The entire Abortion Narrative is fake. It's not about "Reproductive Rights", it's a bailout for women having unprotected sex.

Here's the thing. Third-trimester abortions are less than 1% of all abortions performed, and they are almost entirely performed for serious medical reasons - either a threat to the woman's life or the fetus is horribly deformed in some way.

If a doctor is performing a D&X (Dilation and extraction) it's because the fetus is going to have some horrific birth defect and no quality of life. I suppose that is traumitizing to a woman who probably wanted that baby, and she should get counselling.

What she doesn't need it to see pictures of whatever you freaks fish out of the Medical Waste Container and listen to you scream "JESUS" at her!
If 3rd trimester abortions (apparently lefties refuse to use the term "partial birth abortions") are so uncommon why not outlaw them? If the mother's life is in jeopardy why not induce birth? We have the technology to do that. The intent is to (legally) kill a full term unborn baby. The legal geniuses in the abortion industry decided that a baby isn't technically born if a couple of inches of it's head remains in the birth canal so they rotate the baby inside the mother to cause a breach birth and the baby silently screams while the technicians stab it in the back of the head and suck out it's brain. If the baby slips out before the frankenstein apparatus is used, Dr. Northam has a solution "make the baby comfortable while it starves to death.
If 3rd trimester abortions (apparently lefties refuse to use the term "partial birth abortions") are so uncommon why not outlaw them? If the mother's life is in jeopardy why not induce birth? We have the technology to do that. The intent is to (legally) kill a full term unborn baby. The legal geniuses in the abortion industry decided that a baby isn't technically born if a couple of inches of it's head remains in the birth canal so they rotate the baby inside the mother to cause a breach birth and the baby silently screams while the technicians stab it in the back of the head and suck out it's brain. If the baby slips out before the frankenstein apparatus is used, Dr. Northam has a solution "make the baby comfortable while it starves to death.
And yet the abortionists paint "pro-lifers" as the soulless ghouls controlling women's bodies. We are living in a sequel to Idiocracy.
If 3rd trimester abortions (apparently lefties refuse to use the term "partial birth abortions") are so uncommon why not outlaw them?

Because in some cases they are necessary.

If the mother's life is in jeopardy why not induce birth?

You mean, why make her wait another two months until Globby is big enough to be born so she can watch him die, and maybe have her health ruined in the process.

Fucking Ghouls.

We have the technology to do that. The intent is to (legally) kill a full term unborn baby. The legal geniuses in the abortion industry decided that a baby isn't technically born if a couple of inches of it's head remains in the birth canal so they rotate the baby inside the mother to cause a breach birth and the baby silently screams while the technicians stab it in the back of the head and suck out it's brain.

Again, the only fetuses that is done to are ones which are so deformed by things like Brittle Bone Disease or Spina-Bifida, that they were only going to live short, miserable lives.

Again- Fucking Ghouls

If the baby slips out before the frankenstein apparatus is used, Dr. Northam has a solution "make the baby comfortable while it starves to death.

If a fetus slips out, it's usually in such bad shape, making it comfortable is all you really can do.
Because in some cases they are necessary.

You mean, why make her wait another two months until Globby is big enough to be born so she can watch him die, and maybe have her health ruined in the process.

Fucking Ghouls.
View attachment 1015862

Again, the only fetuses that is done to are ones which are so deformed by things like Brittle Bone Disease or Spina-Bifida, that they were only going to live short, miserable lives.

Again- Fucking Ghouls
View attachment 1015864

If a fetus slips out, it's usually in such bad shape, making it comfortable is all you really can do.
Globby and ghouls? I rest my case again.
And puleeeeze spare me the violin orchestra about Rape and Incest victims. Those cases comprise far less than 1 percent of all abortions. The narrative of "reproductive rights" has been brilliantly crafted by the Democrats to whip up the emotions of women. Period.

You don't need an abortion if you are on the pill and/or have safe sex, right? RIGHT? Do you get it now, it's another manufactured crisis by the Democrats that is a nothing burger.

I'm watching the ads between Kari Lake and Ruben Gallego here in Arizona and he has gone almost exclusively to an all out attack on Lake as an "extreme pro-lifer". And it's working so why should he have to say a single thing about what HIS policies and plans are? Just make commercials demonizing Lake on abortion and he's leading by 10 points. Fucking ridiculous.
Of course you always use a condom.
Apparently Democrats don't agree with you. "Reproductive Rights" and "Abortion Rights" really means "Unprotected Sex Rights".
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Ideally, contraception should always work and people should only get into positive relationships.

Real world. Contraception fail and that guy you had sex with is someone you never want to see again.

Thus, why abortion is a good thing.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Ideally, contraception should always work and people should only get into positive relationships.

Real world. Contraception fail and that guy you had sex with is someone you never want to see again.

Thus, why abortion is a good thing.
Abortion is a last resort bailout for irresponsible women. The Democrats have made it into a noble cause "protecting womens' bodies" and "protecting reproductive rights" and other total nonsense.
Abortion is a last resort bailout for irresponsible women. The Democrats have made it into a noble cause "protecting womens' bodies" and "protecting reproductive rights" and other total nonsense.

I'm glad they have that legal resort.

You seem to be leaving irresponsible men out of that equation.

Scratch a "pro-lifer", find a misogynist.
yes, you are pretty ghoulish.

A woman getting a D&X is having the worst day of her life, and you guys are just wanting to pile on.
I remember the worst day of my life but I won't elaborate. It's interesting that we might agree that a woman might face the worst day of her life during an abortion. Its reasonable to assume that an innocent woman who's genetic program and body has evolved for the protection and subsequent birth will endure depression and suicide and some PTSD but nobody gives a damn as long as the abortion industry can keep chugging along.
I remember the worst day of my life but I won't elaborate. It's interesting that we might agree that a woman might face the worst day of her life during an abortion. Its reasonable to assume that an innocent woman who's genetic program and body has evolved for the protection and subsequent birth will endure depression and suicide and some PTSD but nobody gives a damn as long as the abortion industry can keep chugging along.

Oh, I agree, if it was a baby you wanted and a doctor tells you that it will kill you OR that it will be horrifically deformed, THAT'S a bad day.

A woman who simply doesn't want a baby right now after she's missed one period... not so much.

Women who get abortions are NOT VICTIMS. they are not helpless little waifs being preyed upon by the abortion industry.

They have made a decision in their lives.

When I was in the service, there was this girl who was dating one of my fellow NCO's. She was not a stupid woman. She was college educated, from a very traditional Asian family who were devout Catholics.

The only problem was she picked a guy who was kind of a cad (at best) or just lacked the emotional maturity to commit to a relationship (at worst). But long and short, he wasn't making good on his promise to marry her.

Well, she stopped taking her birth control pills. She said that she didn't like the way they made her feel, I suspect she was hoping to get pregnant to finally get this jackass to commit. He broke up with her instead. He was kind enough to drive her to the abortion clinic.

But she made her decision, not her boyfriend, not her parents who had no idea what was going on and still thought she was a virgin at 21.
Oh, I agree, if it was a baby you wanted and a doctor tells you that it will kill you OR that it will be horrifically deformed, THAT'S a bad day.

A woman who simply doesn't want a baby right now after she's missed one period... not so much.

Women who get abortions are NOT VICTIMS. they are not helpless little waifs being preyed upon by the abortion industry.

They have made a decision in their lives.

When I was in the service, there was this girl who was dating one of my fellow NCO's. She was not a stupid woman. She was college educated, from a very traditional Asian family who were devout Catholics.

The only problem was she picked a guy who was kind of a cad (at best) or just lacked the emotional maturity to commit to a relationship (at worst). But long and short, he wasn't making good on his promise to marry her.

Well, she stopped taking her birth control pills. She said that she didn't like the way they made her feel, I suspect she was hoping to get pregnant to finally get this jackass to commit. He broke up with her instead. He was kind enough to drive her to the abortion clinic.

But she made her decision, not her boyfriend, not her parents who had no idea what was going on and still thought she was a virgin at 21.
How many births can be classified as "horrifically deformed" compared to the kids who are cared for in the St Jude hospital? Do we get to kill them because they are missing a limb or they show signs of Down's Syndrome? What line do we draw?
How many births can be classified as "horrifically deformed" compared to the kids who are cared for in the St Jude hospital? Do we get to kill them because they are missing a limb or they show signs of Down's Syndrome? What line do we draw?

I wouldn't draw the line anywhere, but the people who are going to be required to take care of that kid for the rest of his life probably should be able to, BEFORE it is born.

Hopefully, some day, we will genetically select all kids, and these will no longer be an issue.
And puleeeeze spare me the violin orchestra about Rape and Incest victims. Those cases comprise far less than 1 percent of all abortions. The narrative of "reproductive rights" has been brilliantly crafted by the Democrats to whip up the emotions of women. Period.

You don't need an abortion if you are on the pill and/or have safe sex, right? RIGHT? Do you get it now, it's another manufactured crisis by the Democrats that is a nothing burger.

I'm watching the ads between Kari Lake and Ruben Gallego here in Arizona and he has gone almost exclusively to an all out attack on Lake as an "extreme pro-lifer". And it's working so why should he have to say a single thing about what HIS policies and plans are? Just make commercials demonizing Lake on abortion and he's leading by 10 points. Fucking ridiculous.
Theoretically, if I'm a doctor, the narrative is by women, "My Body My Choice", but then in the same breath, "I demand an abortion". But as a doctor, it's my choice not to perform one.

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