The Democrats white man problem

How is it unreasonable to want the REAL America, and not the leftwing socialist shithole you want?
There’s no such thing as a REAL America. Time does not stand still. 7/5/1776 was not the same as 7/4/1776. The country has been changing every day since its inception.

  • Fact
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A student said white people were taking up too much space in the university's Multicultural Student CenterCredit:

"If ya'll didn't know, this is the MSC, and frankly there are just too many white people in here and this is a space for people of color," she says in the clip.


Yes, sounds like the typical black racist.
Tulsa were torched by white people and they only burned the successful Black neighborhoods because those people needed to know their place.

And they didn't start gunfights trying a jail break by firing guns into a crowd again, either; another self-inflicted Darwin Award they've never stopped being the main contestants for.
Only trouble is that blacks in SA are killing whites there.


But Skosana wasn’t the first to be burned alive. The first necklacing victim was a politician named Tamsanga Kinikini, who had refused to resign after accusations of corruption.

Anti-apartheid activists had already been burning people alive for years. They gave them what they called “Kentuckies” — meaning that they left them looking like something off the menu at Kentucky Fried Chicken.]/b]

Such noble freedum fiturs.
So you think America would be better off as a permanent far Left one party state? Go get shot.
You guys are trying to make America a permanent right one party state. So don't ask stupid questions.

But Skosana wasn’t the first to be burned alive. The first necklacing victim was a politician named Tamsanga Kinikini, who had refused to resign after accusations of corruption.

Anti-apartheid activists had already been burning people alive for years. They gave them what they called “Kentuckies” — meaning that they left them looking like something off the menu at Kentucky Fried Chicken.]/b]

Such noble freedum fiturs.
Stop crying white boy. Whites invaded south Africa and installed a fascist government. They kiled thousands of blacks.

Sharpeville massacre


It's funny what you entitled pricks leave out to make your punk asses look like poor pitiful victims.
And they didn't start gunfights trying a jail break by firing guns into a crowd again, either; another self-inflicted Darwin Award they've never stopped being the main contestants for.
Stop lying white boy, that's not what happened.
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.

Most males that support Harris are feminist cucks.
White racists need to stop crying. If you are a racist, if you are delusuonal imagining that that somehow whites, who have the majority of everything, are somehow being cheated, then you don't belong in the democratic party. Go join the crybabies in the Republican party. White men are 31 percent of the population, right wing white white men are less than that. So go on because the rest of us can live without your crying asses.

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