The GOP is blowing it on the border issue

Why are Central and South American countries worthless shit holes from which their own people want to ESCAPE?


Corruption from whom?

The drug cartels.

How do the drug cartels have so much power?


How do they get the money?

Selling cocaine and marijuana.

Selling cocaine and marijuana to WHOM?
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Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
Ever see a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets his shotgun out to go shoot a wabbit. Misfortune sees to it the gun barrel bends a one-eighty, ergo pulling the trigger becomes a certain shot in the face.

Neighboring nations learned a lesson from Mexico where the people who come here send money home to mom and dad, which enriches el Presidente and his hombres leales (loyal men) many times over. America benefits from cheap labor, the laborers relatives back home no longer starve, and Mexico has more money that it ever dreamed of having, circulating around, buying not only survival needs, but money to raise more children to go north in due time. For America, we have our own rules that worked for us when we were only responsible for raising and educating our own children. In border states, those sending money home send their children to schools accustomed to a smaller population of people who can be tapped for taxes.

When illegal alien's children populate an area by doubling the number of elementary students with each wave of immigrants, poorer districts cannot raise enough money to hire more teachers, and state laws may (or not) limit the size of classes. So if a sample class started with 12 students, same-age illegal alien children may see the number climb to 25 kids with the same one teacher.

Some states require the passage of a comprehensive exam of sixth grader children who attend the school. If the extra baker's dozen of illegals came in the 4th grade, their teacher must make certain the children understand the English language pronto, because 2 or 3 years can pass quickly, and time would have to cause long school days to teach one group in English and one group in Spanish. Guess who gets the most of the teacher's time? Yep, the non-English speaking crowd who may also be required to show intelligence equivalent to those with the English language, only one teacher times the number.

The taxpayers may see a hike in taxes for schools, yet their own children learn less with virtually no teacher intervention in their behalf due to having herself spread too thin between the two groups of language diverse children. Higher taxes for tax payers, lower benefits for their own children. Illegals send half their money home, live off their own half, no school taxes to pay. Fair? Tell me.

How can we justify taking people's living wages away and give them to the income tax-invading, illegal aliens who contribute nothing unless they can find a job picking seasonal foods. The situation that arises from stealth, lying, and obfuscating what happens in school systems is causing the weapon barrel to bend and then remove the taxpayer who knows that barrel is pointed the wrong way.

Why do we allow this to happen? Because we do not enforce existent laws. Please do not let the aliens drain taxpayers who have their own families to mind.
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in the own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.

In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.

Maybe we should send the military in to do some regime change.

Conservatives have grown tired of being lectured about the bad conditions in foreign nations while the situation in our home country degrades.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Ya think so?

I think that if Trump told his followers the sky was green, they would say:

A). Yep. Green
B). Nah, he meant the sky was a greenish shade of blue
C). Obama blah blah blah 57 states

They can’t abandon Trump…they literally have nowhere else to go? What…Graham 2024?
Ever see a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets his shotgun out to go shoot a wabbit. Misfortune sees to it the gun barrel bends a one-eighty, ergo pulling the trigger becomes a certain shot in the face.

Neighboring nations learned a lesson from Mexico where the people who come here send money home to mom and dad, which enriches el Presidente and his hombres leales (loyal men) many times over. America benefits from cheap labor, the laborers relatives back home no longer starve, and Mexico has more money that it ever dreamed of having, circulating around, buying not only survival needs, but money to raise more children to go north in due time. For America, we have our own rules that worked for us when we were only responsible for raising and educating our own children. In border states, those sending money home send their children to schools accustomed to a smaller population of people who can be tapped for taxes.

When illegal alien's children populate an area by doubling the number of elementary students with each wave of immigrants, poorer districts cannot raise enough money to hire more teachers, and state laws may (or not) limit the size of classes. So if a sample class started with 12 students, same-age illegal alien children may see the number climb to 25 kids with the same one teacher.

Some states require the passage of a comprehensive exam of sixth grader children who attend the school. If the extra baker's dozen of illegals came in the 4th grade, their teacher must make certain the children understand the English language pronto, because 2 or 3 years can pass quickly, and time would have to cause long school days to teach one group in English and one group in Spanish. Guess who gets the most of the teacher's time? Yep, the non-English speaking crowd who may also be required to show intelligence equivalent to those with the English language, only one teacher times the number.

The taxpayers may see a hike in taxes for schools, yet their own children learn less with virtually no teacher intervention in their behalf due to having herself spread too thin between the two groups of language diverse children. Higher taxes for tax payers, lower benefits for their own children. Illegals send half their money home, live off their own half, no school taxes to pay. Fair? Tell me.

How can we justify taking people's living wages away and give them to the income tax-invading, illegal aliens who contribute nothing unless they can find a job picking seasonal foods. The situation that arises from stealth, lying, and obfuscating what happens in school systems is causing the weapon barrel to bend and then remove the taxpayer who knows that barrel is pointed the wrong way.

Why do we allow this to happen? Because we do not enforce existent laws. Please do not let the aliens drain taxpayers who have their own families to mind.
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in the own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.

In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
/----/ Yet we point that out every day - especially the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Which solves nothing.
Not our zoo, not our monkeys.
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in the own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.

In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
/----/ Yet we point that out every day - especially the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Which solves nothing.
Not our zoo, not our monkeys.
Great, keep doing and saying what you're doing and saying.

Maybe you'll get your partial, temporary wall.

That'll fix things, for sure.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.
So, how long should the prison sentence be for people who leave water and food along marked trails through these 'alleged' desolate areas?

Maybe half the length of those who reward illegal immigrants with jobs by intentionally not using E-verify for their farms, golf clubs, hotels, building construction etc?

You know... Like the Border Patrol Agents said...

"Walls and fences are temporary solutions that focus on the symptom (illegal immigration) rather than the problem (employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens). Walls and fences are only a speed bump. People who want to come to the United States to obtain employment will continue to go over, under, and around the walls and fences that are constructed. Walls and fences will undoubtedly result in an increase in fraudulent documents and smuggling through the Ports of Entry. Walls and fences do not solve the issue of people entering the country legally and staying beyond the date they are required to leave the country, a problem which will undoubtedly increase as more walls and fences are constructed. When speaking about illegal immigration, everyone appears to agree on one issue: an overwhelming majority of people enter the United States illegally to obtain employment. One can only conclude that the current problem for the United States is employers who hire illegal aliens. Illegal immigration is merely a symptom of that problem. Consequently, if any politicians are truly interested in stemming the flow of illegal immigration, then they should focus on the problem and stop focusing on the symptom. Therefore, to solve the problem, the United States should focus enforcement efforts on U.S. employers, not illegal aliens or the border. "
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.

When more and more kids get sick from Measels, Mumps, Shingles, and new Drug Resistant Diseases.....things like New Strains of Polio... I hope America turns on The Open Border, Globalist, America is The World's Piggy Bank......Free Shit for Everyone "LIBERALS" and gives them a BLOODY BEAT DOWN.

Seriously, it is at the point that Americans are just going to have to start rioting in the streets and directing their anger towards The Left like what we see in France.

Fuck you Lefty. Your policies kill Americans. So what should we do to stop you?
Your "Resistance" is bringing Drug Resistant Diseases in to America.

Deadly Fungal 'Superbug' Spreads Worldwide, Alarming Scientists

A deadly fungal infection that is resistant to major antimicrobial medications is spreading globally, and scientists aren't sure where it came from.

The fungus, called Candida auris, is a yeast that normally lives harmlessly on the skin and mucous membranes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to The New York Times, a drug-resistant form of the fungus has popped up across the globe, including in England, Spain, India, Venezuela and the United States.

"It is a creature from the black lagoon," Tom Chiller, the head of the fungal branch at the CDC, told the Times. "It bubbled up and now it is everywhere."

What makes the infection even more alarming is that the fungus persists on surfaces and has been documented spreading from person to personwithin hospitals and clinics. Half of residents tested at some nursing homes in the Chicago area were positive for C. auris, the Times reported. So far, the CDC has received 587 reports of cases in the United States.

C. auris infections are most deadly for those who already have compromised immune systems, including the elderly and the very young. The infection typically spreads within health care settings, often affecting those who are already in precarious health. The initial symptoms are fever, aches and fatigue, and the disease can be fatal, particularly if the yeast spreads to the blood, brain or heart.

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Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.
So, how long should the prison sentence be for people who leave water and food along marked trails through these 'alleged' desolate areas?
You are focusing on entirely the wrong problem. Your approach is nothing but hateful.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.

When more and more kids get sick from Measels, Mumps, Shingles, and new Drug Resistant Diseases.....things like New Strains of Polio... I hope America turns on The Open Border, Globalist, America is The World's Piggy Bank......Free Shit for Everyone "LIBERALS" and gives them a BLOODY BEAT DOWN.

Seriously, it is at the point that Americans are just going to have to start rioting in the streets and directing their anger towards The Left like what we see in France.

Fuck you Lefty. Your policies kill Americans. So what should we do to stop you?
Your "Resistance" is bringing Drug Resistant Diseases in to America.

Deadly Fungal 'Superbug' Spreads Worldwide, Alarming Scientists

A deadly fungal infection that is resistant to major antimicrobial medications is spreading globally, and scientists aren't sure where it came from.

The fungus, called Candida auris, is a yeast that normally lives harmlessly on the skin and mucous membranes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to The New York Times, a drug-resistant form of the fungus has popped up across the globe, including in England, Spain, India, Venezuela and the United States.

"It is a creature from the black lagoon," Tom Chiller, the head of the fungal branch at the CDC, told the Times. "It bubbled up and now it is everywhere."

What makes the infection even more alarming is that the fungus persists on surfaces and has been documented spreading from person to personwithin hospitals and clinics. Half of residents tested at some nursing homes in the Chicago area were positive for C. auris, the Times reported. So far, the CDC has received 587 reports of cases in the United States.

C. auris infections are most deadly for those who already have compromised immune systems, including the elderly and the very young. The infection typically spreads within health care settings, often affecting those who are already in precarious health. The initial symptoms are fever, aches and fatigue, and the disease can be fatal, particularly if the yeast spreads to the blood, brain or heart.
England, Spain, India, Venezuela and the United States.
I guess we'd better stop allowing anyone from those countries in, then. Oh, wait....
Canada is going to build a wall and shut down the Northern border if the US doesn't stop the flow of illegals through the US trying to enter Canada...They know how to say no...
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.
The "dems" passed funding that included fencing. Not Trump's 40' concrete wall.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.

When more and more kids get sick from Measels, Mumps, Shingles, and new Drug Resistant Diseases.....things like New Strains of Polio... I hope America turns on The Open Border, Globalist, America is The World's Piggy Bank......Free Shit for Everyone "LIBERALS" and gives them a BLOODY BEAT DOWN.

Seriously, it is at the point that Americans are just going to have to start rioting in the streets and directing their anger towards The Left like what we see in France.

Screw you Lefty. Your policies kill Americans. So what should we do to stop you?
Your "Resistance" is bringing Drug Resistant Diseases in to America.

Deadly Fungal 'Superbug' Spreads Worldwide, Alarming Scientists

A deadly fungal infection that is resistant to major antimicrobial medications is spreading globally, and scientists aren't sure where it came from.

The fungus, called Candida auris, is a yeast that normally lives harmlessly on the skin and mucous membranes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to The New York Times, a drug-resistant form of the fungus has popped up across the globe, including in England, Spain, India, Venezuela and the United States.

"It is a creature from the black lagoon," Tom Chiller, the head of the fungal branch at the CDC, told the Times. "It bubbled up and now it is everywhere."

What makes the infection even more alarming is that the fungus persists on surfaces and has been documented spreading from person to personwithin hospitals and clinics. Half of residents tested at some nursing homes in the Chicago area were positive for C. auris, the Times reported. So far, the CDC has received 587 reports of cases in the United States.

C. auris infections are most deadly for those who already have compromised immune systems, including the elderly and the very young. The infection typically spreads within health care settings, often affecting those who are already in precarious health. The initial symptoms are fever, aches and fatigue, and the disease can be fatal, particularly if the yeast spreads to the blood, brain or heart.
England, Spain, India, Venezuela and the United States.
I guess we'd better stop allowing anyone from those countries in, then. Oh, wait....

How dare you make light of children and the elderly dying because of diseases coming unchecked across our Southern Border.

Close the border, and then round up all The Liberals in the UNITED STATES, and throw them along with all of the Illegals over the wall. Then revoke Your Citizenship.

Dear Dumbass:

if you or anyone you know or love gets Candida Auris, you only have a 40% chance to live. I think it's time for a Civil War over this shit if you don't come to your senses.

To Hell with you. This is YOUR FAULT. To Hell with New York and all Sanctuary Cities. May they become a cesspool of Pestilence. Only the idiotic Left lives there anyways and The Country is better off without you. Thin the Herd!

Here is math for Liberals.

If 600 People get Candida A., how many are going to die?

Who cares? So long as they are all Liberals.

The Answer though is 360 Dead.

CDC reports the first US cases of deadly "super-fungus"

“It appears that C. auris arrived in the United States only in the past few years,” Dr. Tom Chiller, chief of the CDC’s Mycotic Diseases Branch, said in statement. He added that scientists are working to better understand the fungus so they can develop recommendations to protect those at risk."

600 cases of deadly fungus reported — two-thirds from New Jersey and New York City area

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Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.

When more and more kids get sick from Measels, Mumps, Shingles, and new Drug Resistant Diseases.....things like New Strains of Polio... I hope America turns on The Open Border, Globalist, America is The World's Piggy Bank......Free Shit for Everyone "LIBERALS" and gives them a BLOODY BEAT DOWN.

Seriously, it is at the point that Americans are just going to have to start rioting in the streets and directing their anger towards The Left like what we see in France.

Fuck you Lefty. Your policies kill Americans. So what should we do to stop you?
Your "Resistance" is bringing Drug Resistant Diseases in to America.

Deadly Fungal 'Superbug' Spreads Worldwide, Alarming Scientists

A deadly fungal infection that is resistant to major antimicrobial medications is spreading globally, and scientists aren't sure where it came from.

The fungus, called Candida auris, is a yeast that normally lives harmlessly on the skin and mucous membranes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to The New York Times, a drug-resistant form of the fungus has popped up across the globe, including in England, Spain, India, Venezuela and the United States.

"It is a creature from the black lagoon," Tom Chiller, the head of the fungal branch at the CDC, told the Times. "It bubbled up and now it is everywhere."

What makes the infection even more alarming is that the fungus persists on surfaces and has been documented spreading from person to personwithin hospitals and clinics. Half of residents tested at some nursing homes in the Chicago area were positive for C. auris, the Times reported. So far, the CDC has received 587 reports of cases in the United States.

C. auris infections are most deadly for those who already have compromised immune systems, including the elderly and the very young. The infection typically spreads within health care settings, often affecting those who are already in precarious health. The initial symptoms are fever, aches and fatigue, and the disease can be fatal, particularly if the yeast spreads to the blood, brain or heart.
England, Spain, India, Venezuela and the United States.
I guess we'd better stop allowing anyone from those countries in, then. Oh, wait....
----------------------------------------- if i understand your post number 291 closing words then that is what i do say , feck those people in the invading fifth column and ALL the others waiting to invade . There is no difference in 2019 between illegal and legal immigration . The USA with an existing USA Census population in 2010 of 310 million and uncounted millions of illegals in the USA sure doesn't need them OldLady .
In 1996, Congress provided in legislation that every immigrant entering the United States, or every individual seeking adjustment of status to that of a legal permanent resident, show proof that he or she was vaccinated against vaccine-preventable diseases. The text for this requirement is in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), section 212(a)(1)(A)(ii).
Vaccination Requirements
So Dumb Ass. After you catch Candida A and die from it, how are you going to find the Illegal Alien that gave it to you to make him follow this policy?

You are one stupid Leftard, since there are NO IMMUNIZATIONS possible against Candida A. It is a fungus. And a Drug Resistant Fungus. I'll put a Honduran flag on your grave if you let me know when the funeral is.

Why are liberals so terminally stupid?

We used to quarantine people on Ellis Island. Sometimes for months until they were disease free. These were LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. They were Europeans. Russian, Italian, English, Irish.

Oh it's Racist to detain Immigrants because of Health Issues?

Guess all these Europeans should apply for Reparations then.
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me
It s not illegal to seek asylum.
----------------------------- and that asylum TRICK and BS should be totally STOPPED RDave .

I think if you cross the border illegally and you ask for Asylum, they should just encase you in concrete and drop you back over your country from 1,000 feet.

And no that is not


because we have people from 160 countries crossing the Swiss Cheese Southern Border every day.

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