The Height of Hypocrisy

Nature loves its top males to maximise gene spread .
It detests the litter runts .

Surely you do not want your pals to know you are one of the nerds , as well as someone incapable of seeing straight forward humour .

It’s invariably the ugly and not very bright who shout loudest when the good looking girls ignore them .
I know because I am one of the good looking girls and men without charm , talent and wealth are extremely boring .
And their kids so ugly .
Well then and using your way of thinking, we are way behind in "maximizing gene spread" as this is fact:


I guess there are a lot more "Top Males" that are Chinese or Indian than top males in the U.S.
Well then and using your way of thinking, we are way behind in "maximizing gene spread" as this is fact:

View attachment 1017915

I guess there are a lot more "Top Males" that are Chinese or Indian than top males in the U.S.

It is hardly the fault of Mother Nature if you gorge yourselves like pigs , live on drugs and medicines and suffer from excess estrogen and low testosterone levels
You chose as a group to defy Nature and so stop the bleating .
Bankrupt and failed America will be a very small chapter when the Book of History is compiled . Perhaps some thoughts on how to avoid self destruction and lack of good vision
Nothing more .
Yes , all of my friends see and understand that I am a cult .


It tends to happen to the wealthy and good looking .

christian scientists would agree with you.

We rather look down on nerds and those who cannot spot obvious humour

you don't say?

Now , run along and play

play is in my name...........

because I have no time for boring males .

i am a born & raised hetero female who is married to a Marine for 39 years, so i know what a real man is. too bad, so sad that you don't.

Trump tells women, ‘I will be your protector’

This is the man that has 26 women accusing him of sexually molesting them (with one attack confirmed in a court of law), was the one that was caught on tape saying "I will grab them by the pussy", and was the one that took their rights-to-their-own-bodies away from them (with the repeal of Roe vs Wade).

That is the man that says "I will protect the women"? That is the height of Hypocrisy

Wow, 5 commies on a schtick. ROFLMFAO


Trump tells women, ‘I will be your protector’

This is the man that has 26 women accusing him of sexually molesting them (with one attack confirmed in a court of law), was the one that was caught on tape saying "I will grab them by the pussy", and was the one that took their rights-to-their-own-bodies away from them (with the repeal of Roe vs Wade).

That is the man that says "I will protect the women"? That is the height of Hypocrisy

That's abuser language
The party that likes to fuck kids says the best way to protect women is to have 55-year old male truck drivers watch a 9-year old girl pee in the bathroom at Target. Or a male volleyball player spike the ball into a girls face and paralyze her from the neck down. Or put lipstick on the 587th ranked male swimmer and then he gets to crush all the actual girls who have worked their entire life to compete with other women.

View attachment 1017847
two_iron is thinking about homo stuff again.
The height of sock puppetry.

How long do we have to keep pretending that you aren't The Wanker?
A caring and humble man .
No wonder so many of my sisters find him irresistible .
If only more male nerds followed his great example
They found his wallet irresistible until now. As Melania is finding out, it’s getting kind of lite!


Trump tells women, ‘I will be your protector’

This is the man that has 26 women accusing him of sexually molesting them (with one attack confirmed in a court of law), was the one that was caught on tape saying "I will grab them by the pussy", and was the one that took their rights-to-their-own-bodies away from them (with the repeal of Roe vs Wade).

That is the man that says "I will protect the women"? That is the height of Hypocrisy

geez is that Whoopi? What the F happened to her?
Wow someone just discovered there is hypocrisy in politics. Same type of hypocrisy we see when someone said they support mandatory gun buy backs cute way of saying gun confiscation now claims they will protect and defend your second amendment rights.
Hypocrisy is claiming abortion is women's healthcare, pregnancy is not a disease.

The difference of opinion is not just between you and me but between millions of people, many of whom believe as you do and many of whom believe as I do.

I do not believe you can consider a fetus a living human being because he is totally dependent on the mother. Without her, the fetus cannot live. I am willing to compromise with abortions not occurring after 15 weeks, other than those where the mother's life is at stake. The mother is always more important than the fetus. Nonetheless and up to 15 weeks, I believe the woman has 100% option of doing what she wants with her body.

You as well as most anti-abortionists believe differently and I am not going to change your mind and you are not going to change mine. As such, what needs to happen "as a nation that needs to be united", is to compromise. The health of the nation is always more important than the health of a fetus. A nation in disarray will have many more unnecessary deaths, more than those of women that want to abort their fetus.
The difference of opinion is not just between you and me but between millions of people, many of whom believe as you do and many of whom believe as I do.

I do not believe you can consider a fetus a living human being because he is totally dependent on the mother. Without her, the fetus cannot live. I am willing to compromise with abortions not occurring after 15 weeks, other than those where the mother's life is at stake. The mother is always more important than the fetus. Nonetheless and up to 15 weeks, I believe the woman has 100% option of doing what she wants with her body.

You as well as most anti-abortionists believe differently and I am not going to change your mind and you are not going to change mine. As such, what needs to happen "as a nation that needs to be united", is to compromise. The health of the nation is always more important than the health of a fetus. A nation in disarray will have many more unnecessary deaths, more than those of women that want to abort their fetus.

So you believe in elective abortions for convince, instead of insisting a woman live responsibly. And without the existence of a fetus you wouldn't be here. So tell me again how a fetus is not a living human being. The term "fetus" is used in science to describe a stage of early human development and is a living human being. You claim to live by facts, and what I just said is a fact.

So you believe in elective abortions for convince, instead of insisting a woman live responsibly. And without the existence of a fetus you wouldn't be here. So tell me again how a fetus is not a living human being. The term "fetus" is used in science to describe a stage of early human development and is a living human being. You claim to live by facts, and what I just said is a fact.

This is not a topic I want to discuss. Neither of us can prove 100% the other right or wrong. Neither is an established fact of life. Everyone (including scientists) have different opinions on the subject.
Really, tell me what I got wrong.

You didn't read my last post? Let me say it again, this is not a topic I am going to discuss with you (or anyone else). There is no established right or wrong.

You want proof of my statement?

Here it is. In 1973, the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES made abortion legal. In 1922 the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES made abortion illegal (or at least gave the right to States to make it illegal). This means that if the ultimate decider in the U.S. of what is right or wrong could not agree with themselves on what is the correct answer, how can you and I decide what is correct?
You didn't read my last post? Let me say it again, this is not a topic I am going to discuss with you (or anyone else). There is no established right or wrong.

You want proof of my statement?

Here it is. In 1973, the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES made abortion legal. In 1922 the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES made abortion illegal (or at least gave the right to States to make it illegal). This means that if the ultimate decider in the U.S. of what is right or wrong could not agree with themselves on what is the correct answer, how can you and I decide what is correct?

Well child, if you didn't want to discuss the topic, perhaps you shouldn't have started a thread on it. What you should really be doing is, asking yourself why facts make you so uncomfortable.

Well child, if you didn't want to discuss the topic, perhaps you shouldn't have started a thread on it. What you should really be doing is, asking yourself why facts make you so uncomfortable.

The thread is about Trump promising women he will protect them and him being a sexual predator and a hypocrite. The thread is not about the abortion issue. That was something Trump said and that I DID NOT key on.

Do you have any problems in reading or understanding?
The thread is about Trump promising women he will protect them and him being a sexual predator and a hypocrite. The thread is not about the abortion issue. That was something Trump said and that I DID NOT key on.

Do you have any problems in reading or understanding?

Yet your video spent the majority of the time on abortion, GO FIGURE.


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