The Democrats white man problem

That’s why I’m not arguing positions with MAGA, just mocking them. We won’t get out of this until we vote out the obstructionists and vote in serious people, that don’t think compromise is a four-letter word! They think they can win by throwing people out of the party! This isn’t golf! The lowest score doesn’t win!

They've been twisted into believing that communication, collaboration, innovation, decency, dignity, empathy, maturity and integrity are signs of weakness.

And the Founders continue to roll over in their graves.
unions have never supported the average wage worker,,

they attack them with bats and the legal system to keep them from taking union jobs or force them to join unions
They didn’t force me to join the union. In fact I worked very HARD to be able to join and it has been nothing but good for me.

Better pay, better working conditions, better retirement
They didn’t force me to join the union. In fact I worked very HARD to be able to join and it has been nothing but good for me.

Better pay, better working conditions, better retirement
could you have gotten he same job and not joined the union??
Maybe you ought to consider the possibility that what you wanted was unreasonable

Controlling immigration is unreasonable?
Not wanting kids drugged and mutilated is unreasonable?
Wanting criminals prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated is unreasonable?
Wanting to buy a new ICE vehicle in 2035 is unreasonable?
They didn’t force me to join the union. In fact I worked very HARD to be able to join and it has been nothing but good for me.

Better pay, better working conditions, better retirement
if you didnt join the union could you have gotten the job??
It is quite evident it is someone's wild tale , twisted and perverted to try to use propaganda to make their point seem valid.
Some one does not know or understand the history of Unionization across the scope of the working class and its need to organize.
Unions were formed by both genders and by and with the help of all nationalities.
So, once again, this is the maga crowd trying to lie.

During the Gilded Age, many businesses men, and investors amassed great fortunes at the expense of the workers. These wealthy owners exploited workers. They had big and profitable companies exploiting the workers.
These workers spend long hours in the fabrics working under unhealthy conditions, with no ventilation and earned low salaries.

So your father was a democrat during segregation and then switched as the party became more inclusive? You sure this isn't fake news. Conservatives tell us this never actually happened. :dunno: :lol:
All of the above are limp dick RINOs who sold out the country. Sorry, but as you Leftists well know, I, along with every other REAL American are not interested in surrendering to the Democrats. That is what compromise is.
Uhh....we don`t care about your Private Life or whatever his name is. Take your gay fantasies elsewhere.
A lot more than 100 million died in India under British rule. With Apartheid gone from South Africa, you Ku Kluxxers and other white supremacists have nowhere to go. It sucks to be a racist goon left out in the cold, doesn`t it? :D
There`s always Idaho.
I believe that if the whites are going to go, they will take everyone else with them. Endless wars. And we are the suckers that fund them. The real power are the elites in Europe. And they are white. There are some from other cultures in their fraternity. This is not about white supremacism. It is about proper immigration and those who come becoming assimilated into the American culture. Unfortunately, the Progressives control near everything and we will end up in a dictatorship at some point.
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
U were doing great until your tds set in. U leftists can't support your bs with anything, it is just a rant. But do tell how Trump proved what u suggest during his 1st term. Whats the matter, don't like Trump calling out the left, and,or the stories the left make up for him triggering your tds?

Yep, thats exactly it.
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.

You vote vote to destroy America.

commie STINKS.jpg
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
you kids do it 50 times a day here.
Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
You want the guy who democrats demonize for being white to lose but you want whites to stop being demonized.
This has got to be one of the dumbest threads ever started.
And it’s a perfect example of a democrat sheep voter. Completely devoid of reason and logic.
I feel like I’m living in a Twilight Zone episode.

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