deed, but thought less of those who were not Christian.

Are you really as stupid as you appear? The reason I mention it dumbass is because you keep bringing it up.

Just your saying it's true doesn't make it true. You need to prove it with historical documentation.

Now this is your last chance to prove your claim, if you fail and you will, then you'll have shown yourself to be nothing more than a lying racist fuck.

Ok gorilla, last chance!

Monkey stop trying to go off topic, Muslims have the Constitutional right to build religious centers and any attempts to block them is unlawful if they're being blocked for religious reasons.

Off topic? I've been asking your gorilla ass this since the day you made the claim. Now either back up your claim or admit you lied.
Are you really as stupid as you appear? The reason I mention it dumbass is because you keep bringing it up.

Just your saying it's true doesn't make it true. You need to prove it with historical documentation.

Now this is your last chance to prove your claim, if you fail and you will, then you'll have shown yourself to be nothing more than a lying racist fuck.

Ok gorilla, last chance!

Monkey stop trying to go off topic, Muslims have the Constitutional right to build religious centers and any attempts to block them is unlawful if they're being blocked for religious reasons.

So in other words, you laid a claim that there were Christians running around committing atrocities on this continent prior to the US then when asked for proof you know you don't have any so you instead just changed the subject? That's typical.

By the way, there is no constitutional right to build whatever you like, even if that is a religious building, if that were true then a municipality could never regulate where a church may or may not be built and of course they can. So stop telling THAT lie. It is however true that as long as they meet local laws they have the legal ability to build this mosque legal ability =/= constitutional right.

He's never read the Constitution, he's simply regurgitating left wing talking points.
Monkey stop trying to go off topic, Muslims have the Constitutional right to build religious centers and any attempts to block them is unlawful if they're being blocked for religious reasons.

So in other words, you laid a claim that there were Christians running around committing atrocities on this continent prior to the US then when asked for proof you know you don't have any so you instead just changed the subject? That's typical.

By the way, there is no constitutional right to build whatever you like, even if that is a religious building, if that were true then a municipality could never regulate where a church may or may not be built and of course they can. So stop telling THAT lie. It is however true that as long as they meet local laws they have the legal ability to build this mosque legal ability =/= constitutional right.

He's never read the Constitution, he's simply regurgitating left wing talking points.

bass is noting but a parrot , that's for sure.
So in other words, you laid a claim that there were Christians running around committing atrocities on this continent prior to the US then when asked for proof you know you don't have any so you instead just changed the subject? That's typical.

By the way, there is no constitutional right to build whatever you like, even if that is a religious building, if that were true then a municipality could never regulate where a church may or may not be built and of course they can. So stop telling THAT lie. It is however true that as long as they meet local laws they have the legal ability to build this mosque legal ability =/= constitutional right.

He's never read the Constitution, he's simply regurgitating left wing talking points.

bass is noting but a parrot , that's for sure.

Well you know how the saying goes....monkey see.. monkey do.
Well, I think we should conduct a little experiment... why don't we bomb Mecca while thousands of muslims have gathered there, and then waltz in and demand they let us build a massive Christian church right on top of our handy work.

I wonder how receptive the muslims would be to that idea?

I remember back when some white conservative christians bombed a black church in
alabama, killing 3 little black girls....

LOTS of christian churches have been built in America since then and NOBODY has complained....

least of all, conservative christians


if we are to deny ALL members of a religious cult access to freedom in America simply because SOME of their members behaved badly then let us ban BOTH muslim AND christian
Well, I think we should conduct a little experiment... why don't we bomb Mecca while thousands of muslims have gathered there, and then waltz in and demand they let us build a massive Christian church right on top of our handy work.

I wonder how receptive the muslims would be to that idea?

I remember back when some white conservative christians bombed a black church in
alabama, killing 3 little black girls....

LOTS of christian churches have been built in America since then and NOBODY has complained....

least of all, conservative christians


if we are to deny ALL members of a religious cult access to freedom in America simply because SOME of their members behaved badly then let us ban BOTH muslim AND christian

STRAWMAN. Now if those "white conservative Christians" bought the lot next door to the bombed out black church and built a KKK hall, I would condemn that.

Of course I in noway expect honesty from you.
ConMonkey and Lonestar_chimp making personal attacks and wanting to argue off-topic, lol, Muslims have the Constitutional right of freedom of worship and freedom of assembly, rambling wild packs of anti-Muslim monkeys do have the right to stop Muslims from doing either, they can have their opinion which no one gives a damn about except for like minded monkeys who think the same as they do.
Monkey stop trying to go off topic, Muslims have the Constitutional right to build religious centers and any attempts to block them is unlawful if they're being blocked for religious reasons.

So in other words, you laid a claim that there were Christians running around committing atrocities on this continent prior to the US then when asked for proof you know you don't have any so you instead just changed the subject? That's typical.

By the way, there is no constitutional right to build whatever you like, even if that is a religious building, if that were true then a municipality could never regulate where a church may or may not be built and of course they can. So stop telling THAT lie. It is however true that as long as they meet local laws they have the legal ability to build this mosque legal ability =/= constitutional right.

He's never read the Constitution, he's simply regurgitating left wing talking points.

I quoted the Constitution in my OP you illiterate ape, not a leftwing talking points.
ConMonkey and Lonestar_chimp making personal attacks and wanting to argue off-topic, lol, Muslims have the Constitutional right of freedom of worship and freedom of assembly, rambling wild packs of anti-Muslim monkeys do have the right to stop Muslims from doing either, they can have their opinion which no one gives a damn about except for like minded monkeys who think the same as they do.

I'm not attacking you personally, nor do I see lonestar doing so, might want to address Shogun's attacks though...........

the first amendment does NOT include a right to build a building. That is ridiculous. You may as well include that into saying the 2nd Amendment gives me the right to build an armory in downtown NYC. It simply isn't true.
ConMonkey and Lonestar_chimp making personal attacks and wanting to argue off-topic, lol, Muslims have the Constitutional right of freedom of worship and freedom of assembly, rambling wild packs of anti-Muslim monkeys do have the right to stop Muslims from doing either, they can have their opinion which no one gives a damn about except for like minded monkeys who think the same as they do.

I'm not attacking you personally, nor do I see lonestar doing so, might want to address Shogun's attacks though...........

the first amendment does NOT include a right to build a building. That is ridiculous. You may as well include that into saying the 2nd Amendment gives me the right to build an armory in downtown NYC. It simply isn't true.

seriously, that is the DUMBEST retort in this issue thus far. Property rights provide the RIGHT to build that building. Religious freedom of the first amendment allows for said building to be used for such purposes.

again, seriously, you are not bright.


you fucking crybaby.
ConMonkey and Lonestar_chimp making personal attacks and wanting to argue off-topic, lol, Muslims have the Constitutional right of freedom of worship and freedom of assembly, rambling wild packs of anti-Muslim monkeys do have the right to stop Muslims from doing either, they can have their opinion which no one gives a damn about except for like minded monkeys who think the same as they do.

I'm not attacking you personally, nor do I see lonestar doing so, might want to address Shogun's attacks though...........

the first amendment does NOT include a right to build a building. That is ridiculous. You may as well include that into saying the 2nd Amendment gives me the right to build an armory in downtown NYC. It simply isn't true.

The first amendment provides for freedom of worship and praying in a mosque is part of what Muslims do when they worship you idiot, so yes, they do have a right to build places of worship as long as it doesn't violate the law and isn't in a restricted/protected area, you silverbacks are making me laugh with your rudimentary interpretations of the Constitution when you want to deny others their rights. You just an anti-Muslim bigot and a shameless monkey for denying it.
ConMonkey and Lonestar_chimp making personal attacks and wanting to argue off-topic, lol, Muslims have the Constitutional right of freedom of worship and freedom of assembly, rambling wild packs of anti-Muslim monkeys do have the right to stop Muslims from doing either, they can have their opinion which no one gives a damn about except for like minded monkeys who think the same as they do.

I'm not attacking you personally, nor do I see lonestar doing so, might want to address Shogun's attacks though...........

the first amendment does NOT include a right to build a building. That is ridiculous. You may as well include that into saying the 2nd Amendment gives me the right to build an armory in downtown NYC. It simply isn't true.

The first amendment provides for freedom of worship and praying in a mosque is part of what Muslims do when they worship you idiot, so yes, they do have a right to build places of worship as long as it doesn't violate the law and isn't in a restricted/protected area, you silverbacks are making me laugh with your rudimentary interpretations of the Constitution when you want to deny others their rights. You just an anti-Muslim bigot and a shameless monkey for denying it.

You're name calling and then accusing your targets of said name calling is ridiculous.

But beyond that let's address a few things.

No you do NOT have a constitutional right to build a mosque. You Do have a common law right use your property as you see fit, as long as it doesn't negatively affect your neighbors, and that law is affirmed by the 5th amendment, but you do NOT have a right to build a anything you want, regardless of its impact on others even if that something is a church or a mosque. PERIOD.

Also, I in noway support forcing these Muslims to not build that mosque and have said so no less than 200 times in this forum. Your failure to admit that that is true proves that you are an idiot.

I am done debating with you, you have no clue what you are discussing, you're dishonest, AND you act like a child. Good day.
Conhog continues to be a stupid cock smoker crying like a little girl about sensitivity..

HERE is some sensitivity for you, pole smoker: Rosa Parks Highway and KKK

You aught to PM bikersailor for pointers on interwebnet insults.
Your shit is lame as can be.
He is a cockchugging turd sucker and you can be one to.

The difference, of course, being that I've been stomping a mudhole in the ass of your argument all week long, ball licker. That IS why you thought to follow me into this thread and vent a little of your sad clown frustration so.... I guess it's back to the ole tantrum-laced drawing board, eh semen sommelier??
Conhog continues to be a stupid cock smoker crying like a little girl about sensitivity..

HERE is some sensitivity for you, pole smoker: Rosa Parks Highway and KKK

You aught to PM bikersailor for pointers on interwebnet insults.
Your shit is lame as can be.
He is a cockchugging turd sucker and you can be one to.

The difference, of course, being that I've been stomping a mudhole in the ass of your argument all week long, ball licker. That IS why you thought to follow me into this thread and vent a little of your sad clown frustration so.... I guess it's back to the ole tantrum-laced drawing board, eh semen sommelier??
Your delusions have gotten the best of you again.
You have not responded to nor understood my arguments .
I had 5 post on this thread before you befouled it with your ignorance and strawmen bullshit you snarky toddler.
ConMonkey and Lonestar_chimp making personal attacks and wanting to argue off-topic, lol, Muslims have the Constitutional right of freedom of worship and freedom of assembly, rambling wild packs of anti-Muslim monkeys do have the right to stop Muslims from doing either, they can have their opinion which no one gives a damn about except for like minded monkeys who think the same as they do.

So you admit to being a lying racist. Fair enough.

Conmonkey and Lonestar_chimp , anti-muslim monkeys, aren't personal attacks? Fuckin' hypocrite!

Conhog nor I has said that muslims couldn't assemble or worship their faith.

You made a claim that you can't support and that makes you a lying piece of monkey shit.

Your concession is duly noted.
You aught to PM bikersailor for pointers on interwebnet insults.
Your shit is lame as can be.
He is a cockchugging turd sucker and you can be one to.

The difference, of course, being that I've been stomping a mudhole in the ass of your argument all week long, ball licker. That IS why you thought to follow me into this thread and vent a little of your sad clown frustration so.... I guess it's back to the ole tantrum-laced drawing board, eh semen sommelier??
Your delusions have gotten the best of you again.
You have not responded to nor understood my arguments .
I had 5 post on this thread before you befouled it with your ignorance and strawmen bullshit you snarky toddler.


everyone who has already responded to your bitch ass "understands" you, emo kid.

try not to cut yourself on your way to the mall to pick up black #1 hairdye.
Wow. you go internet tough-guy

Only YOU would post such a pic from your "private" collection!


yucky but hilarious!

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