The Democrats white man problem

unions have never supported the average wage worker,,

they attack them with bats and the legal system to keep them from taking union jobs or force them to join unions
No one is forced to apply for a job that pays union wages and benefits. I was a union member for 35 years and was never attacked by someone with a bat nor did I use a baseball bat to beat up scabs when we were on strike in 1994. I think that you may have watched On The Waterfront one too many times.
No one is forced to apply for a job that pays union wages and benefits. I was a union member for 35 years and was never attacked by someone with a bat nor did I use a baseball bat to beat up scabs when we were on strike in 1994. I think that you may have watched On The Waterfront one too many times.
Tell that to the families of people murdered during the Greyhound strikes of 1983 and 1990.
No one is forced to apply for a job that pays union wages and benefits. I was a union member for 35 years and was never attacked by someone with a bat nor did I use a baseball bat to beat up scabs when we were on strike in 1994. I think that you may have watched On The Waterfront one too many times.
but you are forced to join a union of you want to have certain jobs on some states,,

we had teamster stop a non union truck delivering to our shop during a strike and tried to beat him up with bats,,

he didnt get out of the truck so they just broke all the glass out and he drove away without delivering the goods,,

a friend of mine thats not union electrician had a railroad tie dropped across the hood of his brand new truck because he was on a job sight that had both union and non union workers in a right to work state,,

union people have always been and still are arrogant pricks that dont deserve the pay they get,,

they are always waiting for their next break,,
A lot more than 100 million died in India under British rule. With Apartheid gone from South Africa, you Ku Kluxxers and other white supremacists have nowhere to go. It sucks to be a racist goon left out in the cold, doesn`t it? :D
There`s always Idaho.
If the people of other cultures/genders do not start being the best in high tech, sciences, industrial. etc. there are going to be a lot of people killed here as we cannot compete anymore. We need that. And it is not keeping up with the DEI. So, stop blaming others. The SLS needs a new gantry for a larger rocket in its 3rd mission. The gantry will note ready now for a year after the scheduled liftoff of the SLS in a couple of years. Originally it was 380 million dollars. now it is 2.7 billion dollars. Also, the larger 2nd stage is behind schedule. They are both Boeing projects. Show us all what you got instead of opening your pie hole.
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
Your father was a union pipefitter during Jim Crow. Blacks weren't allowed in many unions until the equal opportunity laws were passed. Once those laws were passed white men started crying about being pushed side and passed over after they had pushed everybody side and passed everybody else over since 1776.

There aren't any blacks working to suppress the white vote. When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. creating policy that targets whites in order to reduce their opportunities?

Never. White men have done that. And white men still do it. So white men need to stop whining because we refuse to keep taking your bullshit. White men are 31 percent of the population. Democrats are not going to lose any white men for calling out white men who do wrong.

It's time some white men stopped crying and begin the work of fixing the mess they created by what they have done to others. A lot of democratic white men are doing this, and they don't seem to have a problem. So those white men who think it's OK for everybody to get cheated out of things because of race or sex so that the white man can get whatever he wants can leave the Democrtic prty.
No. Not with commies. Or Nazis. No thanks.

Diversity kills. 100 million people in the last century.

Commies are evil. They're murderers and thieves.
Dversity does kill. Ask the millions of Native Americans who were kiled by whites after whites made America diverse.
Uhh yes they were Butthead. Cities and businesses burned in 2020
Nobody was trying to overthrow the government in 2020. People actually saw police murder an unarmed man in 2020 bitch. And after watching police do such things for years and never being penalized, the real American citizens got angry. But no one stormed the capital.

Unike a bunch of white losers who decided to try taking over the government for something that didn't hppen.
Tell that to the many Conservative blacks. Oh, but I forgot. Race hustlers like you and IQ2 think they are sellouts.
No one is immune to greed and ignorance. Conservative Blacks are the big fish in little ponds, and they get invited to a lot of things where they`ll be the only Black person in the room. A Trophy for Biff and Bubba who brought them.
For me, Democrats have three major problems. They're Marxists, they can't appeal to people with common sense and they don't believe in our constitution. Theoretically, hopefully, America should have plenty of good people who don't look at things their way. MAGA
It is extremely easy to go through life as a white guy without being accused of racism or sexism. All you have to do is not act racist or sexist.
So you think America would be better off as a permanent far Left one party state? Go get shot.
Not at all. I didn`t mind the GOP when they had normal politicians like the Bush family, Gerald Ford and Tom Ridge. People like those aren`t welcome anymore by Republicans. They would never incite a deadly riot over an election that they clearly lost.
Now, can you see what`s become of that party? Stewart (I shot my eye out) Rhodes earned 18 years in the slammer and Ashli Babbitt committed suicide for that party.
Not at all. I didn`t mind the GOP when they had normal politicians like the Bush family, Gerald Ford and Tom Ridge. People like those aren`t welcome anymore by Republicans. They would never incite a deadly riot over an election that they clearly lost.
Now, can you see what`s become of that party? Stewart (I shot my eye out) Rhodes earned 18 years in the slammer and Ashli Babbitt committed suicide for that party.
All of the above are limp dick RINOs who sold out the country. Sorry, but as you Leftists well know, I, along with every other REAL American are not interested in surrendering to the Democrats. That is what compromise is.
All of the above are limp dick RINOs who sold out the country. Sorry, but as you Leftists well know, I, along with every other REAL American are not interested in surrendering to the Democrats. That is what compromise is.
That’s why I’m not arguing positions with MAGA, just mocking them. We won’t get out of this until we vote out the obstructionists and vote in serious people, that don’t think compromise is a four-letter word! They think they can win by throwing people out of the party! This isn’t golf! The lowest score doesn’t win!

That’s why I’m not arguing positions with MAGA, just mocking them. We won’t get out of this until we vote out the obstructionists and vote in serious people, that don’t think compromise is a four-letter word! They think they can win by throwing people out of the party! This isn’t golf! The lowest score doesn’t win!

We compromised with the Left for too long and got nothing. Go you Communist.

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