The Giggler is Prophesied to Win

It's going to be a messy ride down the toilet. I'm still expecting the American People to use a little sense in this upcoming election

Awesome .. couldn't do that Bush-Gore election because of unusual outcomes. Just like the 2024 election.

Good luck!
And Lichtman just blew up his career.

Dude shoulda known better.

He'll have some excuse come November, just watch.
Oh my heavens, Rhoda wants Lichtman cancelled because he disgrees with his analysis.

My advice to you is grow a pair and take news, good and bad, as an adult instead of a whiny entitled babe.
It's going to be a messy ride down the toilet. I'm still expecting the American People to use a little sense in this upcoming election

It is what it is......a prediction.

November 5th tells the final tale.

She has leveled over and is sinking in swing states.

You don't need to worry....just press forward.

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