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Any D.A. anywhere can claim jurisdiction over a crime if no other prosecutor is doing anything about it. This legal doctrine was confirmed by famous L.A. County prosecutor Vince Bugliosi in his effort to prosecute George W. Bush for war crimes. Q&A With Attorney And Author Vincent Bugliosi: "It's Not Enough To Be Rid Of Bush. What About Justice?" | HuffPost Latest News
There are about 3,000 state and county D.A.s in the US, and any one of them could produce an indictment against Bill Gates, WHO president Tedros Adhanom, and other medical establishment officials for fraudulently attempting to discredit HCQ as a COVID remedy by giving test subjects five times maximum recommended dose. Of course you will get heart palpitations and show that HCQ is "bad.".
Of all the COVID lies which the world can now see in the rearview mirror, the problem for those who can see them is how to get a handle on such an enormous crime, and begin punishing the perpetrators. When Anthony Fauci said publicly and on-the-record, for example, that the COVID vaccines stopped the transmission of COVID, it was a lie and he knew it. Fauci declared on Face the Nation on May 16, 2021 that vaccinated people would become “dead ends” for the virus:
“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community … In other words, you become a dead end to the virus.“
It was a lie of course, which came to light in a dramatic fashion when a European Parliament member questioned a Pfizer president in a hearing a year later, and found out that not only did the Pfizer vaccine not stop transmission, it was never even tested for this.
Why is prosecution important? Because humanity is not safe from the World Economic Forum’s psychopathic machinations until we go on offense.
One crack in the wall that the Trump – D.A. Alvin Bragg fiasco revealed is that any D.A. anywhere can claim jurisdiction over a crime if no other prosecutor is doing anything about it. This legal doctrine was confirmed by famous L.A. County prosecutor Vince Bugliosi in his effort to prosecute George W. Bush for war crimes. The best-known instance of a local D.A. acting against a great crime is New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison in his attempt to unravel the JFK assassination.
There are about 3,000 state and county D.A.s in the US, and any one of them could produce an indictment against Bill Gates, WHO president Tedros Adhanom, and other medical establishment officials for fraudulently attempting to discredit HCQ as a COVID remedy by giving test subjects five times maximum recommended dose.
The list of what a former Pfizer chief science officer and vice president calls “demonstrable lies” around COVID is long. Many readers of this piece could probably on their own come up with a fairly compelling list of charges, related to the outright lies about the vaccines being “safe and effective,” the mis-categorization of many deaths as being from COVID, or the crime committed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo when he sent COVID patients into New York nursing homes.
However, for those who want to take slogans like Nuremberg 2.0 from more than just a hashtag to a prosecutable case, what COVID crime would be easiest to prove to a jury?
For ample, documented evidence, few of the COVID crimes can match the World Health Organization’s (WHO) attempt to discredit hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID by designing and funding studies which administered nearly five times recommended dosages.
Bill Gates and WHO teamed up to produce the influential studies, at a time when doctors around the world were reporting great success, when used properly in the early stages. (Palmer Foundation: Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust to fund Covid-19 drug trials.)
A motive is clear. FDA regulations do not allow “emergency use authorization (EUA)” to be granted to experimental vaccines unless there is no “available alternative.” Were alternative remedies such as HCQ to take hold, public funding, and the suspension of normal, years-long safety trials, especially for long-term effects, would have not been possible.
The WHO studies, and others also funded by Gates, subjected COVID patients to known lethal doses of HCQ, or over four times the maximum label dose. In one of the studies, the UK Recovery Trial run by Oxford University, COVID patients who were subjected to the dosages died at a rate 10% higher than those who were given nothing at all. The dosages were known to be lethal because the WHO itself had conducted the studies.
In the US, the American College of Cardiology took part in the fraudulent WHO study intended to produce a bad result for hydroxychloroquine.
Dr. Jim Meehan on fraudulent HCQ studies “designed to kill.” (view at Rumble)
Below: Financial Times, March 30, 2020 (Source)
HCQ brand Plaquenil standard 200 mg pill
Dr. Nass wrote in her blog in June 2020:
“The WHO hired a consultant to explore the toxicity of chloroquine in 1979. The consultant, H. Weniger, looked at 335 episodes of adult poisoning by chloroquine drugs. Weniger on page 5 notes that a single dose of 1.5-2 grams of chloroquine base “may be fatal.” According to Browning and Goldfrank, the pharmacokinetics and potency of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are almost identical…”
Below: Page 5, WHO study on toxicity of chloroquine, similar dosage profile to related hydroxychloroquine (CLICK FOR LAGER IMAGE) (SOURCE)

The maximum official recommended dose for HCQ in the treatment of other maladies is 2000 mg total over 4 days. In the UK Recovery Trial, with “core funding” from the  Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a dosage of 9600 mg over 10 days was administered.
Below: Dosing information for UK Recovery Trial, from official protocol (source)
Below: Standard HCQ brand Plaquenil maximum dosage instructions. Reads: “Adult patients: Administer 800 mg initially; subsequently administer 400 mg at 6 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours after the initial dose (total dosage = 2000 mg over 4 days).“ (Source) (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)

Solidarity Trial dosing was similarly excessive, 8800 mg over 10 days, according to the protocol for the Norwegian arm of the study which took place over multiple countries.
Below: HCQ dosage for Norwegian arm of WHO Solidarity Trial (Source) (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)

MORE >>>> The Easiest-to-Prove COVID Crime Case is Against WHO and Bill Gates: Deadly Hydroxychloroquine Studies
There are about 3,000 state and county D.A.s in the US, and any one of them could produce an indictment against Bill Gates, WHO president Tedros Adhanom, and other medical establishment officials for fraudulently attempting to discredit HCQ as a COVID remedy by giving test subjects five times maximum recommended dose. Of course you will get heart palpitations and show that HCQ is "bad.".

Cold Blooded Murder: Bill Gates Funded Studies on HCQ Designed to Kill Subjects
Above image: WHO President Tedros Adhanom and Bill Gates In April of 2020, the World Health Organization’s (WHO,) the largest single funder of which is Bill Gates, attempted to discredit hydr…

Of all the COVID lies which the world can now see in the rearview mirror, the problem for those who can see them is how to get a handle on such an enormous crime, and begin punishing the perpetrators. When Anthony Fauci said publicly and on-the-record, for example, that the COVID vaccines stopped the transmission of COVID, it was a lie and he knew it. Fauci declared on Face the Nation on May 16, 2021 that vaccinated people would become “dead ends” for the virus:
“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community … In other words, you become a dead end to the virus.“
It was a lie of course, which came to light in a dramatic fashion when a European Parliament member questioned a Pfizer president in a hearing a year later, and found out that not only did the Pfizer vaccine not stop transmission, it was never even tested for this.
Why is prosecution important? Because humanity is not safe from the World Economic Forum’s psychopathic machinations until we go on offense.
One crack in the wall that the Trump – D.A. Alvin Bragg fiasco revealed is that any D.A. anywhere can claim jurisdiction over a crime if no other prosecutor is doing anything about it. This legal doctrine was confirmed by famous L.A. County prosecutor Vince Bugliosi in his effort to prosecute George W. Bush for war crimes. The best-known instance of a local D.A. acting against a great crime is New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison in his attempt to unravel the JFK assassination.
There are about 3,000 state and county D.A.s in the US, and any one of them could produce an indictment against Bill Gates, WHO president Tedros Adhanom, and other medical establishment officials for fraudulently attempting to discredit HCQ as a COVID remedy by giving test subjects five times maximum recommended dose.
The list of what a former Pfizer chief science officer and vice president calls “demonstrable lies” around COVID is long. Many readers of this piece could probably on their own come up with a fairly compelling list of charges, related to the outright lies about the vaccines being “safe and effective,” the mis-categorization of many deaths as being from COVID, or the crime committed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo when he sent COVID patients into New York nursing homes.
However, for those who want to take slogans like Nuremberg 2.0 from more than just a hashtag to a prosecutable case, what COVID crime would be easiest to prove to a jury?
For ample, documented evidence, few of the COVID crimes can match the World Health Organization’s (WHO) attempt to discredit hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID by designing and funding studies which administered nearly five times recommended dosages.
Bill Gates and WHO teamed up to produce the influential studies, at a time when doctors around the world were reporting great success, when used properly in the early stages. (Palmer Foundation: Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust to fund Covid-19 drug trials.)
A motive is clear. FDA regulations do not allow “emergency use authorization (EUA)” to be granted to experimental vaccines unless there is no “available alternative.” Were alternative remedies such as HCQ to take hold, public funding, and the suspension of normal, years-long safety trials, especially for long-term effects, would have not been possible.
The WHO studies, and others also funded by Gates, subjected COVID patients to known lethal doses of HCQ, or over four times the maximum label dose. In one of the studies, the UK Recovery Trial run by Oxford University, COVID patients who were subjected to the dosages died at a rate 10% higher than those who were given nothing at all. The dosages were known to be lethal because the WHO itself had conducted the studies.
In the US, the American College of Cardiology took part in the fraudulent WHO study intended to produce a bad result for hydroxychloroquine.
Dr. Jim Meehan on fraudulent HCQ studies “designed to kill.” (view at Rumble)
Below: Financial Times, March 30, 2020 (Source)

Massive Doses Never Given by Doctors Given in WHO-Gates Backed HCQ Studies
Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, an internal medicine specialist in Ellsworth, Maine, noted in her blog in June of 2020 that WHO’s own consultant, in a past study, had determined that 1500 – 2000 mg of HCQ all at once could be a lethal dose. HCQ generally comes in a standard 200 mg dose per pill.HCQ brand Plaquenil standard 200 mg pill

Dr. Nass wrote in her blog in June 2020:
“The WHO hired a consultant to explore the toxicity of chloroquine in 1979. The consultant, H. Weniger, looked at 335 episodes of adult poisoning by chloroquine drugs. Weniger on page 5 notes that a single dose of 1.5-2 grams of chloroquine base “may be fatal.” According to Browning and Goldfrank, the pharmacokinetics and potency of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are almost identical…”
Below: Page 5, WHO study on toxicity of chloroquine, similar dosage profile to related hydroxychloroquine (CLICK FOR LAGER IMAGE) (SOURCE)

The maximum official recommended dose for HCQ in the treatment of other maladies is 2000 mg total over 4 days. In the UK Recovery Trial, with “core funding” from the  Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a dosage of 9600 mg over 10 days was administered.
Below: Dosing information for UK Recovery Trial, from official protocol (source)

Below: Standard HCQ brand Plaquenil maximum dosage instructions. Reads: “Adult patients: Administer 800 mg initially; subsequently administer 400 mg at 6 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours after the initial dose (total dosage = 2000 mg over 4 days).“ (Source) (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)

Solidarity Trial dosing was similarly excessive, 8800 mg over 10 days, according to the protocol for the Norwegian arm of the study which took place over multiple countries.
Below: HCQ dosage for Norwegian arm of WHO Solidarity Trial (Source) (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)

MORE >>>> The Easiest-to-Prove COVID Crime Case is Against WHO and Bill Gates: Deadly Hydroxychloroquine Studies