The Democrats’ Theme for 2016 Is Totalitarianism


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
This ought to scare the pants/skirt off any freedom-loving Americans. All you have to do and see it's already happening.

Kerry says Koch brothers are “enemy of the state.”

For God's sake, that's something we should expect from North Korea or Venezuela. Not an American official.

The Hildabeast proposed banning politically unpopular academic research.

What? And who's to decide what should be banned?

Students shout down unpopular ideas or forbid nonconforming views. Officials are fired or resign.

What they cannot achieve by legislation or litigation, they seek to achieve by simple violence, left-wing activists having smashed, looted, and burned portions of Ferguson, Mo., and Baltimore, where Koreans and other Asian minorities were specifically targeted. As on college campuses, they have made a point of assaulting journalists documenting their violence.

Read more at: The Democrats’ Theme for 2016 Is Totalitarianism, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review
The Democrat's Theme for 2016 is actually this:

PS: The OP is a total fabrication. Here is what Secretary Kerry actually said when asked a question in Rolling Stone about climate change.

Given what's at stake, do you consider Exxon Mobil or the Koch brothers an enemy of the state?

"Well, I'll leave it to other people to assign metaphors or allegories. I would prefer to try to build the consensus necessary, and we don't get there if we start accusing people of things. So we need to try to bring people into an understanding. I don't think we're going to do it with the Koch brothers. But I think that Exxon Mobil stands potentially to lose billions of dollars in what I would imagine would be one of the largest class-action lawsuits in history."

Read more: John Kerry on Climate Change: The Fight of Our Time
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As usual, The OP is a total lie.
OP- Your touching sympathy for billionaire, screw the workers and the environment a-holes is noted, dupe.

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