The History behind Normalizing Homosexuality...

Animals do ALL Sorts of things... When you guys try to Justify your Defiance of your Natural Equipment and Design with what Animals do...

You really Invite Analogies to Beastiality. :thup:

Did you know that Animals Eat their Young?...

They also Engage in Interspecies Sexual Contact... True Story.

Let me Guess... You only want to Selectively look at the Animal Kingdom?...

You must be a Liberal. :rofl:



Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex. Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender. With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.
Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.

They're Fucking Dishonest... They Target Children... They Deny History... And they Defy the Equipment that Nature Provided them and Demand that Society Embraces it as the same as what Created them...

Seriously... Mental Disorder was Accurate. :thup:



I agree with most of what you have to say, but could you please restrain your anger..

They target Children....

One example of Many...

"In 1991, gay activists in Seattle distributed over 500 packets outside Seattle high schools. The packets contained a booklet entitled "How to Fuck Safely", it contained nauseating and vivid photographs which included two men performing oral sex."

There are dozens more. They canive their way into public Schools under the guise of "tolerance and diversity", hide behind Civil rights, and actively seek to indoctrinate Children into homosexuality whenever possible. When not possible they seek to neutralize them through distorted misrepresentations of a homosexual truly is. They have gained a virtual stranglehold n the Media

One example of Many

James Komack was the producer of many top Television programs of the 60s and 70s Welcome Back Kotter, Chico and the man, Love American Style and others. In "The homosexual revolution: End time abomination" by David A Noebel , he is credited with the following statement. "Do you know the most powerful lobby in the entertainment business? Bigger than blacks or women's lib or any nationalist or racist group. It's the gays. If you don't have the approval of the Gay Media Task Force, you don't go on the air."
What is or isn't a mental illness according to the APA is the result of popular voting. And the same voting methodology that led to it being a mental illness led to its removal of that classification. And before jumping in bed with the APA, since so interested in homosexual and pedophilia, why dontcha look at DSM V and what it says about pedophilia now. Hint, it's a sexual orientation now.

Simple truth is that homosexuality's existed alongside heterosexuality all along. And insofar as arguements over natural or not, anything other animals do is as natural as you can get. Google 'bonobo chimpanzees' sometime.
That's too much to read before breakfast. To me homosexuality is not a mental disease...just a genetic disposition to be sexually attracted to the same sex. It should br recognized for what it is...and not elevated to an institution upon which to build a society.

Well put.

Homosexuality has always existed and probably always will. It has never had any effect on any society and probably never will.
What is or isn't a mental illness according to the APA is the result of popular voting. And the same voting methodology that led to it being a mental illness led to its removal of that classification. And before jumping in bed with the APA, since so interested in homosexual and pedophilia, why dontcha look at DSM V and what it says about pedophilia now. Hint, it's a sexual orientation now.

Simple truth is that homosexuality's existed alongside heterosexuality all along. And insofar as arguements over natural or not, anything other animals do is as natural as you can get. Google 'bonobo chimpanzees' sometime.

So has pedophelia and necrophelia
That's too much to read before breakfast. To me homosexuality is not a mental disease...just a genetic disposition to be sexually attracted to the same sex. It should br recognized for what it is...and not elevated to an institution upon which to build a society.

Well put.

Homosexuality has always existed and probably always will. It has never had any effect on any society and probably never will.

Say if a gay gene is discovered and women start aborting gay fetuses off?
What is or isn't a mental illness according to the APA is the result of popular voting. And the same voting methodology that led to it being a mental illness led to its removal of that classification. And before jumping in bed with the APA, since so interested in homosexual and pedophilia, why dontcha look at DSM V and what it says about pedophilia now. Hint, it's a sexual orientation now.

Simple truth is that homosexuality's existed alongside heterosexuality all along. And insofar as arguements over natural or not, anything other animals do is as natural as you can get. Google 'bonobo chimpanzees' sometime.

Actually APA never De- classified homosexuality - they Re - classified as "sexual orientation disturbance" . And that decision was not based on any scientific facts or debate but rather a bending to extensive political terrorism and devious underhanded tactics.

"...It is significant to note that the DSM currently recognizes that it is legitimate to diagnose a patient with sexual orientation disturbance and offer psycho-therapeutic intervention for that diagnosis. ..." Rekers GA, Oram KB. Child and adolescent therapy for precursors to adulthood homosexual tendancies. Chapter 7 ), Handbook of Therapy for Unwanted Homosexual Attractions: A Guide for Treatment. pages 247-320.
Do the libs deny the personality disorders associated with homosexuality, especially attention seeking and infantile behavior?
Animals will also breed direct family members, son-mother, daughter-father, brother-sister, etc. if left to their own devices.
Maybe there's a possibility that homosexuals/lesbians suffer from Oedipus Complex. Understanding that sexual relations with your father or mother is a strong human social taboo, homos transfer their emotional attachments to others of the same gender in order to cover for or otherwise replace their illicite feelings for close family members of the opposite gender. With the loosening of social taboos against homosexuality, they now have a "legitimate" outlet for their human sexual urges.
Or perhaps homos are so deeply emotionally pair-bonded with their same-gender parent that they are more comfortable emotionally and physically pair-bonding same sex partners.

They're Fucking Dishonest... They Target Children... They Deny History... And they Defy the Equipment that Nature Provided them and Demand that Society Embraces it as the same as what Created them...

Seriously... Mental Disorder was Accurate. :thup:



I agree with most of what you have to say, but could you please restrain your anger..

They target Children....

One example of Many...

"In 1991, gay activists in Seattle distributed over 500 packets outside Seattle high schools. The packets contained a booklet entitled "How to Fuck Safely", it contained nauseating and vivid photographs which included two men performing oral sex."

There are dozens more. They canive their way into public Schools under the guise of "tolerance and diversity", hide behind Civil rights, and actively seek to indoctrinate Children into homosexuality whenever possible. When not possible they seek to neutralize them through distorted misrepresentations of a homosexual truly is. They have gained a virtual stranglehold n the Media

One example of Many

James Komack was the producer of many top Television programs of the 60s and 70s Welcome Back Kotter, Chico and the man, Love American Style and others. In "The homosexual revolution: End time abomination" by David A Noebel , he is credited with the following statement. "Do you know the most powerful lobby in the entertainment business? Bigger than blacks or women's lib or any nationalist or racist group. It's the gays. If you don't have the approval of the Gay Media Task Force, you don't go on the air."


[N]o research suggests that homosexuals are at higher risk of being sex offenders, committing sexual crimes, or having impulse control disorders that result in sexual crimes than heterosexuals. Sexual orientation, by itself, is not a risk factor for crime. Almost all of the professional medical, psychiatric, and psychological associations (such as the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Pediatric Association) have position papers that articulate this understanding. For example, the American Psychological Association stated in 1975: "homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment, reliability or general social and vocational capabilities…(and mental health professionals should) take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness long associated with homosexual orientation."

What we know about Homosexuals and the Catholic Clergy Sexual Abuse Crisis | Psychology Today

That such ignorance and stupidity still exists is remarkable – not surprising, but remarkable nonetheless.
Do the libs deny the personality disorders associated with homosexuality, especially attention seeking and infantile behavior?

There's a theory relative to your claim from ...

" It is a theory that primarily implicates the mother as the culprit of the child's later problems by refusing to allow it to develop firm psychological boundaries between itself and others. She does this, it is hypothesized, by withholding love from the child if the child attempts to separate, or by over gratification at the symbiotic stage. ...

It is, therefore, a projection, and externalization of the all-bad aggressive self upon other people. While the borderline person may believe he's protecting himself from the attacks of others, he is really attempting to control them in order to prevent them from, as he sees it, attacking and destroying him. What he does not see is that the aggression he perceives in others is but a mirror of himself. "
[Dr. Charles Silverstein]

The theory is quite a bit more extensive than space will allow, but in essence explains alot of what novasteve just stated in one sentence. That Gays have a whole closet full of Psychological issues
Homosexuality has always existed and probably always will. It has never had any effect on any society and probably never will.

Not until the last few decades, prior to that Gays stayed n the closet where they belonged.

However, in recent years they seek not equality but domination - this is intolerable.
One of the most blatant examples is their infiltration of the Education System, under the guise of "tolerance and diversity" [LMAO].

If you happen to be a homosexual and my posts offend you, I apologize, the average Gay Man or Woman really does want to simply live in Peace and Harmony and quietly deal with their choices in life - so be it. Unfortunately that is not the case with Radical Gay Activists.

The Gay Agenda in Public Schools
Two things seem to be absent from this APA reclassification some of the knuckle-dragging anti-homosexuals use to bolster what they think is an argument:

They apparently believe the top psychiatrists in the field were incapable of making sensible, informed decisions about an area in which they specialize and spend a great deal of time studying and interacting with patients. They have this sense professionals and doctors would not look at the science, all their data and dealings with the matter and forgo their reputations and discipline in the field to concede to noisy rabbles. The only answer for them is: those doctors must have been 'bullied.'

Also - When discussing this change in classification to “not a disorder” back in 73, what isn't discussed is why it was first classified as a disorder in the first place.

Go back into the history of the study of psychiatry and methods used back then - heck, we only have to go back a few more decades and recall for homosexuality, some forms of depression and certain maladies, they were drilling holes in people's skulls, they were taking out full sections of their brains, butchering their frontal lobes, they were attaching electric nodes to their heads and electrocuting people in attempts to cure.

The evidence was seen, eventually, this did not work. Science, of course, is a process of trial and error and learning.

It was in the 19th century homosexuality was originally put in the APA's classification as a mental illness. The 19th century. I can't help but wonder if some of these folks who so vehemently rail against homosexuality are still stuck there. The APA moved out, they didn't.

Masturbation was once classified as a disorder and a cause of mental illness.

When they changed THAT classification, I wonder how many sad souls inhaled a great sigh of relief or did they strike out at the APA for having the audacity - the sheer gall - at reclassifying what would make most of us "disordered" today.

Science. Blessed science.
What is or isn't a mental illness according to the APA is the result of popular voting. And the same voting methodology that led to it being a mental illness led to its removal of that classification. And before jumping in bed with the APA, since so interested in homosexual and pedophilia, why dontcha look at DSM V and what it says about pedophilia now. Hint, it's a sexual orientation now.

Simple truth is that homosexuality's existed alongside heterosexuality all along. And insofar as arguements over natural or not, anything other animals do is as natural as you can get. Google 'bonobo chimpanzees' sometime.

Actually APA never De- classified homosexuality - they Re - classified as "sexual orientation disturbance" . And that decision was not based on any scientific facts or debate but rather a bending to extensive political terrorism and devious underhanded tactics.

"...It is significant to note that the DSM currently recognizes that it is legitimate to diagnose a patient with sexual orientation disturbance and offer psycho-therapeutic intervention for that diagnosis. ..." Rekers GA, Oram KB. Child and adolescent therapy for precursors to adulthood homosexual tendancies. Chapter 7 ), Handbook of Therapy for Unwanted Homosexual Attractions: A Guide for Treatment. pages 247-320.

Narth garbage.
DSM-III-R (1987)

In 1987, the DSM-III-R was published as a revision of the DSM-III, under the direction of Spitzer. Categories were renamed and reorganized, and significant changes in criteria were made.

Six categories were deleted while others were added.

Controversial diagnoses, such as pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder and masochistic personality disorder, were considered and discarded. "Sexual orientation disturbance" was also removed and was largely subsumed under "sexual disorder not otherwise specified", which can include "persistent and marked distress about one’s sexual orientation."[23][34] Altogether, the DSM-III-R contained 292 diagnoses and was 567 pages long. Further efforts were made for the diagnoses to be purely descriptive, although the introductory text stated that for at least some disorders, "particularly the Personality Disorders, the criteria require much more inference on the part of the observer" (p. xxiii).[17]

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... Hint, it's a sexual orientation now.

Simple truth is that homosexuality's existed alongside heterosexuality all along. And insofar as arguements over natural or not, anything other animals do is as natural as you can get. Google 'bonobo chimpanzees' sometime.

Actually APA never De- classified homosexuality - they Re - classified as "sexual orientation disturbance" . And that decision was not based on any scientific facts or debate but rather a bending to extensive political terrorism and devious underhanded tactics.

"...It is significant to note that the DSM currently recognizes that it is legitimate to diagnose a patient with sexual orientation disturbance and offer psycho-therapeutic intervention for that diagnosis. ..." Rekers GA, Oram KB. Child and adolescent therapy for precursors to adulthood homosexual tendancies. Chapter 7 ), Handbook of Therapy for Unwanted Homosexual Attractions: A Guide for Treatment. pages 247-320.

Narth garbage.
DSM-III-R (1987)

In 1987, the DSM-III-R was published as a revision of the DSM-III, under the direction of Spitzer. Categories were renamed and reorganized, and significant changes in criteria were made.

Six categories were deleted while others were added.

Controversial diagnoses, such as pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder and masochistic personality disorder, were considered and discarded. "Sexual orientation disturbance" was also removed and was largely subsumed under "sexual disorder not otherwise specified", which can include "persistent and marked distress about one’s sexual orientation."[23][34] Altogether, the DSM-III-R contained 292 diagnoses and was 567 pages long. Further efforts were made for the diagnoses to be purely descriptive, although the introductory text stated that for at least some disorders, "particularly the Personality Disorders, the criteria require much more inference on the part of the observer" (p. xxiii).[17]

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The discussion was the declassification, or reclass. as the case may be. True -10 years later they again [under political pressure- no scientific basis] reclassified it . The fact however remains that always has been and always will be a mental disorder, regardless of what THEY want to call it. A rose by any other name is still a rose, and dung by any other name still stinks.

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