The guns and suicide issue? Why does Hawaii, with stricter gun control, have higher suicide rates than Texas?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
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The anti-gunners like to use suicide to lie about gun control. They claim to care about people who commit suicide, but are simply using them as a tool to push gun control. They try to say that American suicide is bad cause.....guns........but can't explain how it is that Japan, South Korea, China....and many, many European countries have higher suicide rates than we do....also Canada some years....

Now...let's watch them ignore the fact that Hawaii has higher suicide rates than many gun friendly island........and yet higher suicide rates...

Consider, for example, Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono’s (HI) implication that Hawaii’s residents are far safer than residents of states with less restrictive gun laws, simply because the state has a lower rate of gun violence.30

In 2019, Hawaii’s overall age-adjusted suicide rate was 15.64 deaths per 100,000 residents, significantly higher than the national average of 13.93, and even further behind Texas’ rate of 13.38.31

In fact, Hawaii’s age-adjusted suicide rate was higher than the national average in seven of the 10 years between 2011 and 2020, and higher than Texas’ rate in six of those 10 years.32

Id. In one of the four years during that time frame in which Hawaii had a lower age-adjusted suicide rate than Texas, both states were significantly below the national average, and their rates were within 0.1 deaths per 100,000 individuals.

In 2019, Hawaii’s age-adjusted homicide rate was 2.5 deaths per 100,000 residents, higher than Idaho, Maine, and Vermont, which received F, F, and C– ratings, respectively, that year from the Giffords State Gun Law Scorecard.33

It was also roughly on par with homicide rates in Iowa, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Utah, which received a C, C+, F, and D, respectively.34

Hawaii’s low rate of gun violence does not, in fact, make its residents less likely on the whole to die of suicide or homicide than millions of residents in states with less restrictive gun control laws. This is not unique to Hawaii or to any specific year. States like Oregon and Washington—which are highly rated by gun control groups—routinely have age-adjusted suicide rates far above the national average, and far above states like Texas and Florida, which are rated poorly by gun control groups.35

Meanwhile, Illinois and Maryland in recent years suffered from far higher homicide rates than states like Arizona, Texas, and Georgia.36
See Homicide Mortality by State, supra note 33.

The anti-gunners like to use suicide to lie about gun control. They claim to care about people who commit suicide, but are simply using them as a tool to push gun control. They try to say that American suicide is bad cause.....guns........but can't explain how it is that Japan, South Korea, China....and many, many European countries have higher suicide rates than we do....also Canada some years....

Now...let's watch them ignore the fact that Hawaii has higher suicide rates than many gun friendly island........and yet higher suicide rates...

Consider, for example, Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono’s (HI) implication that Hawaii’s residents are far safer than residents of states with less restrictive gun laws, simply because the state has a lower rate of gun violence.30

In 2019, Hawaii’s overall age-adjusted suicide rate was 15.64 deaths per 100,000 residents, significantly higher than the national average of 13.93, and even further behind Texas’ rate of 13.38.31

In fact, Hawaii’s age-adjusted suicide rate was higher than the national average in seven of the 10 years between 2011 and 2020, and higher than Texas’ rate in six of those 10 years.32

Id. In one of the four years during that time frame in which Hawaii had a lower age-adjusted suicide rate than Texas, both states were significantly below the national average, and their rates were within 0.1 deaths per 100,000 individuals.

In 2019, Hawaii’s age-adjusted homicide rate was 2.5 deaths per 100,000 residents, higher than Idaho, Maine, and Vermont, which received F, F, and C– ratings, respectively, that year from the Giffords State Gun Law Scorecard.33

It was also roughly on par with homicide rates in Iowa, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Utah, which received a C, C+, F, and D, respectively.34

Hawaii’s low rate of gun violence does not, in fact, make its residents less likely on the whole to die of suicide or homicide than millions of residents in states with less restrictive gun control laws. This is not unique to Hawaii or to any specific year. States like Oregon and Washington—which are highly rated by gun control groups—routinely have age-adjusted suicide rates far above the national average, and far above states like Texas and Florida, which are rated poorly by gun control groups.35

Meanwhile, Illinois and Maryland in recent years suffered from far higher homicide rates than states like Arizona, Texas, and Georgia.36
See Homicide Mortality by State, supra note 33.

You don't seem to be aware of any of the factors that contribute to a high suicide rate.
Is it your intent to examine the question of where guns are the method chosen?

America's military veterans who choose suicide will be likely to choose the gun.

Instead of harping on about your second amendment rights, you may want to consider having some compassion for suicide victims by considering the reason why the incidence is so high in America.

Sooner or later, people of decency are going to lose interest in your 2a bugaboo my friend. You'll be left with only the crazed extremists who brag about being a 14 year old 'Shooter'.
You don't seem to be aware of any of the factors that contribute to a high suicide rate.
Is it your intent to examine the question of where guns are the method chosen?

America's military veterans who choose suicide will be likely to choose the gun.

Instead of harping on about your second amendment rights, you may want to consider having some compassion for suicide victims by considering the reason why the incidence is so high in America.

Sooner or later, people of decency are going to lose interest in your 2a bugaboo my friend. You'll be left with only the crazed extremists who brag about being a 14 year old 'Shooter'.
LoL! Thanks for all the "data" provided in your subjective retort.
Prolly because men in Hawaii turn their rage inward onto themselves because they aren't allowed guns. But in Texas they can comfort themselves thinking about how they could go out and just shoot the SOBs.
They've never recovered from Pearl Harbor & now they know their homes will be under water in 6 months from climate change.
And then there is white supremacy, Jan 6 & unmasked purebloods trying to literally kill them, so what's the point in going on?

If DT sends out a mean tweet, be prepared for a mass suicide event in the Hawaiian Islands
America's military veterans who choose suicide will be likely to choose the gun.
Only because they have committed themselves to die
That being the case, not having access to a gun will not stop them.
Instead of harping on about your second amendment rights, you may want to consider having some compassion for suicide victims by considering the reason why the incidence is so high in America.
Fallacy: Non seq
It's perfectly possible to support 2A rights and have compassion for the suicidal.
The anti-gunners like to use suicide to lie about gun control. They claim to care about people who commit suicide, but are simply using them as a tool to push gun control. They try to say that American suicide is bad cause.....guns........but can't explain how it is that Japan, South Korea, China....and many, many European countries have higher suicide rates than we do....also Canada some years....

Now...let's watch them ignore the fact that Hawaii has higher suicide rates than many gun friendly island........and yet higher suicide rates...

Consider, for example, Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono’s (HI) implication that Hawaii’s residents are far safer than residents of states with less restrictive gun laws, simply because the state has a lower rate of gun violence.30

In 2019, Hawaii’s overall age-adjusted suicide rate was 15.64 deaths per 100,000 residents, significantly higher than the national average of 13.93, and even further behind Texas’ rate of 13.38.31

In fact, Hawaii’s age-adjusted suicide rate was higher than the national average in seven of the 10 years between 2011 and 2020, and higher than Texas’ rate in six of those 10 years.32

Id. In one of the four years during that time frame in which Hawaii had a lower age-adjusted suicide rate than Texas, both states were significantly below the national average, and their rates were within 0.1 deaths per 100,000 individuals.

In 2019, Hawaii’s age-adjusted homicide rate was 2.5 deaths per 100,000 residents, higher than Idaho, Maine, and Vermont, which received F, F, and C– ratings, respectively, that year from the Giffords State Gun Law Scorecard.33

It was also roughly on par with homicide rates in Iowa, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Utah, which received a C, C+, F, and D, respectively.34

Hawaii’s low rate of gun violence does not, in fact, make its residents less likely on the whole to die of suicide or homicide than millions of residents in states with less restrictive gun control laws. This is not unique to Hawaii or to any specific year. States like Oregon and Washington—which are highly rated by gun control groups—routinely have age-adjusted suicide rates far above the national average, and far above states like Texas and Florida, which are rated poorly by gun control groups.35

Meanwhile, Illinois and Maryland in recent years suffered from far higher homicide rates than states like Arizona, Texas, and Georgia.36
See Homicide Mortality by State, supra note 33.

[QUOTE="2aguy, post: 31630742, me...31630742, member: 50072"] [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]
The anti-gunners like to use suicide to lie about gun control. They claim to care about people who commit suicide, but are simply using them as a tool to push gun control. They try to say that American suicide is bad cause.....guns........but can't explain how it is that Japan, South Korea, China....and many, many European countries have higher suicide rates than we do....also Canada some years....

Now...let's watch them ignore the fact that Hawaii has higher suicide rates than many gun friendly island........and yet higher suicide rates...

Consider, for example, Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono’s (HI) implication that Hawaii’s residents are far safer than residents of states with less restrictive gun laws, simply because the state has a lower rate of gun violence.30

In 2019, Hawaii’s overall age-adjusted suicide rate was 15.64 deaths per 100,000 residents, significantly higher than the national average of 13.93, and even further behind Texas’ rate of 13.38.31

In fact, Hawaii’s age-adjusted suicide rate was higher than the national average in seven of the 10 years between 2011 and 2020, and higher than Texas’ rate in six of those 10 years.32

Id. In one of the four years during that time frame in which Hawaii had a lower age-adjusted suicide rate than Texas, both states were significantly below the national average, and their rates were within 0.1 deaths per 100,000 individuals.

In 2019, Hawaii’s age-adjusted homicide rate was 2.5 deaths per 100,000 residents, higher than Idaho, Maine, and Vermont, which received F, F, and C– ratings, respectively, that year from the Giffords State Gun Law Scorecard.33

It was also roughly on par with homicide rates in Iowa, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Utah, which received a C, C+, F, and D, respectively.34

Hawaii’s low rate of gun violence does not, in fact, make its residents less likely on the whole to die of suicide or homicide than millions of residents in states with less restrictive gun control laws. This is not unique to Hawaii or to any specific year. States like Oregon and Washington—which are highly rated by gun control groups—routinely have age-adjusted suicide rates far above the national average, and far above states like Texas and Florida, which are rated poorly by gun control groups.35

Meanwhile, Illinois and Maryland in recent years suffered from far higher homicide rates than states like Arizona, Texas, and Georgia.36
See Homicide Mortality by State, supra note 33.

You want suicide by the numbers then check out the one state(Alaska) that holds every record for most suicides in our America. No matter what the cause is that leads up to an Alaskan suicide I am a firm believer a lot has to depend on the EXTREME C-O-L-D, 24/7 perpetual darkness @ winter time, STRONG winds & a featureless landscape. With -20/-40F weather it's strictly an indoor lifestyle @ winter. Add in any wind velocity & it goes from nightmare status to a full blown holocaust. A power outage can spell death in short order. Folks need to live in close proximity to one another as well so to be close to social establishments for 'people company' because vehicles engines will not start even when equipped with a block heater. One MUST also have a heated dipstick to keep the viscosity of the engine oil fluid enough to flow.

Worse, the area I am describing above is the Fairbanks/North Pole & Eielson AFB area in the central mainland where winters are warmer. One finds their self stranded in the North Slope area during winter & weather can drop to -80F, without wind chill added in. I wisely declined any offers regardless of pay rate to even go up there to check it out in the warmer months. In the 5.5 yrs I spent in Alaska I experienced only two Williwaw's(Katabatic winds) one in central Alaska & the other out on Attu island. We had our bunker(reinforced Quonset hut) just about 700/800 hundred feet up from the beach located in Massacre bay. Our bunker was just about centered between west Massacre valley & east Massacre valley on a low knoll that separated the two valleys. That Williwaw that seemed to befall us in just a few minutes(had to be 100 knots or more) taxed me & our crew to the breaking point. I've heard cougars in the wild before & that hair raising screech of theirs, but those williwaw winds sounded to me like a hundred million women being burned alive @ the stake all @ once.

I just listed a few high lights of what I experienced during my tour in Alaska for an example of what a persons situation can deteriorate into. Guns do not kill people any more dead than baseball bats, knives & strangulation do. Individuals find their self in some pretty hopeless situations @ times. A safe bet is that suicide victims are suffering from 1) emotional turmoil/loneliness, 2) in dire financial straights, 3) lost a irreplaceable loved one(broken heart), or 4) all of the before mentioned. Political turmoil, an uncertain future, a divided society, corruption & financial distress can easily push one over the edge. The mode or weapon of choice to end ones own life matters little if any @ all. What DOES matter is HOW does one get into a situation so dire that suicide is a plausible way out? You tell me!
Why? democrats are all gutless queers.
The analysis 2aguy posts has nothing to do with deaths and guns. It has to do with suicide.

In fact, murder by gun in Texas when factored by the population differences is much higher than Hawaii.
The analysis 2aguy posts has nothing to do with deaths and guns. It has to do with suicide.

In fact, murder by gun in Texas when factored by the population differences is much higher than Hawaii.
You're a sorry liar!
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