The downside to Obama's illegal worker permit play that is being ignored

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
First off I will admit that something needs to be done about our illegal problem. I could support a similar plan for those in similar situations if it was done AFTER the border was deemed secure and with congresses approval. I can not support Obama usurping congress nor doing it at a time when so many American citizens are struggling to get by or have no jobs at all. Flooding the workforce with 800000 new "legit" workers is not the solution to our UE problems. In fact it is pure insanity. Remove the politics from this and scrutinize the issue without ideology or compassion.

1. This WILL encourage others to get into the country as quickly as possible to plant roots they can claim are decades old.

2. Metropolitian areas, with already high illegal populations, will now have their social services innundated with new applicants at a time when local municipalities are already struggling to stay afloat financially. (possibly taking money away from the sacred teachers, firefighters and police)

3. Those same areas that already have supressed wages due to illegal influxes will see no end in sight for below average wages.

4. People like me who are in the construction industry in markets with high illegal populations will either hire said illegals to save money thereby costing American jobs. Or as in my case, will have to compete on an unlevel playing field because of the contractors that do hire them. The construction industry is very cut throught as it is withought adding a bunch of low wage workers to it.

5. Additional crime which will stretch already thin local law enforcement.

6. UE is 8%+ so why the fuck are we adding nearly a million new unnecessary workers to the damn workforce??????!!!!!!!!

7. So we add 800000 to the workforce. How many more untold numbers will show up and work as illegals causing us even more job losses?

8. Social safety nets that are already stretched to the max will now be broken and more taxes will be demanded as a result.

If you remove the political element of this situation and look at it with unbiased eyes you will see that there is simply no upside for America.

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Well, from the original story, it would seem most of the 800k are over 18, since Obama is doing his best to destroy voter ID laws, it would only seem like he is doing this to get 800k new voters.... he will need every last vote he can get :)

Not to mention how irate this will make the independent voters and are those illegal immigrants "likely voters"? I think not.
This isn't going to have an effect on crime. The young illegals are already committing crimes. Pedro Espinosa, the guy who gunned down Jamile Shaw in front of his house was just such an illegal that obama just gave amnesty to. He was brought here as a two year old and grew up to be a spanish speaking killer. Espinosa got the death penalty so we'll be supporting him for many years to come.
Not to mention how irate this will make the independent voters and are those illegal immigrants "likely voters"? I think not.

I heard several independent and democratic voices on the various radio call in shows today. It was a resounding repudiation of this position. Some even went so far as to say that this issue changed their votes.
Nothing? No one?

well aside from the fact that he just slapped all the legal applicants standing in line to get in right in their legal faces..

I had zero admirations for this idiot and have even less now, he's just a political thug from the hood in chicago and I'm sick to death of him.
The downside to this truly is how weak it makes us look and how many jobs this destroys. The whole they do jobs us Americans wont is bullshit cause when I was looking for a job I would have cleaned toilets to feed my family.
Im hoping someone that supports this fiasco can point out some upsides for our nation.

This is politics pure and simple.

It's not about the 800k new potential voters though, it's about the millions of voters we already have with sympathetic ties to the folks here illegally who will cast their votes for the candidate who takes the easy way out.

I'm surprised that Romney didn't think of this first.
Nearly 2 hours in and NOT ONE SINGLE explination of how this is good for our nation. Seems the marching orders are coming out a bit slow.....
Not to mention how irate this will make the independent voters and are those illegal immigrants "likely voters"? I think not.

I heard several independent and democratic voices on the various radio call in shows today. It was a resounding repudiation of this position. Some even went so far as to say that this issue changed their votes.

American liberals will love this move, and regardless would be voting for Obama anyway.
It's almost impossible to spin this in a positive light. 'If they have been in the country for five years... ' ..... I assume they will be taking their word for this ...

Bad, very bad
Nearly 3 hours and not one single piece of evidence that this will be good for anything other than votes for Obama.

Any other time you lefties are all over me with examples of why your position is right and mine is wrong.

Come on now are you going to fail at my challenge?
Let the pandering begin. The next ploy will be to have an interview wearing a hoodie. He is trying to destroy my country. Notice that I did not say our country and I am not taking about birth place I am talking about loving a country, with all our faults, that is far better than any place he has roots too.
The separation of powers is actually kind of important.

Today, the President effectively declared his desire to fuck it up the ass.
Some children are brought here by their parents and went to school and believed they were americans. Some don't even know the language of the country they get sent back to. Give them a break.
Some children are brought here by their parents and went to school and believed they were americans. Some don't even know the language of the country they get sent back to. Give them a break.

Pulling heart strings doesnt suddenly change our fiscal situation or create the needed millions of jobs to support this action.

I'm up for offering the young people brought here by their parents a pathway to citizenship. But, an absolute requirement of that pathway should be that their parents voluntarily leave the country.... they can apply to come in the front door after an exclusion period of, say, 10 years.

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