The History behind Normalizing Homosexuality...

The Science didn't Change... The Politics did. :thup:

The APA Reacted to Protests... They didn't Root their Change in Science or Evidence... It was simply a Reaction to Protests and Social Winds at the time.



Science is always changing and growing the more we study and learn, my son.

Science does not remain stagnant.

Politics are always politics.


When this Happened there was no Change or Evolution in their Science...

They simply Reacted to the Protests and Decided it wasnt' worth the Negative Press.

It's History... do what you want with it.

The APA wasn't Anti-Gay calling Homosexuality a "Mental Disorder" in the early 70's simply because Gays are "icky".

Link me where their previous Science was Negated by New Science when they Changed their Position?...

You can't.



Wow...the "flat Earth" theorists, finally became aware that the Earth was round...but let's hold on to the notion that they were accurate in their assessment, in the very beginning. LOLOLOL.
You're obviously confused and showing your inability to follow along with the argument. I don't know why, it's pretty simple to comprehend here.

Here it is again in reader's digest condensed version. Please do try to pay attention this time, lil guy.

The argument was that homosexuality isn't natural.

I stated that it is natural as defined by Webster's dictionary because it occurs in nature (about 1500 species of animals and i provided a link to a study which attests to same.)

My argument had naught to do with using animal behavior to validate human behavior, it was merely to show that homosexuality is natural.

Either you are rather dimwitted and extremely dense and legitimately can't comprehend this simple fact....

....or you do understand what this min-debate was about and you are using deception to fallaciously move the goal posts.

Why is that?

Because you, Micro-Mal are not Honest... Your Agenda of hate is not Honest...

And your societal moral Deviation has not Validation on it's own. Your bigoted hatred of and illogical prejudiced toward those who have done you no ill is immoral and irrational.

You lack integrity, honor, respect for others, and courage.

Again, Load that should've been Swallowed...

You did nothing to Refute my Observation that you are using a Certain Animal Behavior to try to Justify and or Validate Human Sexual Deviancies.

Good luck with that. I Prefer to not find my Validation in what Animals do.

I can see why you have to go there thought... :rofl:



That's seem to me to be the epitome of an animal, what with that "self-preservation" and "king of the jungle" shit mentality you espouse. And, again, "can" the "homoerotic" references, they don't reflect well on you.

Odd that you Assume a Man Swallowing... I was Suggesting that PJC didn't need to Exist...

Are you under the Impression that Men can Pregnant?


Again, Load that should've been Swallowed...

You did nothing to Refute my Observation that you are using a Certain Animal Behavior to try to Justify and or Validate Human Sexual Deviancies.

Good luck with that. I Prefer to not find my Validation in what Animals do.

I can see why you have to go there thought... :rofl:



That's seem to me to be the epitome of an animal, what with that "self-preservation" and "king of the jungle" shit mentality you espouse. And, again, "can" the "homoerotic" references, they don't reflect well on you.

Odd that you Assume a Man Swallowing... I was Suggesting that PJC didn't need to Exist...

Are you under the Impression that Men can Pregnant?



Oh, I'm sorry...I had you mistaken for someone "fluent" in Standard English. I cannot converse with retards. Sorry. My bad. (Straight to ignore)
Science is always changing and growing the more we study and learn, my son.

Science does not remain stagnant.

Politics are always politics.


When this Happened there was no Change or Evolution in their Science...

They simply Reacted to the Protests and Decided it wasnt' worth the Negative Press.

It's History... do what you want with it.

The APA wasn't Anti-Gay calling Homosexuality a "Mental Disorder" in the early 70's simply because Gays are "icky".

Link me where their previous Science was Negated by New Science when they Changed their Position?...

You can't.



Wow...the "flat Earth" theorists, finally became aware that the Earth was round...but let's hold on to the notion that they were accurate in their assessment, in the very beginning. LOLOLOL.

When you have Link to the APA's Science Changing on the Issue at the time you let me know...

It was a Political Reaction and they can't take issue with the Reasoning they had prior to it for Classifying Homosexuality as a Mental Disorder...

They simply don't Address it... Convenient.


Buuuut, I’ll take the high road and be the better man by providing my links first. Hopefully you will have the honor and integrity of reciprocating by providing your links to support your claims as well.

Here you go:
>>>www dot<<<

Will you show integrity and honor by now providing your links, or will you not?

Balls in your court.[/color]

Animals do ALL Sorts of things... When you guys try to Justify your Defiance of your Natural Equipment and Design with what Animals do...

You really Invite Analogies to Beastiality. :thup:

Did you know that Animals Eat their Young?...

They also Engage in Interspecies Sexual Contact... True Story.

Let me Guess... You only want to Selectively look at the Animal Kingdom?...

You must be a Liberal. :rofl:



Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex. Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender. With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.
Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.
Last edited:
"Normal" if you wish to consider it a "human condition". Highly abnormal if you consider natural law."

As you said: Links, documentation, and specific instances."


That is unless your rules concerning "links, documentation, and specific instances apply to others...but don't apply to you???

You decide, then get back with me.


I express my opinion based on observation and study. You make a quantifiable assertion. Or is it simply your opinion that 1500 species of animals are homosexual?

chuckle chuckle. showed your lack of integrity and honor...just like i knew you would. thanks

One based one's opinions off of facts if one's opinions are sound and valid; if one (you in this case) can not produce facts to support one's opinions, then those opinions are unsound, invalid, and possibly based merely upon irrational presumption and illogical prejudices.

So, you admit you have no facts.

thanks for playin'..



Nor have you provided anything other than an exhibition of your fear of rejection by normal, mentally stable adults. But that's OK. You keep on playing with yourself, son.
I express my opinion based on observation and study. You make a quantifiable assertion. Or is it simply your opinion that 1500 species of animals are homosexual?

chuckle chuckle. showed your lack of integrity and honor...just like i knew you would. thanks

One based one's opinions off of facts if one's opinions are sound and valid; if one (you in this case) can not produce facts to support one's opinions, then those opinions are unsound, invalid, and possibly based merely upon irrational presumption and illogical prejudices.

So, you admit you have no facts.

thanks for playin'..



Nor have you provided anything other than an exhibition of your fear of rejection by normal, mentally stable adults. But that's OK. You keep on playing with yourself, son.

"Normal" and "stable" are relative terms. You strike me as anything but "normal" or "stable".
Buuuut, I’ll take the high road and be the better man by providing my links first. Hopefully you will have the honor and integrity of reciprocating by providing your links to support your claims as well.

Here you go:
>>>www dot<<<

Will you show integrity and honor by now providing your links, or will you not?

Balls in your court.[/color]

Animals do ALL Sorts of things... When you guys try to Justify your Defiance of your Natural Equipment and Design with what Animals do...

You really Invite Analogies to Beastiality. :thup:

Did you know that Animals Eat their Young?...

They also Engage in Interspecies Sexual Contact... True Story.

Let me Guess... You only want to Selectively look at the Animal Kingdom?...

You must be a Liberal. :rofl:



Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex. Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender. With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.
Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.

They're Fucking Dishonest... They Target Children... They Deny History... And they Defy the Equipment that Nature Provided them and Demand that Society Embraces it as the same as what Created them...

Seriously... Mental Disorder was Accurate. :thup:


Buuuut, I’ll take the high road and be the better man by providing my links first. Hopefully you will have the honor and integrity of reciprocating by providing your links to support your claims as well.

Here you go:
>>>www dot<<<

Will you show integrity and honor by now providing your links, or will you not?

Balls in your court.[/color]

Animals do ALL Sorts of things... When you guys try to Justify your Defiance of your Natural Equipment and Design with what Animals do...

You really Invite Analogies to Beastiality. :thup:

Did you know that Animals Eat their Young?...

They also Engage in Interspecies Sexual Contact... True Story.

Let me Guess... You only want to Selectively look at the Animal Kingdom?...

You must be a Liberal. :rofl:



Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex.

Then what significance does Electra Complex have???? Again, you don't know what you're talking about.

Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender.
BS. Find the documentation for that lie.

With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.

Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.

And yet, still, More BS. Newsflash. No one is buying your fucked up notions or your explanation of homosexuality. You've confused your opinion with truth. It is not.
And of course, you have no documentation to support your views.
Animals do ALL Sorts of things... When you guys try to Justify your Defiance of your Natural Equipment and Design with what Animals do...

You really Invite Analogies to Beastiality. :thup:

Did you know that Animals Eat their Young?...

They also Engage in Interspecies Sexual Contact... True Story.

Let me Guess... You only want to Selectively look at the Animal Kingdom?...

You must be a Liberal. :rofl:



Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex. Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender. With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.
Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.

They're Fucking Dishonest... They Target Children... They Deny History... And they Defy the Equipment that Nature Provided them and Demand that Society Embraces it as the same as what Created them...

Seriously... Mental Disorder was Accurate. :thup:



Uh, Homosexuals as a rule, are not interested in children. Pedophiles, which can be heterosexual or homosexual are attracted to children. Let's be clear.
And your opinion is not truth.
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Official Statement Concerning Homosexuality from the American Medical Association | CLGS

Official Statement Concerning Homosexuality from the American Medical Association

In an excerpt from their Policy on the Health Care Needs of the Homosexual Population (H-160.991), the American Medical Association states:

Our AMA: (1) believes that the physician's nonjudgmental recognition of sexual orientation and behavior enhances the ability to render optimal patient care in health as well as in illness... With the help of the gay and lesbian community and through a cooperative effort between physician and the homosexual patient effective progress can be made in treating the medical needs of this particular segment of the population; (2) is committed to taking a leadership role in: (a) educating physicians on the current state of research in and knowledge of homosexuality and the need to take an adequate sexual history; these efforts should start in medical school, but must also be a part of continuing medical education; (b) educating physicians to recognize the physical and psychological needs of their homosexual patients; (c) encouraging the development of educational programs for homosexuals to acquaint them with the diseases for which they are at risk; (d) encouraging physicians to seek out local or national experts in the health care needs of gay men and lesbians so that all physicians will achieve a better understanding of the medical needs of this population; and (e) working with the gay and lesbian community to offer physicians the opportunity to better understand the medical needs of homosexual and bisexual patients; and (3) opposes, the use of "reparative" or "conversion" therapy that is based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon the a priori assumption that the patient should change his/her homosexual orientation.

Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex. Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender. With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.
Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.

They're Fucking Dishonest... They Target Children... They Deny History... And they Defy the Equipment that Nature Provided them and Demand that Society Embraces it as the same as what Created them...

Seriously... Mental Disorder was Accurate. :thup:



Uh, Homosexuals as a rule, are not interested in children. Pedophiles, which can be heterosexual or homosexual are attracted to children. Let's be clear.
And your opinion is not truth.
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Official Statement Concerning Homosexuality from the American Medical Association | CLGS

Official Statement Concerning Homosexuality from the American Medical Association

In an excerpt from their Policy on the Health Care Needs of the Homosexual Population (H-160.991), the American Medical Association states:

Our AMA: (1) believes that the physician's nonjudgmental recognition of sexual orientation and behavior enhances the ability to render optimal patient care in health as well as in illness... With the help of the gay and lesbian community and through a cooperative effort between physician and the homosexual patient effective progress can be made in treating the medical needs of this particular segment of the population; (2) is committed to taking a leadership role in: (a) educating physicians on the current state of research in and knowledge of homosexuality and the need to take an adequate sexual history; these efforts should start in medical school, but must also be a part of continuing medical education; (b) educating physicians to recognize the physical and psychological needs of their homosexual patients; (c) encouraging the development of educational programs for homosexuals to acquaint them with the diseases for which they are at risk; (d) encouraging physicians to seek out local or national experts in the health care needs of gay men and lesbians so that all physicians will achieve a better understanding of the medical needs of this population; and (e) working with the gay and lesbian community to offer physicians the opportunity to better understand the medical needs of homosexual and bisexual patients; and (3) opposes, the use of "reparative" or "conversion" therapy that is based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon the a priori assumption that the patient should change his/her homosexual orientation.


Diseases in deed...

They are still 70% of New Infections from HIV in the First World...

Part of why the APA Classified what they are as they did 40 years ago.

As for the Molestation thing... A Male who Molests Exclusively Male Victims when they have Access to both Genders is a Homosexual.

You can try to Hide those Details all you want with your "Rainbow" link from a University.

And you can also try to Ignore that the ILGA was bust with NAMBLA in 1994 and that NAMBLA used to March in Gay Parades regularly.

It's also some of this same Liberal Psychologists who are Arguing that Adult/Child Sex ain't so bad.

Need Link to that?...


The best part about this History is that at this time Gay Organizations were Directly in Line with and Marching with NAMBLA... Fact not Fiction.

It wasn't until 1994 that the Gay Community was finally "outed" regarding their Ties to NAMBLA when the ILGA was removed from the World Conference on Population and Disease for it.

Since that year, they have been Smart enough to Avoid their old Friends...

But not always:

University of Minnesota Press book challenges anxiety about pedophilia

Mark O'Keefe Newhouse News Service
Published Mar 26, 2002

Source: News, weather, sports from Minneapolis, St. Paul and Minnesota (Link has since been Purged by the Star... Of course... But I have the entire thing here)

Sex between adults and children has been a societal taboo so strong that it's considered one of our few unquestioned moral principles. But arguments have emerged in academic journals, books and online that at least some such sex should be acceptable, especially when children consent to it...

With more research, some scholars say, it may be only a matter of time before modern society accepts adult-child sex, just as it has learned to accept premarital sex and homosexual sex.

"Children are the last bastion of the old sexual morality," wrote one of the trailblazers for this view, Harris Mirkin, an associate professor of political science at the University of Missouri-Kansas City...

Mirkin, whose academic specialty is the politics of sex, wrote in a 1999 article published in The Journal of Homosexuality that society perceives youths as seduced, abused victims and not "partners or initiators or willing participants" in sex with adults, "even if they are hustlers."

In an interview, Mirkin said the outrage surrounding the Roman Catholic Church's pedophilia scandal illustrates how the public views acts of intergenerational contact as "one big blur" of child abuse when it's likely "very, very mild stuff."

"We say if someone touches or molests or diddles or whatever a kid it will ruin the rest of their life. I don't believe it. I think kids are more likely to laugh at it more than anything else -- unless the whole culture says this is the most horrible thing that can happen to you."

Mirkin is not alone in questioning whether children are harmed by sexual contact with adults. The March 2002 American Psychologist devotes its entire issue to the ongoing fallout of a journal article that did just that.

The piece, in the July 1998 issue of Psychological Bulletin, was written by Bruce Rind, then an assistant professor of psychology at Temple University; Robert Bauserman, a lecturer then with the department of psychology at the University of Michigan; and Philip Tromovitch, then pursuing a doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania.

The trio reviewed 59 studies of college students who, as children, had sexual interaction with significantly older people or were coerced into sexual activity with someone of their own age. They concluded that negative effects "were neither pervasive nor typically intense, and that men reacted much less negatively than women." It recommended that a child's "willing encounter with positive reactions" be called "adult-child sex" instead of "abuse."

A soon-to-be-released book, "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex," is being advertised by its publisher, University of Minnesota Press, as challenging widespread anxieties about pedophilia.

In an interview, the book's author, journalist Judith Levine, praised the Rind study as evidence that "doesn't line up with the ideology that it's always harmful for kids to have sexual relationships with adults."

She said the pedophilia among Roman Catholic priests is complicated to analyze, because it's almost always secret, considered forbidden and involves an authority figure.

She added, however, that, "yes, conceivably, absolutely" a boy's sexual experience with a priest could be positive."...

You can read MOAR at the link under the headline. :thup:

Of course I will be Attacked for Observing what is... But what I have Posted is 100% True.

And if you Doubt for a Minute that the Pedo's are the Gays of the 50's and 60's right now to the Gay Community, then you are kidding yourselves.

The ONLY Reason most of them Distances themselves from NAMBLA and the others is because they got Caught and it Harmed their own Agenda.

History is what it is... If you want to be Angry about History then so be it.


^There it is. :thup:


Animals do ALL Sorts of things... When you guys try to Justify your Defiance of your Natural Equipment and Design with what Animals do...

You really Invite Analogies to Beastiality. :thup:

Did you know that Animals Eat their Young?...

They also Engage in Interspecies Sexual Contact... True Story.

Let me Guess... You only want to Selectively look at the Animal Kingdom?...

You must be a Liberal. :rofl:



Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex. Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender. With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.
Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.

They're Fucking Dishonest... They Target Children... They Deny History... And they Defy the Equipment that Nature Provided them and Demand that Society Embraces it as the same as what Created them...

Seriously... Mental Disorder was Accurate. :thup:



Money can buy you anything. Homosexuals have managed to buy and badger legitimacy.
"Normal" if you wish to consider it a "human condition". Highly abnormal if you consider natural law."

As you said: Links, documentation, and specific instances."


That is unless your rules concerning "links, documentation, and specific instances apply to others...but don't apply to you???

You decide, then get back with me.


I express my opinion based on observation and study. You make a quantifiable assertion. Or is it simply your opinion that 1500 species of animals are homosexual?

chuckle chuckle. showed your lack of integrity and honor...just like i knew you would. thanks

One based one's opinions off of facts if one's opinions are sound and valid; if one (you in this case) can not produce facts to support one's opinions, then those opinions are unsound, invalid, and possibly based merely upon irrational presumption and illogical prejudices.

So, you admit you have no facts.

thanks for playin'..



Now I have a moment.
First, I qualify my opinions as based on personal observation and study of both psychology and the biological sciences. Unlike you, I am fully capable of thinking for myself and do not need to constantly regurgitate current talking points or "facts" I am spoon fed by partisan hacks driven by an agenda in an attempt to legitimize my thoughts.
Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex. Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender. With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.
Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.

They're Fucking Dishonest... They Target Children... They Deny History... And they Defy the Equipment that Nature Provided them and Demand that Society Embraces it as the same as what Created them...

Seriously... Mental Disorder was Accurate. :thup:



Money can buy you anything. Homosexuals have managed to buy and badger legitimacy.

They tend to be very well off on average...


Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex. Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender. With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.
Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.

They're Fucking Dishonest... They Target Children... They Deny History... And they Defy the Equipment that Nature Provided them and Demand that Society Embraces it as the same as what Created them...

Seriously... Mental Disorder was Accurate. :thup:



Money can buy you anything. Homosexuals have managed to buy and badger legitimacy.

Bitch please. We were always legitimate, if only in our own minds. The truth is you don't have the money or the influence to deny us any longer. You better ask somebody.
They're Fucking Dishonest... They Target Children... They Deny History... And they Defy the Equipment that Nature Provided them and Demand that Society Embraces it as the same as what Created them...

Seriously... Mental Disorder was Accurate. :thup:



Uh, Homosexuals as a rule, are not interested in children. Pedophiles, which can be heterosexual or homosexual are attracted to children. Let's be clear.
And your opinion is not truth.
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Official Statement Concerning Homosexuality from the American Medical Association | CLGS

Official Statement Concerning Homosexuality from the American Medical Association

In an excerpt from their Policy on the Health Care Needs of the Homosexual Population (H-160.991), the American Medical Association states:

Our AMA: (1) believes that the physician's nonjudgmental recognition of sexual orientation and behavior enhances the ability to render optimal patient care in health as well as in illness... With the help of the gay and lesbian community and through a cooperative effort between physician and the homosexual patient effective progress can be made in treating the medical needs of this particular segment of the population; (2) is committed to taking a leadership role in: (a) educating physicians on the current state of research in and knowledge of homosexuality and the need to take an adequate sexual history; these efforts should start in medical school, but must also be a part of continuing medical education; (b) educating physicians to recognize the physical and psychological needs of their homosexual patients; (c) encouraging the development of educational programs for homosexuals to acquaint them with the diseases for which they are at risk; (d) encouraging physicians to seek out local or national experts in the health care needs of gay men and lesbians so that all physicians will achieve a better understanding of the medical needs of this population; and (e) working with the gay and lesbian community to offer physicians the opportunity to better understand the medical needs of homosexual and bisexual patients; and (3) opposes, the use of "reparative" or "conversion" therapy that is based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon the a priori assumption that the patient should change his/her homosexual orientation.


Diseases in deed...

They are still 70% of New Infections from HIV in the First World...

Part of why the APA Classified what they are as they did 40 years ago.

As for the Molestation thing... A Male who Molests Exclusively Male Victims when they have Access to both Genders is a Homosexual.

You can try to Hide those Details all you want with your "Rainbow" link from a University.

And you can also try to Ignore that the ILGA was bust with NAMBLA in 1994 and that NAMBLA used to March in Gay Parades regularly.

It's also some of this same Liberal Psychologists who are Arguing that Adult/Child Sex ain't so bad.

Need Link to that?...



LOL. The same diseases you're subject to if you don't wear a condom...
More heterosexuals are infected than are homosexuals, world wide, in case you didn't know. I'd be careful, on your next vacation overseas, if I were you.
Uh, Homosexuals as a rule, are not interested in children. Pedophiles, which can be heterosexual or homosexual are attracted to children. Let's be clear.
And your opinion is not truth.
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Official Statement Concerning Homosexuality from the American Medical Association | CLGS

Official Statement Concerning Homosexuality from the American Medical Association

In an excerpt from their Policy on the Health Care Needs of the Homosexual Population (H-160.991), the American Medical Association states:

Our AMA: (1) believes that the physician's nonjudgmental recognition of sexual orientation and behavior enhances the ability to render optimal patient care in health as well as in illness... With the help of the gay and lesbian community and through a cooperative effort between physician and the homosexual patient effective progress can be made in treating the medical needs of this particular segment of the population; (2) is committed to taking a leadership role in: (a) educating physicians on the current state of research in and knowledge of homosexuality and the need to take an adequate sexual history; these efforts should start in medical school, but must also be a part of continuing medical education; (b) educating physicians to recognize the physical and psychological needs of their homosexual patients; (c) encouraging the development of educational programs for homosexuals to acquaint them with the diseases for which they are at risk; (d) encouraging physicians to seek out local or national experts in the health care needs of gay men and lesbians so that all physicians will achieve a better understanding of the medical needs of this population; and (e) working with the gay and lesbian community to offer physicians the opportunity to better understand the medical needs of homosexual and bisexual patients; and (3) opposes, the use of "reparative" or "conversion" therapy that is based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon the a priori assumption that the patient should change his/her homosexual orientation.


Diseases in deed...

They are still 70% of New Infections from HIV in the First World...

Part of why the APA Classified what they are as they did 40 years ago.

As for the Molestation thing... A Male who Molests Exclusively Male Victims when they have Access to both Genders is a Homosexual.

You can try to Hide those Details all you want with your "Rainbow" link from a University.

And you can also try to Ignore that the ILGA was bust with NAMBLA in 1994 and that NAMBLA used to March in Gay Parades regularly.

It's also some of this same Liberal Psychologists who are Arguing that Adult/Child Sex ain't so bad.

Need Link to that?...



LOL. The same diseases you're subject to if you don't wear a condom...
More heterosexuals are infected than are homosexuals, world wide, in case you didn't know. I'd be careful, on your next vacation overseas, if I were you.

Can't ignore me eh Faggot?... :rofl:



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