The continued assault of Marxism upon NORMAL citizens.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
My Husband Has A Boyfriend. Here’s What Our Life Is Like.
When I met my husband, Paul*, we were both waiting tables in LA. I was 23 and he was 28, and we were both trying to get our acting careers off the ground. I knew from the start that he identified as bisexual—in fact, the first night we hooked up he was in a relationship with a man.
At first it was Hollywood and Liberal Gay politicians who were pushing for Homosexual openness, having Homosexuality taken off "Mental Disorder" back in 1973. It was, then when Rock Hudson, Cary Grant and others came out of the closet, the push for homosexuals to be "accepted" as normal started happening around the 1990's with TV shows like "Will and Grace" normalizing such actions. Then pro athletes came out, and then Civil Unions were created so homosexuals could have the same rights as married people, but that wasn't enough, Marxism must "DESTROY" any normalcy of civilization, so the institute of marriage(union of man and woman) was destroyed by Partner 1 and Partner 2. Now in the link today, the left is PUSHING hard to get polygamy accepted as normal(You know 3 consenting adults who LOVE each other), sister wives and just more IMMORAL actions. When will people say enough is enough? Will a war of ideologies soon happen, where Good will face EVIL, Right will battle Wrong? I think it is coming, and it will happen soon.
institute of marriage was destroyed when the govt got involved. Such disingenuous hogwash.
In what way has your marriage been destroyed by allowing two queers to marry? Hint: it hasn't. Can the dramatic pussy-aching.
Gays getting married has totally destroyed Newt Gingrich's 3rd marriage. :crybaby:
Gays getting married has totally destroyed Newt Gingrich's 3rd marriage. :crybaby:

And two of trump's.

My Husband Has A Boyfriend. Here’s What Our Life Is Like.
When I met my husband, Paul*, we were both waiting tables in LA. I was 23 and he was 28, and we were both trying to get our acting careers off the ground. I knew from the start that he identified as bisexual—in fact, the first night we hooked up he was in a relationship with a man.
At first it was Hollywood and Liberal Gay politicians who were pushing for Homosexual openness, having Homosexuality taken off "Mental Disorder" back in 1973. It was, then when Rock Hudson, Cary Grant and others came out of the closet, the push for homosexuals to be "accepted" as normal started happening around the 1990's with TV shows like "Will and Grace" normalizing such actions. Then pro athletes came out, and then Civil Unions were created so homosexuals could have the same rights as married people, but that wasn't enough, Marxism must "DESTROY" any normalcy of civilization, so the institute of marriage(union of man and woman) was destroyed by Partner 1 and Partner 2. Now in the link today, the left is PUSHING hard to get polygamy accepted as normal(You know 3 consenting adults who LOVE each other), sister wives and just more IMMORAL actions. When will people say enough is enough? Will a war of ideologies soon happen, where Good will face EVIL, Right will battle Wrong? I think it is coming, and it will happen soon.
Meet the three men who 'married' each other
Three men from Colombia speak to BBC World Service about life as a polyamorous thruple, after having their romantic union officially recognised.
The constant push of immorality upon NORMAL people, the left just cant stop. When liberals got their gay marriage done, there had to be something else for the liberals to FIGHT for, and you can see it now with polygamy. When that is done, you can BET, it will be liberals pushing for pedophilia. The line needs to be drawn and normal people need to fight back. As long as there is opposition against immoral actions, the left wont stop, until the opposition is CRUSHED and those crushed will be FORCED to submit or die.
The constant push of immorality upon NORMAL people, the left just cant stop. When liberals got their gay marriage done, there had to be something else for the liberals to FIGHT for, and you can see it now with polygamy. When that is done, you can BET, it will be liberals pushing for pedophilia. The line needs to be drawn and normal people need to fight back. As long as there is opposition against immoral actions, the left wont stop, until the opposition is CRUSHED and those crushed will be FORCED to submit or die.

The one of the largest pushes for polygamy in this country isn't coming from liberals. It's coming from religious conservatives, mainly Mormon fundamentalists. They are challenging these laws claiming it violates their religious freedoms. Do you not support their religious freedom?
The constant push of immorality upon NORMAL people, the left just cant stop. When liberals got their gay marriage done, there had to be something else for the liberals to FIGHT for, and you can see it now with polygamy. When that is done, you can BET, it will be liberals pushing for pedophilia. The line needs to be drawn and normal people need to fight back. As long as there is opposition against immoral actions, the left wont stop, until the opposition is CRUSHED and those crushed will be FORCED to submit or die.

The one of the largest pushes for polygamy in this country isn't coming from liberals. It's coming from religious conservatives, mainly Mormon fundamentalists. They are challenging these laws claiming it violates their religious freedoms. Do you not support their religious freedom?
Do you ? I mean, if men can poke other men in Uranus and women can muff dive other women, and you say this is good, why shouldn't Mormons get the same treatment? Are you such a BIGOT that you hate religious people?
The constant push of immorality upon NORMAL people, the left just cant stop. When liberals got their gay marriage done, there had to be something else for the liberals to FIGHT for, and you can see it now with polygamy. When that is done, you can BET, it will be liberals pushing for pedophilia. The line needs to be drawn and normal people need to fight back. As long as there is opposition against immoral actions, the left wont stop, until the opposition is CRUSHED and those crushed will be FORCED to submit or die.

The one of the largest pushes for polygamy in this country isn't coming from liberals. It's coming from religious conservatives, mainly Mormon fundamentalists. They are challenging these laws claiming it violates their religious freedoms. Do you not support their religious freedom?
Do you ? I mean, if men can poke other men in Uranus and women can muff dive other women, and you say this is good, why shouldn't Mormons get the same treatment? Are you such a BIGOT that you hate religious people?

Too much of a coward to answer the question I see. Do you support their religious freedom or not? Or does religious freedom only mean you cant bake cakes for faggots? lol
The constant push of immorality upon NORMAL people, the left just cant stop. When liberals got their gay marriage done, there had to be something else for the liberals to FIGHT for, and you can see it now with polygamy. When that is done, you can BET, it will be liberals pushing for pedophilia. The line needs to be drawn and normal people need to fight back. As long as there is opposition against immoral actions, the left wont stop, until the opposition is CRUSHED and those crushed will be FORCED to submit or die.

The one of the largest pushes for polygamy in this country isn't coming from liberals. It's coming from religious conservatives, mainly Mormon fundamentalists. They are challenging these laws claiming it violates their religious freedoms. Do you not support their religious freedom?
Do you ? I mean, if men can poke other men in Uranus and women can muff dive other women, and you say this is good, why shouldn't Mormons get the same treatment? Are you such a BIGOT that you hate religious people?

Too much of a coward to answer the question I see. Do you support their religious freedom or not? Or does religious freedom only mean you cant bake cakes for faggots? lol
Cowards are you , who have to have the Guberment come in and FORCE people to do things they don't want to. If you are so hell bent on living under a repressive regime, the door to Cuba has been opened. Go there and live your Socialist Utopian Dream, and leave the rest of US alone.
The constant push of immorality upon NORMAL people, the left just cant stop. When liberals got their gay marriage done, there had to be something else for the liberals to FIGHT for, and you can see it now with polygamy. When that is done, you can BET, it will be liberals pushing for pedophilia. The line needs to be drawn and normal people need to fight back. As long as there is opposition against immoral actions, the left wont stop, until the opposition is CRUSHED and those crushed will be FORCED to submit or die.

The one of the largest pushes for polygamy in this country isn't coming from liberals. It's coming from religious conservatives, mainly Mormon fundamentalists. They are challenging these laws claiming it violates their religious freedoms. Do you not support their religious freedom?
Do you ? I mean, if men can poke other men in Uranus and women can muff dive other women, and you say this is good, why shouldn't Mormons get the same treatment? Are you such a BIGOT that you hate religious people?

Too much of a coward to answer the question I see. Do you support their religious freedom or not? Or does religious freedom only mean you cant bake cakes for faggots? lol
Cowards are you , who have to have the Guberment come in and FORCE people to do things they don't want to. If you are so hell bent on living under a repressive regime, the door to Cuba has been opened. Go there and live your Socialist Utopian Dream, and leave the rest of US alone.

You're just making shit up now. In what way have I have used the goverment to force people to do things they don't want to?

I get it, though. You're too much of a pussy to answer my question concerning religious freedoms. We both now why, pussy.
The constant push of immorality upon NORMAL people, the left just cant stop. When liberals got their gay marriage done, there had to be something else for the liberals to FIGHT for, and you can see it now with polygamy. When that is done, you can BET, it will be liberals pushing for pedophilia. The line needs to be drawn and normal people need to fight back. As long as there is opposition against immoral actions, the left wont stop, until the opposition is CRUSHED and those crushed will be FORCED to submit or die.

The one of the largest pushes for polygamy in this country isn't coming from liberals. It's coming from religious conservatives, mainly Mormon fundamentalists. They are challenging these laws claiming it violates their religious freedoms. Do you not support their religious freedom?
Do you ? I mean, if men can poke other men in Uranus and women can muff dive other women, and you say this is good, why shouldn't Mormons get the same treatment? Are you such a BIGOT that you hate religious people?

Too much of a coward to answer the question I see. Do you support their religious freedom or not? Or does religious freedom only mean you cant bake cakes for faggots? lol
Cowards are you , who have to have the Guberment come in and FORCE people to do things they don't want to. If you are so hell bent on living under a repressive regime, the door to Cuba has been opened. Go there and live your Socialist Utopian Dream, and leave the rest of US alone.

You're just making shit up now. In what way have I have used the goverment to force people to do things they do want to?

I get it, though. You're too much of a pussy to answer my question concerning religious freedoms. We both now why, pussy.
In what way have I have used the goverment to force people to do things they do want to?
freedom only mean you cant bake cakes for faggots
are you really that stupid to say one thing then forget in 1 post what you said? Don't answer that, you are just as stupid as the female in the picture.

are you really that stupid to say one thing then forget in 1 post what you said? Don't answer that, you are just as stupid as the female in the picture.

I was wondering when you would have to resort to using a lame meme as some sort of argument. Too funny.

I have stated on numerous occasions that all public accommodations laws should be scrapped. Each day I think you can't get any more retarded and each day you find a way to prove me wrong.

Keep running away from my question, though. It amuses me.
are you really that stupid to say one thing then forget in 1 post what you said? Don't answer that, you are just as stupid as the female in the picture.

I was wondering when you would have to resort to using a lame meme as some sort of argument. Too funny.

I have stated on numerous occasions that all public accommodations laws should be scrapped. Each day I think you can't get any more retarded and each day you find a way to prove me wrong.

Keep running away from my question, though. It amuses me.
The law in the US is 2 people marriage, just like before Obama was re-elected it was 1 man and 1 woman, but after he no longer could be held accountable the chicken shit bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator then decided to change the law to be 1 fudge packer with another fudge packer. Mormons like Romney live by the 2 people law. Fuckers like you though , would be fucking dogs, yet complain about anything religious, as typical of Marxist Bigots.
The law in the US is 2 people marriage, just like before Obama was re-elected it was 1 man and 1 woman, but after he no longer could be held accountable the chicken shit bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator then decided to change the law to be 1 fudge packer with another fudge packer. Mormons like Romney live by the 2 people law. Fuckers like you though , would be fucking dogs, yet complain about anything religious, as typical of Marxist Bigots.

Obama didn't change the law, stupid shit. You've been reduced to using silly memes and deflecting to Obama b/c you're too much of a clown's pussy to answer my question.
The law in the US is 2 people marriage, just like before Obama was re-elected it was 1 man and 1 woman, but after he no longer could be held accountable the chicken shit bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator then decided to change the law to be 1 fudge packer with another fudge packer. Mormons like Romney live by the 2 people law. Fuckers like you though , would be fucking dogs, yet complain about anything religious, as typical of Marxist Bigots.

Obama didn't change the law, stupid shit. You've been reduced to using silly memes and deflecting to Obama b/c you're too much of a clown's pussy to answer my question.
I answered your question dipshit, but with your liberal thinking you are too blind to see it.

I answered your question dipshit, but with your liberal thinking you are too blind to see it.

No, you didn't. You merely deflected and spammed another meme. In fact, it is all you ever do.

Let's go back to my original question you avoided like the plague: how was your marriage destroyed by two homos getting hitched?

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