The EU is about to destroy the Internet and no one seems to care.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The EU is about to destroy the Internet and no one seems to care.

Article 13 will ban memes, force websites to police every upload and force you to pay a tax for posting a link.

We have to stop this. The vote is this week.

SAVE YOUR INTERNET – DELETE ARTICLE 13: Why You Need to act NOW! – Save Your Internet

The EU is About to Destroy the Internet As We Know It

Oh but don't worry since most of you losrs live in your own fantasy world and will totally ignore it once it happens reality will smack you in the face of it all. Then you will say to yourself oh guess they weren't full of it after all lmfao.


Why You Need to act NOW! – Save Your Internet

On 20-21 June, the lead Committee in the European Parliament (EP), the Legal Affairs Committee, will vote on its Report on Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive. This vote is crucial to ensure that in the near future we will be able to enjoy the Internet, as we know and use it today. In order to save your Internet we need to convince the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) before 20 June to delete the Article 13 censorship machine in this copyright Directive. That’s why you need to act now: email, call or tweet using our tools to your national MEPs, to convince them to push back against Article 13 and to call on them to encourage their colleagues to join the fight.

We’ll briefly set out below what’s at stake if we fail to stop Article 13, what the state of play is in terms of the procedure, and why we believe that your voice can have a real impact.

What’s at stake if we fail to stop Article 13
In short: Article 13 will impose widespread censorship of all the content you share online, be it a parody video, a remix, a meme, a blog post, comments on Reddit, a piece of code, livestreaming your gaming experience, or even a link in a tweet. As Techdirt put it: Forget The GDPR, The EU's New Copyright Proposal Will Be A Complete And Utter Disaster For The Internet

Background: In September 2016, the European Commission (EC) introduced in this Directive a proposal, Article 13, which would require all Internet
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So people are not for improvement to the internet by getting rid of the bad that exploits and uses the internet freely to rape, pillage, and kill people ??

Just turn a blind eye to the bad in order to get ones way maybe ?

Is it about freedom of speech maybe ?? Otherwise is it about controlling speech that a political party or group doesn't believe in, and therefore a political party or group is trying to groom a nation into becoming liberal or conservative by controlling the messages or platforms being run on the internet ??

What's it about really ???
On 20-21 June, the lead Committee in the European Parliament (EP), the Legal Affairs Committee, will vote on its Report on Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive. This vote is crucial to ensure that in the near future we will be able to enjoy the Internet, as we know and use it today. In order to save your Internet we need to convince the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) before 20 June to delete the Article 13 censorship machine in this copyright Directive. That’s why you need to act now: email, call or tweet using our tools to your national MEPs, to convince them to push back against Article 13 and to call on them to encourage their colleagues to join the fight.

Why You Need to act NOW! – Save Your Internet
Obama, the gift that just keeps on giving. What a scourge on America he was.....

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