The Education Gap in Presidential Politics

Well the most educated people had themselves injected with multiple mRNA shots and are now getting clots, cancers, autoimmunes and God only knows what all else.

So there's that
How does your fanatical submission to ideologues in medical matters relate to the disparate political affinities of the best-educated and least-educated states?
How many boosters have you had, and when was your last
Irrelevant. Whether an individual respects medical science in medical matters or submits to the dogma of ideologues is a disparate matter from the political affinities of the best-educated and worst-educated states.

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At the extremes of the best-educated/least-educated continuum and their respective electoral votes:

1) Massachusetts [11]
2) Colorado [10]
3) Maryland [10]
4) Connecticut [07]
5) New Hampshire [04]
6) Vermont [03]
7) Virginia [13]
8] Minnesota [10]
9) Washington [12]
0) New Jersey [14]


41) Tennessee [11]
42) Texas [40]
43) Oklahoma [07]
44) Alabama [11]
45) Nevada [06]
46) Kentucky [08]
47) Arkansas [06]
48] Louisiana [08]
49) Mississippi [06]
50) West Virginia [04]
Only the stupid and uneducated think there is a 'gap'. Grade inflation has made Degrees essentially worthless. The average grade at Harvard is 'A'. lol you really think college is sign of intelligence and education any more ??? Wrong, it's a sign of dumbassery and most likely a loan shark victim. Any C or C+ student from the 1960's is by far more educated than any from the 1980's on, but then so was the average 8th grader back then.
The last year of Trump's Presidency was dominated by the Pandemic, where he was in the perverse position of "leading the fight" to overcome its effect, while having essentially no power to affect public policy - which rested in the State Governors. (If you don't understand this point, send a letter to your HS and demand a rebate for your Civics class). Trump could open or close no schools, businesses, restaurants, day-care centers, or almost anything else. Only State Governors had that power.

Is it any wonder that whoever was President at the time would bear the brunt of the Public's anger, with the Leftist Media feeding it constantly?

(And of course, the first 2-1/2 years of his Presidency were dominated by totally-debunked "Russia collusion" hoax).

Getting back to the point of this thread, considering all Bachelor's Degrees as a single category is statistically the same as counting Killed and Injured as a single category; they are not. A substantial percentage of college degrees in this country are either totally lacking in academic rigor ("Education") or utterly worthless ("Ethnic Studies"), and are offered by colleges as a way of padding their student numbers with unqualified, uninterested young people whose main reason for going there is the avoidance of adult responsibilities. People with real college degrees (engineers, accountants, doctors, lawyers, business execs) are very supportive of Trump, but nobody carves out people with "real" college degrees, so the statistic does not exist.

It is analogous to another part of the spectrum where UNIONS support Harris, but UNION WORKERS (e.g., the Teamsters) support Trump by almost two to one.

At the end of 2019, Trump was headed for a second term.
The economy was good and people were satisfied with the state of things.
Then COVID hit.
COVID cost Trump the election. Not because so many died, but because of his complete lack of leadership in a crisis.

After 9-11, the country was in turmoil. But Bush rallied the country around him, there was no partisan bickering and finger pointing. He sought to unite us to fight terrorism.

Trump tried to deny COVID, spread misinformation, was only concerned with how quickly it would be over and would not impact the election.
Trump did not ask…..We need to fight this together
But was more concerned with…..It is not my fault
A substantial percentage of college degrees in this country are either totally lacking in academic rigor ("Education") or utterly worthless ("Ethnic Studies"), and are offered by colleges as a way of padding their student numbers with unqualified, uninterested young people whose main reason for going there is the avoidance of adult responsibilities.

A continuing Conservative myth.
Most degrees are worthless and students are lazy.

The overwhelming majority of degrees are in Computer Science, Business, Healthcare, Education, STEM
Students flock to majors that promise jobs once they graduate

And yet your joyous vapid twit is barely tied and heading downward against that geezer.
If that is what you need to believe, that is your prerogative, of course.

I respectfully await the will of the People that I will respect.
But Trump didn’t cure cancer….he tried to take away healthcare
He didn’t bring peace to the world…..he fractured our alliances and praised dictators
He didn’t end national debt…..he added $8 trillion to it
Trump didn't try to take away healthcare...he did his best to make sure Americans still had a choice when it came to healthcare. Kamala Harris on the other hand wants to get rid of private healthcare insurance and force everyone onto government healthcare.

Trump didn't get us into any new wars while he was in office. He did start the process of getting us OUT of the longest running war in our history! He also got three different Arab nations to sign peace accords with Israel. What alliance is it you think he "shattered"?

Covid added a huge amount of money to the deficit. That's what happens when you shut down an entire country's economy and have to subsidize out of work people. If you're seriously worried about the national debt...why would you support any progressive...who's answer to every problem is to spend billions of dollars on it?
Trump had $6 trillion additional debt before COVID
"Of the $8.4 trillion President Trump added to the debt, $3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws and executive orders, $2.5 trillion from tax cut laws, and $2.3 trillion from spending increases, with the remaining executive orders having costs and savings that largely offset each other."
"Of the $8.4 trillion President Trump added to the debt, $3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws and executive orders, $2.5 trillion from tax cut laws, and $2.3 trillion from spending increases, with the remaining executive orders having costs and savings that largely offset each other."
"Trump's" tax cut has increased Federal income tax revenues by more than a trillion a year. Just thought I'd mention it. ALL of the increased deficit is Democrat spending. All. Every bit. No exceptions. It was the same for the Reagan tax cuts, which also increased Federal revenues. The Democrats who controlled Congress increased spending to consume all the increase in revenues, and then some...then they blamed Reagan for the deficits.

The Left is evil. Always has been.
"Trump's" tax cut has increased Federal income tax revenues by more than a trillion a year. Just thought I'd mention it. ALL of the increased deficit is Democrat spending. All. Every bit. No exceptions. It was the same for the Reagan tax cuts, which also increased Federal revenues. The Democrats who controlled Congress increased spending to consume all the increase in revenues, and then some...then they blamed Reagan for the deficits.

The Left is evil. Always has been.

The old….All tax cuts pay for themselves myth

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