What is the downside of the GOP 2025 project?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We have heard a lot about the GOP 2025 Project. Kamala Harris was on the verge of tears talking about it during the Presidential debate, but is it as bad as Kamala and her cronies say it is?


Just how bad is Project 2025?

1. When Republicans take over, they will reduce taxes by at least $14.88 per citizen. Can anyone say racist?

2. Democracy will end as we will be forced to continue to have a two-party system instead of a mandated one democrat party because the word democrat alone only stands for democracy. The alternative is to have a possible Repubcracy, and who wants to have to pronounce that word? It even hurts my hands to have to type it. Having only one choice at the ballot will then secure the freedoms of democracy forever, just like they have in California and New York. Yay.

3. Greeters at Wal Mart will once again utter the words, "Merry Christmas" during the Holiday season. It's like having a Taliban greeter during Christmas.........er........um..........I mean Xmas.

4. Rhinos in Congress will be forced to participate in the daily prayer before each Congressional session by saying, "Amen!" at the end of each prayer. Clearly a violation of religious freedom. Assuming this will not cause them to spontaneously combust and/or have their head explode, they will be allowed to remain as Republicans even though they continue to support the DNC any way possible.

5. The words, "In God we Trust" will remain on our money. No wonder democrats want to change to digital currency. This is nothing short of tyranny.

6. Manger scenes will once again be allowed to be displayed on government property, so long as Joseph wears a dress, and the baby Jesus remains gender neutral. In fact, who exactly was the mother again? Such religious displays are an outrage as they may as well convert us all to Christianity with the sword, Mohammad style, not that Mohammad is bad in any way like MAGA is. No, we like Mo.

7. The border will once and for all finally be secured so that the government finally controls who goes in and who leaves................Mwhahahaha!! And to think, you all believed us for a second, didn't you? Idiots!!

8. Project 2025 supports the systematic eradication of all human life on the face of the planet. Just kidding, that would actually save the planet, not that democrats like us advocate destroying all life on the face of the planet. Sure, democrats embrace other death related policies like abortion on demand at any cost, gender confusion that sterilizes the populace, people dying at a rate of 300 a day from drugs flowing across the border by refusing the secure the border, and arming countries like the Ukraine for never ending wars waging abroad all over the planet, etc.. But to suggest democrat policies are intended to purposefully kill people, even though they do, is sheer conspiracy insanity. Tin hat anyone?

9 Republicans will be forcing you into reeducation camps as they demand that you birth your children instead of allowing Planned Parenthood to sell their baby parts. Planned Parenthood can't sell their baby parts anymore? How on earth can anyone then make any money in this economy these days if we can't sell the baby parts of our dead babies? Do they all want us to starve to death with this out-of-control inflation caused by Trump when he left office 4 years ago?

10. The American flag will change to Orange and white stripes. It makes me want to puke just thinking about it. In addition, the flag will no longer have 50 stars but just one, with the one star having a picture of Trump in the middle of it. Sickening!

11. Drag queens reading to children in elementary schools will not be allowed to wear bikinis to class anymore but must stick to one piece swim wear instead. They may as well burn our First amendment rights if you ask me. I mean come on, has anyone who wrote this legislation heard of freedom of expression? I guess the planned Mrs. Drag Queen contests planned for next year at these schools are out of the question now. Putin may as well be running the country if you ask me.

12. Cats and dogs will be able to vote for the first time, but only if democrats are allowed to ballot harvest them.
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We have heard a lot about the GOP 2025 Project. Kamala Harris was on the verge of tears talking about it during the Presidential debate, but is it as bad as Kamala and her cronies say it is?

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Just how bad is Project 2025?

1. When Republicans take over, they will reduce taxes by at least $14.88 per citizen. Can anyone say racist?

2. Democracy will end as we will be forced to continue to have a two-party system instead of a mandated one democrat party because the word democrat alone only stands for democracy. The alternative is to have a possible Repubcracy, and who wants to have to pronounce that word? It even hurts my hands to have to type it. Having only one choice at the ballot will then secure the freedoms of democracy forever, just like they have in California and New York. Yay.

3. Greeters at Wal Mart will once again utter the words, "Merry Christmas" during the Holiday season. It's like having a Taliban greeter during Christmas.........er........um..........I mean Xmas.

4. Rhinos in Congress will be forced to participate in the daily prayer before each Congressional session by saying, "Amen!" at the end of each prayer. Clearly a violation of religious freedom. Assuming this will not cause them to spontaneously combust and/or have their head explode, they will be allowed to remain as Republicans even though they continue to support the DNC any way possible.

5. The words, "In God we Trust" will remain on our money. No wonder democrats want to change to digital currency. This is nothing short of tyranny.

6. Manger scenes will once again be allowed to be displayed on government property, so long as Joseph wears a dress, and the baby Jesus remains gender neutral. In fact, who exactly was the mother again? Such religious displays are an outrage as they may as well convert us all to Christianity with the sword, Mohammad style, not that Mohammad is bad in any way like MAGA is. No, we like Mo.

7. The border will once and for all finally be secured so that the government finally controls who goes in and who leaves................Mwhahahaha!! And to think, you all believed us for a second, didn't you? Idiots!!

8. Project 2025 supports the systematic eradication of all human life on the face of the planet. Just kidding, that would actually save the planet, not that democrats like us advocate destroying all life on the face of the planet. Sure, democrats embrace other death related policies like abortion on demand at any cost, gender confusion that sterilizes the populace, people dying at a rate of 300 a day from drugs flowing across the border by refusing the secure the border, and arming countries like the Ukraine for never ending wars waging abroad all over the planet, etc.. But to suggest democrat policies are intended to purposefully kill people, even though they do, is sheer conspiracy insanity. Tin hat anyone?

9 Republicans will be forcing you into reeducation camps as they demand that you birth your children instead of allowing Planned Parenthood to sell their baby parts. Planned Parenthood can't sell their baby parts anymore? How on earth can anyone then make any money in this economy these days if we can't sell the baby parts of our dead babies? Do they all want us to starve to death with this out-of-control inflation caused by Trump when he left office 4 years ago?

10. The American flag will change to Orange and white stripes. It makes me want to puke just thinking about it. In addition, the flag will no longer have 50 stars but just one, with the one star having a picture of Trump in the middle of it. Sickening!

11. Drag queens reading to children in elementary schools will not be allowed to wear bikinis to class anymore but must stick to one piece swim wear instead. They may as well burn our First amendment rights if you ask me. I mean come on, has anyone who wrote this legislation heard of freedom of expression? I guess the planned Mrs. Drag Queen contests planned for next year at these schools are out of the question now. Putin may as well be running the country if you ask me.

12. Cats and dogs will be able to vote for the first time, but only if democrats are allowed to ballot harvest them.

The downside is that it can't be owned by the R's and be presented as theirs to the voters. That's the general answer that's good for all of it that they're running from.
The more Dems scream about it, the more I become a fan of it and hope President Trump does adopt most of it.

Meanwhile the Dem’s Project 2025 is the Agenda we should all be terrified of:



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