The COVID Hoax


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?
I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?

Soros, Democrats, China, the ghosts of Mao, Stalin, Castro and Chavez and Cobra!!!

Fine, the last one was me making a trollish comment but you know very well all the rest is what the OAN and Newsmax readers will claim...

Now the reason why is because they want to shred the Constitution and implement draconian Stalinist measures to crush the free loving people of America while taking our guns from us...

( You would think I work for OAN, Newsmax and Russian times wouldn’t ya? )

Now let me be clear Covid is real and those that believe it is a Hoax should ask why Donald the Marvelous and Saint Rudy contracted it and claimed to have had it or have it and are they in on the Hoax?
I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?

I do not deny the existence to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus.

I do not deny that people are getting sick from it, and I do not deny that some people are even dying from it.

But the same thing happens almost every year. When it isn't being exaggerated and exploited for malicious political purposes, we call it a seasonal flu outbreak.

And if you're too blind, or too ignorant, or just too damn stupid to see for yourself what the motive is, then you're too stupid to understand anyone's attempt to explain it to you—the sort of ignorant, compliant sheep who blindly believes that whatever powers our public servants seize, and however they exercise these powers to control you, that they do it for your benefit.

I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?

I do not deny the existence to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus.

I do not deny that people are getting sick from it, and I do not deny that some people are even dying from it.

But the same thing happens almost every year. When it isn't being exaggerated and exploited for malicious political purposes, we call it a seasonal flu outbreak.

And if you're too blind, or too ignorant, or just too damn stupid to see for yourself what the motive is, then you're too stupid to understand anyone's attempt to explain it to you—the sort of ignorant, compliant sheep who blindly believes that whatever powers our public servants seize, and however they exercise these powers to control you, that they do it for your benefit.

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Elaborate on that. If it’s a power grab and no different than the seasonal flu then why exploit it now? What instigated it
I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?
Covid19 isn't a hoax. It exists. The response to it has been greatly exaggerated. The only hoax has been the all-out media blitz to keep people in fear.
I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?

I do not deny the existence to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus.

I do not deny that people are getting sick from it, and I do not deny that some people are even dying from it.

But the same thing happens almost every year. When it isn't being exaggerated and exploited for malicious political purposes, we call it a seasonal flu outbreak.

And if you're too blind, or too ignorant, or just too damn stupid to see for yourself what the motive is, then you're too stupid to understand anyone's attempt to explain it to you—the sort of ignorant, compliant sheep who blindly believes that whatever powers our public servants seize, and however they exercise these powers to control you, that they do it for your benefit.

More Americans are dying every fucking day than died on 9/11.
And you believe it's being exaggerated and exploited for malicious political purposes?
Oh Lordy Bob - Oh LORDY! :icon_rolleyes:
I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?

I do not deny the existence to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus.

I do not deny that people are getting sick from it, and I do not deny that some people are even dying from it.

But the same thing happens almost every year. When it isn't being exaggerated and exploited for malicious political purposes, we call it a seasonal flu outbreak.

And if you're too blind, or too ignorant, or just too damn stupid to see for yourself what the motive is, then you're too stupid to understand anyone's attempt to explain it to you—the sort of ignorant, compliant sheep who blindly believes that whatever powers our public servants seize, and however they exercise these powers to control you, that they do it for your benefit.

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What as stupid remark: "But the same thing happens almost every year. When it isn't being exaggerated and exploited for malicious political purposes, we call it a seasonal flu outbreak."

292,000 people die last year, too?
3000 die every day, you fucking idiot.
People like you are the reason this is happening.
Sheer fucking ignorance.
I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?

I do not deny the existence to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus.

I do not deny that people are getting sick from it, and I do not deny that some people are even dying from it.

But the same thing happens almost every year. When it isn't being exaggerated and exploited for malicious political purposes, we call it a seasonal flu outbreak.

And if you're too blind, or too ignorant, or just too damn stupid to see for yourself what the motive is, then you're too stupid to understand anyone's attempt to explain it to you—the sort of ignorant, compliant sheep who blindly believes that whatever powers our public servants seize, and however they exercise these powers to control you, that they do it for your benefit.

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I stopped reading when I got to the lie about it's the same almost every year.

No it's not.

According to the CDC, 36 thousand people die each year in America from the flu.

So far, since last February, 295,450 have died of the virus. We haven't even reached a year yet and nearly 300 thousand people are dead from the virus.

It's not the same thing.

Stop repeating the lies. It's the lies that will keep this thing ravaging our nation, killing our people and destroying our economy.
I don't recall the necessity of bringing in refrigerated trucks to hold all the bodies caused by the seasonal flus.
I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?

When Donald said this - I guess he was lying again. :rolleyes-41:

He didn't believe they would commit such in-your-face fraud either.

The election is still in doubt, as you clearly believe by your pants shitting. (motherfucker)
When Donald said this - I guess he was lying again. :rolleyes-41:

Is every entity that predicted a Hillary win in 2016 a liar?
Making a prediction that doesn't pan out is not lying.

You mean like in February when he said it was one person coming in from Wuhan?
And in March when he said it was 15 people but would soon be zero??
Or in April when he said it would "magically disappear" in the spring???
Or May when he said that it wouldn't be coming back in the Fall????

He knew better - he told Woodward that he knew better.
He LIED to the rest of us.
You mean like in February when he said it was one person coming in from Wuhan?
And in March when he said it was 15 people but would soon be zero??
Or in April when he said it would "magically disappear" in the spring???
Or May when he said that it wouldn't be coming back in the Fall????

He knew better - he told Woodward that he knew better.
He LIED to the rest of us.
Predictions that don't pan out are not lies. Do you need a tissue?
I have a question for those of you who believe that COVID-19 is nothing more than a hoax. Who do you think is responsible for the hoax and why do you think they are pushing it?
Covid19 isn't a hoax. It exists. The response to it has been greatly exaggerated. The only hoax has been the all-out media blitz to keep people in fear.
Ok then if the reaction is a hoax, who do you think is coordinating it and why?
Umma go with

  • Hugo Chávez
  • Roger Stone
  • Oliver Stone
  • Stone Phillips
  • the Rolling Stones
  • Bugs Bunny --- c'mon, Bugs? It's right there in the name!
  • Yosemite Sam
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Mel Blanc
  • Evel Knievel (see Bugs above)
  • Tiny Tim
  • Tiny Bradshaw
  • The staff at Four Seasons Total Landscaping
  • Sasha Baron Cohen
  • Joachin Andujar
  • Albert Schweitzer
  • Ghandi
  • Mother Theresa
  • Mrs Butterworth
  • Popeye the Sailor Man
  • Kenny G
  • Julio Iglésias
  • Silvio Berlisconi
  • Annamaria Alberghetti
  • Emiliana Torini
  • Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Charo
  • Donovan
  • Sting
  • Adele
  • Melanie
  • CrusaderFrank
  • Litte Orphan Annie
  • Mr Mxyzptlk
  • Jimmy Olsen
  • Doctor Doom

Now let's watch Spewsmax weave all this together. :popcorn:
Last edited:
Umma go with

  • Hugo Chávez
  • Roger Stone
  • Oliver Stone
  • Stone Phillips
  • the Rolling Stones
  • Bugs Bunny --- c'mon, Bugs? It's right there in the name!
  • Yosemite Sam
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Mel Blanc
  • Evel Knievel (see Bugs above)
  • Tiny Tim
  • Tiny Bradshaw
  • The staff at Four Seasons Total Landscaping
  • Sasha Baron Cohen
  • Joachin Andujar
  • Albert Schweitzer
  • Ghandi
  • Mother Theresa
  • Mrs Butterworth
  • Popeye the Sailor Man
  • Kenny G
  • Julio Iglésias
  • Silvio Berlisconi
  • Annamaria Alberghetti
  • Charo
  • Donovan
  • Sting
  • Adele
  • Melanie
  • CrusaderFrank
  • Litte Orphan Annie
  • Mr Mxyzptlk
  • Jimmy Olsen
  • Doctor Doom

Now let's watch Spewsmax weave all this together. :popcorn:
My money is on the staff of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Those guys are sketchy as hell and their fertilizer smells like shit.
Umma go with

  • Hugo Chávez
  • Roger Stone
  • Oliver Stone
  • Stone Phillips
  • the Rolling Stones
  • Bugs Bunny --- c'mon, Bugs? It's right there in the name!
  • Yosemite Sam
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Mel Blanc
  • Evel Knievel (see Bugs above)
  • Tiny Tim
  • Tiny Bradshaw
  • The staff at Four Seasons Total Landscaping
  • Sasha Baron Cohen
  • Joachin Andujar
  • Albert Schweitzer
  • Ghandi
  • Mother Theresa
  • Mrs Butterworth
  • Popeye the Sailor Man
  • Kenny G
  • Julio Iglésias
  • Silvio Berlisconi
  • Annamaria Alberghetti
  • Charo
  • Donovan
  • Sting
  • Adele
  • Melanie
  • CrusaderFrank
  • Litte Orphan Annie
  • Mr Mxyzptlk
  • Jimmy Olsen
  • Doctor Doom

Now let's watch Spewsmax weave all this together. :popcorn:
My money is on the staff of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Those guys are sketchy as hell and their fertilizer smells like shit.

And you notice, they were nowhere to be seen when Rooty drove up. They were all at the porn shop next door.
Trump was trying to keep everyone calm. There is nothing Trump, Biden, Fauci, or anyone else could have done to stop the spread, except for China. According to some studies that have been posted on this forum, we now know masks have very little effect, and thats obvious. I find it comical that so many of you want to blame Trump, when he went way above and beyond with his response, with the ventilators, masks/gloves/ppe manufacturing, ships on both coasts, warp speed. But nothing will ever be good enough for those who feed off of PANIC !!!, so long as Trumps in office.
Nobody has explained the reason(s) why we are not seeing a rise in many other deaths, and maybe its because these liberal funded organizations $$$ are making sure that most deaths are documented as covid related. I mean for goodness sake, many of you believe that Joe won this election fair and square, and there was no fraud.
Lets hope Joe gets in office, then we can breath a sigh of relief as he will discover a way to crush our economy...I mean crush the virus.:disbelief:
It's the perfect bioengineered virus. Has a high R-naught factor, very low death rate, 99.6 recovery rate. The authoritarians use the media to pump non stop fear in order to advance their dystopian lockdowns and control over the populace.

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