The Fundamental Dishonesty of Democrats proven with their Project 2025 Trump smear.

And the Trumpsters continue to play their little game. They deny and attack, but they don't condemn the items in the report.

Then they try to turn it around and ASK for the questionable items, as if they want to know what's wrong with it.

They'd have no problem with it. They'll just continue to deny and attack, and they'll keep trying to put anyone who brings it up on the defensive.

In their world, this is the only way to save America from Evil. This is a jihad.
And the Trumpsters continue to play their little game. They deny and attack, but they don't condemn the items in the report.

Then they try to turn it around and ASK for the questionable items, as if they want to know what's wrong with it.

They'd have no problem with it. They'll just continue to deny and attack, and they'll keep trying to put anyone who brings it up on the defensive.

In their world, this is the only way to save America from Evil. This is a jihad.
Look at Mac as he casually turns the gaslight up, or is it off...?
These demented zombies are DESPERATE to peg this crap NARRATIVE on Trump.
They can't cite any reason to support their APPOINTED candidate, or excuse her PATHETIC "campaign", but oh boy that Orange Man is BAD.
What's funny is that these subverted morons actually believe their OWN bullshit without any sense of self-awareness that they look like deceptive MORONS trying SO hard to convince themselves that this LIE will make a difference.
Tough shit. It’s fun saying things that pisses off MAGA. Now you know what it’s been like arguing with MAGAmorons for nine years.

I've been here ten years swatting down haters. You just admitted you have no cogent argument so you just hurl insults and blurt nonsense like a junior high schooler. LOL
I've been here ten years swatting down haters. You just admitted you have no cogent argument so you just hurl insults and blurt nonsense like a junior high schooler. LOL
It’s the MAGA strategy. Insult, insult and then insult again. Don’t start whining about it now, snowflake.

No, said the timeline. Not until the backlash hit and Trump discarded them, did they say this. As you might recall, the director got fired for admitting Trump was very much involved, in the middle of the maelstrom of backlash.

The director.

Again, you seem to be an easy mark. How do you not see it?
What does that have to do with you being clueless about the project, yet hating it anyway, simply because you were told to?

Meanwhile, the Harris Campaign is on record as admitting they lied tying Trump to it.

Why would they do that, if it really was Trump's?

You sit patiently by your phone. I expect the Harris Campaign will send you a push alert any minute now explaining the dichotomy.

LOL! They don't explain anything. They tell you what to believe, and you just do as you're told.
And the Trumpsters continue to play their little game. They deny and attack, but they don't condemn the items in the report.

Then they try to turn it around and ASK for the questionable items, as if they want to know what's wrong with it.

They'd have no problem with it. They'll just continue to deny and attack, and they'll keep trying to put anyone who brings it up on the defensive.

In their world, this is the only way to save America from Evil. This is a jihad.
Oh, eat shit, you emotional child. We don't have to defend it because it's not Trump's platform. You hate it because you were told to hate it, but you don't have any idea why.

The Harris Campaign lied to you. But you lack the wit to condemn them for it.

Good little Democrat.

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