The FAKE GOP PLATFORM declared war on America decades ago LET'S TAKE AMERICA BACK!


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011

--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change


— Codify Glass-Steagall Act
--- Codify Elimination of Dark Money into Political Campaigns
--- Codify Good Wages
--- Codify AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance/ Single Payer
--- Codify Medicare
--- Codify Medicaid
--- Codify public education and Higher Education
--- Codify Social Security Insurance
--- Codify a strong economy through jobs for the USA workers
--- Codify Women's Right To Choose and Equal Pay
--- Codify Veterans Benefits with 8% annual increase to Disability Pay
--- Codify Voters Rights and Prosecute VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- Codify strict gun regulations/removal of assault weapons
--- Codify Funding For National Monuments/Parks
--- Codify Freedom of the press and Whistleblower protection
--- Codify USA Postal Service
--- Codify EPA/Restoration of Environmental Cleanliness
--- Codify Protection of USA Jobs through elimination of Tax Codes Which Encourage Outsourcing/Free Trade Agreements/ Leveraged Buyout Scams /Private Equity Scams

--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change


— Codify Glass-Steagall Act
--- Codify Elimination of Dark Money into Political Campaigns
--- Codify Good Wages
--- Codify AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance/ Single Payer
--- Codify Medicare
--- Codify Medicaid
--- Codify public education and Higher Education
--- Codify Social Security Insurance
--- Codify a strong economy through jobs for the USA workers
--- Codify Women's Right To Choose and Equal Pay
--- Codify Veterans Benefits with 8% annual increase to Disability Pay
--- Codify Voters Rights and Prosecute VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- Codify strict gun regulations/removal of assault weapons
--- Codify Funding For National Monuments/Parks
--- Codify Freedom of the press and Whistleblower protection
--- Codify USA Postal Service
--- Codify EPA/Restoration of Environmental Cleanliness
--- Codify Protection of USA Jobs through elimination of Tax Codes Which Encourage Outsourcing/Free Trade Agreements/ Leveraged Buyout Scams /Private Equity Scams
Be interesting to hear your reply when the gov collapses under its own weight
I bet it will be someone other than apologists like yourself for the above fore mentioned

--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change


— Codify Glass-Steagall Act
--- Codify Elimination of Dark Money into Political Campaigns
--- Codify Good Wages
--- Codify AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance/ Single Payer
--- Codify Medicare
--- Codify Medicaid
--- Codify public education and Higher Education
--- Codify Social Security Insurance
--- Codify a strong economy through jobs for the USA workers
--- Codify Women's Right To Choose and Equal Pay
--- Codify Veterans Benefits with 8% annual increase to Disability Pay
--- Codify Voters Rights and Prosecute VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- Codify strict gun regulations/removal of assault weapons
--- Codify Funding For National Monuments/Parks
--- Codify Freedom of the press and Whistleblower protection
--- Codify USA Postal Service
--- Codify EPA/Restoration of Environmental Cleanliness
--- Codify Protection of USA Jobs through elimination of Tax Codes Which Encourage Outsourcing/Free Trade Agreements/ Leveraged Buyout Scams /Private Equity Scams
LOL. Democrats have corrupted the US Justice system and the media, thrown the borders wide open and shipped illegals to every state, pushed more Americans into poverty attacked and weakened law enforcement, and have destabilized the world. Your lists are meaningless blather.
There is nothing smaller government about MAGA or ALEC so let's not kid ourselves. Fascism is all about
more government control and usually violent.
War on good wages? What the hell has old Brandon ever done besides collect a pay check from taxpayers? The former president paid good wages and built things and commie bureaucrats who never had a real job hate him for it.

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