Zone1 The danger in being wealthy, especially if you are a prominent figure


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
I sometimes envy those who have a lot of money. But then I get the thought all over again that it is not such a great blessing, in the long run.

My spirituality informs me that there is definitely another realm beyond this one and that that is the one that matters. So everything we do in this life is going to get us either to Heaven (usually via Purgatory where sins are purged. Heaven is absolutely pure so Purgatory is necessary for most people) or Hell.

Rich people, especially the famous (or infamous) ones likely think, subconsciously at least, that they are "loved by God" because they have everything a person could want that this world has to offer. They likely think they already have God since.. Look at all those blessings He gave! And yet, they may lack the one thing they most desperately need: Jesus and salvation.

If you have enough money, you begin to believe you don't need Jesus. And of course, that (not being in Christ) leads you to Hell. So yeh.. don't envy the rich.. Certainly, you young people out there, do not emulate them or strive to be like them. Somewhere in the Word it says that if you have what you need, be content with that.
Oh, some folks who are on Ignore


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