The global socialists don't want Trump, Milei, Brexit or far right candidates. Yet, they refuse to alter policies, in some cases pushing worse ones..


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is what really suggests to me that they are the authoritarians who are using Goebbels method of blaming others of that which they do.

"Hey, you dont like our massive spending on 'climate change', taxing you for heating your home, forcing you to buy one particular vehicle type over another? You Gdamn fascists!"

You have Europe angry with the far-right, so they vote in far left.

You have Europe worried about WWIII, yet, they dont even manufacture the military gear needed to fight a war today let alone tomorrow.

The hypocrisy of these fools living in la la land as their enemies absorb all in their path is astounding.
This is what really suggests to me that they are the authoritarians who are using Goebbels method of blaming others of that which they do.

"Hey, you dont like our massive spending on 'climate change', taxing you for heating your home, forcing you to buy one particular vehicle type over another? You Gdamn fascists!"

You have Europe angry with the far-right, so they vote in far left.

You have Europe worried about WWIII, yet, they dont even manufacture the military gear needed to fight a war today let alone tomorrow.

The hypocrisy of these fools living in la la land as their enemies absorb all in their path is astounding.
I think it was George Washington who said, "the country that is constantly preparing for war will find that war". Very true. Europeans don`t need a lecture from a country that lied it`s way into Vietnam and Iraq.
I think it was George Washington who said, "the country that is constantly preparing for war will find that war". Very true. Europeans don`t need a lecture from a country that lied it`s way into Vietnam and Iraq.
George Washington never met a Russian leader.

Do you think Putin prefers a prepared Europe or an unprepared one? You don't arm yourself to go to war, you arm yourself to prevent war.
George Washington never met a Russian leader.

Do you think Putin prefers a prepared Europe or an unprepared one? You don't arm yourself to go to war, you arm yourself to prevent war.

Also George Washington didn't have an economy to govern dependent on Foreign Trade and access to certain raw materials we don't have domestically.
Also George Washington didn't have an economy to govern dependent on Foreign Trade and access to certain raw materials we don't have domestically.

Washington was a farmer ... and a leader of farmers ... 20 years before James Watt sold his first steam engine ...

Smooth-bore muskets ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
Your point?

Showing you argue with strawmen ... Washington's solders were ready for war ... so shouldn't European leaders get their soldiers ready for war ...

What the Whoremonger-in-Chief as to say: "Former President Donald Trump said Saturday he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” if it attacked a NATO country that didn't pay enough for defense." --- NBC News --- Feb 10th, 2024 ...
Showing you argue with strawmen ... Washington's solders were ready for war ... so shouldn't European leaders get their soldiers ready for war ...

What the Whoremonger-in-Chief as to say: "Former President Donald Trump said Saturday he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” if it attacked a NATO country that didn't pay enough fro defense." --- NBC News --- Feb 10th, 2024 ...

Not a strawman. Isolationism was far easier in the 1700's and 1800's than currently. Our economy now relies on easy access to foreign raw materials, strategic metals in particular.
This is what really suggests to me that they are the authoritarians who are using Goebbels method of blaming others of that which they do.

"Hey, you dont like our massive spending on 'climate change', taxing you for heating your home, forcing you to buy one particular vehicle type over another? You Gdamn fascists!"

You have Europe angry with the far-right, so they vote in far left.

You have Europe worried about WWIII, yet, they dont even manufacture the military gear needed to fight a war today let alone tomorrow.

The hypocrisy of these fools living in la la land as their enemies absorb all in their path is astounding.
Read about perpetual victims.

Not a strawman. Isolationism was far easier in the 1700's and 1800's than currently. Our economy now relies on easy access to foreign raw materials, strategic metals in particular.

And all other economies depend on that reliance ... where does the Japanese economy stand without Americans buying the consumer products produced there ... how does Canada and Mexico fair without USA burning through their oil ...

The video posted below is fun ... but the thing I want to point out is covered in the first 1'30" ... they using the same rhetoric as we're hearing today from Globalists ... except instead of multi-national ... it's multi-state ... steel is refined in Minnesota, aluminum in Washington State, rubber from Alabama ... isn't this better, and wouldn't the whole world involved be best? ...

I say no ... not completely ... every nation should be able to care for itself from within ... food, housing, clothing ... every state, every nation, should be able to provide that alone ... stuff on top of that can be globalized, but not the basics ...
And all other economies depend on that reliance ... where does the Japanese economy stand without Americans buying the consumer products produced there ... how does Canada and Mexico fair without USA burning through their oil ...

The video posted below is fun ... but the thing I want to point out is covered in the first 1'30" ... they using the same rhetoric as we're hearing today from Globalists ... except instead of multi-national ... it's multi-state ... steel is refined in Minnesota, aluminum in Washington State, rubber from Alabama ... isn't this better, and wouldn't the whole world involved be best? ...

I say no ... not completely ... every nation should be able to care for itself from within ... food, housing, clothing ... every state, every nation, should be able to provide that alone ... stuff on top of that can be globalized, but not the basics ...

There is a middle ground between full isolationism and globalism, one just has to realize that without some give and take, we can't just take the raw materials we need without taking other things these people are trying to sell.
There is a middle ground between full isolationism and globalism, one just has to realize that without some give and take, we can't just take the raw materials we need without taking other things these people are trying to sell.

What we've done in the past is just invade ... and insert a puppet government ... and have the puppets sell all the nation's land to American businesses ... like United Fruit Company in Central America ... the people were reduced to slaves ... The Baptista's in Cuba were particularly brutal, keeping the price of sugar down in the USA ...

These slaves have nothing ... least of all things to sell ... 20% of us don't even have electricity ... slaves don't need it to produce for the American or Chinese market ...
What we've done in the past is just invade ... and insert a puppet government ... and have the puppets sell all the nation's land to American businesses ... like United Fruit Company in Central America ... the people were reduced to slaves ... The Baptista's in Cuba were particularly brutal, keeping the price of sugar down in the USA ...

These slaves have nothing ... least of all things to sell ... 20% of us don't even have electricity ... slaves don't need it to produce for the American or Chinese market ...

that's kind of going backwards. Not needed these days.

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