The History behind Normalizing Homosexuality...

Bigotry is a mental disorder.

It's a fact!


I have to disagree Mr. Toro, sir. Bigotry is learned, not innate.

Homosexuality is also Learned... Ask those who leave Prison engaging in it even though they are free from it.

It's also a Mental Disorder... And also a Choice.

It's many things, but Natural to our Species is not one of those things.

Humans do a LOT of things... One of them is why we Exist.

It is not Equal to those other things.


Bigotry is a mental disorder.

It's a fact!


I have to disagree Mr. Toro, sir. Bigotry is learned, not innate.

Re: Bigotry Learned - that's an Opinion.

More scholarly articles and studies can be cited that explains bigotry as a tribalistc survival mechanism.

That however is not the OP - Homosexuality is - It's a Mental Disorder.

Now Ignorance [Lack of knowledge], that's an acquired trait you seem to be in possession of.
Bigotry is a mental disorder.

It's a fact!


I have to disagree Mr. Toro, sir. Bigotry is learned, not innate.

Re: Bigotry Learned - that's an Opinion.

More scholarly articles and studies can be cited that explains bigotry as a tribalistc survival mechanism.

That however is not the OP - Homosexuality is - It's a Mental Disorder.

Now Ignorance [Lack of knowledge], that's an acquired trait you seem to be in possession of.

No, being gay isn't a mental disorder. We know this as fact.

It's also a fact that hatred, racism and bigotry isn't innate. If kids aren't taught to hate people who are different, they usually don't.
What is or isn't a mental illness according to the APA is the result of popular voting. And the same voting methodology that led to it being a mental illness led to its removal of that classification. And before jumping in bed with the APA, since so interested in homosexual and pedophilia, why dontcha look at DSM V and what it says about pedophilia now. Hint, it's a sexual orientation now.

Simple truth is that homosexuality's existed alongside heterosexuality all along. And insofar as arguements over natural or not, anything other animals do is as natural as you can get. Google 'bonobo chimpanzees' sometime.

Actually APA never De- classified homosexuality - they Re - classified as "sexual orientation disturbance" . And that decision was not based on any scientific facts or debate but rather a bending to extensive political terrorism and devious underhanded tactics.

"...It is significant to note that the DSM currently recognizes that it is legitimate to diagnose a patient with sexual orientation disturbance and offer psycho-therapeutic intervention for that diagnosis. ..." Rekers GA, Oram KB. Child and adolescent therapy for precursors to adulthood homosexual tendancies. Chapter 7 ), Handbook of Therapy for Unwanted Homosexual Attractions: A Guide for Treatment. pages 247-320.

Narth garbage.
DSM-III-R (1987)

In 1987, the DSM-III-R was published as a revision of the DSM-III, under the direction of Spitzer. Categories were renamed and reorganized, and significant changes in criteria were made.

Six categories were deleted while others were added.

Controversial diagnoses, such as pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder and masochistic personality disorder, were considered and discarded. "Sexual orientation disturbance" was also removed and was largely subsumed under "sexual disorder not otherwise specified", which can include "persistent and marked distress about one’s sexual orientation."[23][34] Altogether, the DSM-III-R contained 292 diagnoses and was 567 pages long. Further efforts were made for the diagnoses to be purely descriptive, although the introductory text stated that for at least some disorders, "particularly the Personality Disorders, the criteria require much more inference on the part of the observer" (p. xxiii).[17]

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was declassified (and a whole slew of sex crimes decriminalized) based on the crap *research* of Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey was responsible for the *studies* which *proved* that 10 percent of men were homosexual (based on his *studies* of sex offenders, prison inmates, and the molestation of children by Nazi war criminals). The progressives of course hearkened to the siren call that gave them hope that screwing children, dogs, each other and assorted plants was actually "normal" and the lovely APA rushed to give his junk studies credence....and in return, his studies gave their junk *science* credence as well. You stroke my..whatever...I'll stroke yours.
Actually APA never De- classified homosexuality - they Re - classified as "sexual orientation disturbance" . And that decision was not based on any scientific facts or debate but rather a bending to extensive political terrorism and devious underhanded tactics.

"...It is significant to note that the DSM currently recognizes that it is legitimate to diagnose a patient with sexual orientation disturbance and offer psycho-therapeutic intervention for that diagnosis. ..." Rekers GA, Oram KB. Child and adolescent therapy for precursors to adulthood homosexual tendancies. Chapter 7 ), Handbook of Therapy for Unwanted Homosexual Attractions: A Guide for Treatment. pages 247-320.

Narth garbage.
DSM-III-R (1987)

In 1987, the DSM-III-R was published as a revision of the DSM-III, under the direction of Spitzer. Categories were renamed and reorganized, and significant changes in criteria were made.

Six categories were deleted while others were added.

Controversial diagnoses, such as pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder and masochistic personality disorder, were considered and discarded. "Sexual orientation disturbance" was also removed and was largely subsumed under "sexual disorder not otherwise specified", which can include "persistent and marked distress about one’s sexual orientation."[23][34] Altogether, the DSM-III-R contained 292 diagnoses and was 567 pages long. Further efforts were made for the diagnoses to be purely descriptive, although the introductory text stated that for at least some disorders, "particularly the Personality Disorders, the criteria require much more inference on the part of the observer" (p. xxiii).[17]

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was declassified (and a whole slew of sex crimes decriminalized) based on the crap *research* of Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey was responsible for the *studies* which *proved* that 10 percent of men were homosexual (based on his *studies* of sex offenders, prison inmates, and the molestation of children by Nazi war criminals). The progressives of course hearkened to the siren call that gave them hope that screwing children, dogs, each other and assorted plants was actually "normal" and the lovely APA rushed to give his junk studies credence....and in return, his studies gave their junk *science* credence as well. You stroke my..whatever...I'll stroke yours.
Gee. That isn't totally off the rails at all.

Narth garbage.
DSM-III-R (1987)

In 1987, the DSM-III-R was published as a revision of the DSM-III, under the direction of Spitzer. Categories were renamed and reorganized, and significant changes in criteria were made.

Six categories were deleted while others were added.

Controversial diagnoses, such as pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder and masochistic personality disorder, were considered and discarded. "Sexual orientation disturbance" was also removed and was largely subsumed under "sexual disorder not otherwise specified", which can include "persistent and marked distress about one’s sexual orientation."[23][34] Altogether, the DSM-III-R contained 292 diagnoses and was 567 pages long. Further efforts were made for the diagnoses to be purely descriptive, although the introductory text stated that for at least some disorders, "particularly the Personality Disorders, the criteria require much more inference on the part of the observer" (p. xxiii).[17]

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was declassified (and a whole slew of sex crimes decriminalized) based on the crap *research* of Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey was responsible for the *studies* which *proved* that 10 percent of men were homosexual (based on his *studies* of sex offenders, prison inmates, and the molestation of children by Nazi war criminals). The progressives of course hearkened to the siren call that gave them hope that screwing children, dogs, each other and assorted plants was actually "normal" and the lovely APA rushed to give his junk studies credence....and in return, his studies gave their junk *science* credence as well. You stroke my..whatever...I'll stroke yours.
Gee. That isn't totally off the rails at all.

yep. Nowhere in your quote is kinsey referenced but kgrill brings him up whenever homosexuality is discussed like its her trump card :cuckoo:
It was declassified (and a whole slew of sex crimes decriminalized) based on the crap *research* of Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey was responsible for the *studies* which *proved* that 10 percent of men were homosexual (based on his *studies* of sex offenders, prison inmates, and the molestation of children by Nazi war criminals). The progressives of course hearkened to the siren call that gave them hope that screwing children, dogs, each other and assorted plants was actually "normal" and the lovely APA rushed to give his junk studies credence....and in return, his studies gave their junk *science* credence as well. You stroke my..whatever...I'll stroke yours.

**Homosexuality and Hope: A Psychologist Talks About Treatment and Change** Dr. G. J. M. Van Den Aardweg maintains that homosexuality is most definitely a curable mental disorder. He theorizes that it is rooted in feelings of inferiority and is somewhat different from lesbianism ,but similar to other various expressions of arrested heterosexual development. Index
It was declassified (and a whole slew of sex crimes decriminalized) based on the crap *research* of Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey was responsible for the *studies* which *proved* that 10 percent of men were homosexual (based on his *studies* of sex offenders, prison inmates, and the molestation of children by Nazi war criminals). The progressives of course hearkened to the siren call that gave them hope that screwing children, dogs, each other and assorted plants was actually "normal" and the lovely APA rushed to give his junk studies credence....and in return, his studies gave their junk *science* credence as well. You stroke my..whatever...I'll stroke yours.

**Homosexuality and Hope: A Psychologist Talks About Treatment and Change** Dr. G. J. M. Van Den Aardweg maintains that homosexuality is most definitely a curable mental disorder. He theorizes that it is rooted in feelings of inferiority and is somewhat different from lesbianism ,but similar to other various expressions of arrested heterosexual development. Index

What one first notices when reviewing van den Aardweg’s work is that he eschews contemporary research in favor of citing outdated and debunked studies from the 1950’s and 1960’s – and even goes as far back as the 1920’s. His ethical lapses include citing outmoded research where gay clients were exclusively recruited from psychiatric wards or prisons, yet van den Aardweg unethically pretends that such unrepresentative samples are indicative of modern LGBT populations.
Please. The APA and all of our sex education programs are based on the *studies* of Al Kinsey. Doctor, heal thyself.
The reason homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders was BECAUSE of Kinsey's research.

Nobody else's. I don't believe there have been any subsequent studies.

Do you know any hetero people? Stop being such a ding dong.
It was declassified (and a whole slew of sex crimes decriminalized) based on the crap *research* of Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey was responsible for the *studies* which *proved* that 10 percent of men were homosexual (based on his *studies* of sex offenders, prison inmates, and the molestation of children by Nazi war criminals). The progressives of course hearkened to the siren call that gave them hope that screwing children, dogs, each other and assorted plants was actually "normal" and the lovely APA rushed to give his junk studies credence....and in return, his studies gave their junk *science* credence as well. You stroke my..whatever...I'll stroke yours.

**Homosexuality and Hope: A Psychologist Talks About Treatment and Change** Dr. G. J. M. Van Den Aardweg maintains that homosexuality is most definitely a curable mental disorder. He theorizes that it is rooted in feelings of inferiority and is somewhat different from lesbianism ,but similar to other various expressions of arrested heterosexual development. Index

What one first notices when reviewing van den Aardweg’s work is that he eschews contemporary research in favor of citing outdated and debunked studies from the 1950’s and 1960’s – and even goes as far back as the 1920’s. His ethical lapses include citing outmoded research where gay clients were exclusively recruited from psychiatric wards or prisons, yet van den Aardweg unethically pretends that such unrepresentative samples are indicative of modern LGBT populations.

TWO Report: Gerard van den Aardweg, NARTH?s Nastiest Reparative Therapist | Truth Wins Out

Thanks for that review from a Liberal Left Wing website how unbiased are they ?

Here's one from which is entirely unbiased

......."Van Den Aardweg surveys many studies to demonstrate that homosexuals have a neurotic inferiority complex that results in feelings of shame, loneliness, self-depreciation, sadness, and anger. They become addicted to self-pity and child-like complaining. Frequently they have a childish desire for attention, approval, sympathy, and an excessive urge for self-affirmation linked with an egocentric mindset.

Calling his style of treatment "anticomplaining therapy," Van Den Aardweg uses many techniques to enable change and healing: self-observation and self-insight (acts of confession) and what he calls "hyperdramatization," the combination of imagery, self-talk and humor.
The reason homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders was BECAUSE of Kinsey's research.

Nobody else's. I don't believe there have been any subsequent studies.

Do you know any hetero people? Stop being such a ding dong.

You're misinformed. Kinsey's was only one of many. The Hooker study for one.

I noticed you didn't answer the question. Do you know any gay people on a close personal basis, yes or no?
No, it's not one of many. You're a liar. The APA first put homosexuality ON the list of mental illnesses in 1952..then removed it in 1973, not based upon *studies*...but based upon their determination that it didn't meet the CRITERIA of mental illness.
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**Homosexuality and Hope: A Psychologist Talks About Treatment and Change** Dr. G. J. M. Van Den Aardweg maintains that homosexuality is most definitely a curable mental disorder. He theorizes that it is rooted in feelings of inferiority and is somewhat different from lesbianism ,but similar to other various expressions of arrested heterosexual development. Index

What one first notices when reviewing van den Aardweg’s work is that he eschews contemporary research in favor of citing outdated and debunked studies from the 1950’s and 1960’s – and even goes as far back as the 1920’s. His ethical lapses include citing outmoded research where gay clients were exclusively recruited from psychiatric wards or prisons, yet van den Aardweg unethically pretends that such unrepresentative samples are indicative of modern LGBT populations.

TWO Report: Gerard van den Aardweg, NARTH?s Nastiest Reparative Therapist | Truth Wins Out

Thanks for that review from a Liberal Left Wing website how unbiased are they ?

Here's one from which is entirely unbiased

......."Van Den Aardweg surveys many studies to demonstrate that homosexuals have a neurotic inferiority complex that results in feelings of shame, loneliness, self-depreciation, sadness, and anger. They become addicted to self-pity and child-like complaining. Frequently they have a childish desire for attention, approval, sympathy, and an excessive urge for self-affirmation linked with an egocentric mindset.

Calling his style of treatment "anticomplaining therapy," Van Den Aardweg uses many techniques to enable change and healing: self-observation and self-insight (acts of confession) and what he calls "hyperdramatization," the combination of imagery, self-talk and humor.

Van Den Aardweg's research is found where? NARTH you say? That's some chutzpah knocking my link when citing some quack from NARTH.

What you just quoted isn't a peer review. It was a publishers statement.
NARTH is 100 percent more trustworthy than anything that comes from the APA.

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