The History behind Normalizing Homosexuality...

You were Born equipped to be with the opposite sex... Defying your own existence is one thing... Expecting Society to say it's normal and Equal to what Created you is where the Mental Illness part plays in. :thup:


You were Born equipped to be with the opposite sex... Defying your own existence is one thing... Expecting Society to say it's normal and Equal to what Created you is where the Mental Illness part plays in. :thup:



The actual mental illness manifests in the unwarranted hate quoted above.

Observing what Factually is is Hate?... :rofl:

I Hope you don't Feel that saying something is Hateful when it's clearly nothing more than a Rational Observation of what is is somehow going to hurt my feelings?...


No, it's not one of many. You're a liar. The APA first put homosexuality ON the list of mental illnesses in 1952..then removed it in 1973, not based upon *studies*...but based upon their determination that it didn't meet the CRITERIA of mental illness.

Horse feathers !

The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatrics association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !
Lol [MENTION=18755]mal[/MENTION] youve got 3 gay inspired threads on the front page of new posts

You must bug Ravi really badly for her to throw her lot in with Pete.

Ravir Hates me because her Posse's gone... She and that Pack of Fags tried their Damndest to run me out of her for 2 solid years...

One by one... They all fell off... Gunny... Dis... CW... EZ... del... even Cali... That one never made any sense... And of course now she's lost A15...

Now she's basically here by herself.

Poor thing. :(


:rolleyes: I think you're a POS and I would have happily paid for Art's ticket to visit you.

Classic... Ravi wanted some Runaway Fag to beat me up for her... :rofl:

Go find him... Pay for it. :thup:


Mal, Mal, you realize you're just helping gay marriage along? Rational people look at you and say "he's coo coo for coco puffs". Thank you.

^Thinks I give a shit... :rofl:

And make note... Seawytch can't take issue with one thing I Posted... Because none of it's Untrue.

ALL of it happened and it's good to Know the History regardless of whether or not Sea and her Contemporaries want the Public to Remain Ignorant and in line with their Agenda.

Gay Marriage the end of it?... Not by a long shot. :thup:

Teaching Homosexuality in Grade School is already happening and it will only expand as time goes on.

When I Predicted this 15 and 20 years ago the Seawytch's of the World said I was using Scare Tactics and that their Agenda had not place in Elementary Education...

Sorry... I was Right.

And I will continue to be.

Mainstream Liberal Professors and Doctors have been Pushing towards Children now out in the open for over a Decade.

Writing in Gay Publications about it... As I have Illustrated.

I don't Expect the Activists here to be Honest about it.

They are very Close to a Hugh Victory in their ongoing Cause.

They Know better than to be Honest right now.


Everything you have posted hinges on a false cause.

I understand you believe homosexuality is a mental disorder, butwithout using theargumentum ad naturam fallacy explain why you believe that?

Explain the pathology, explain why it is indeed disordered. Explain how the years ofresearchthat went into it to discover it wasn't a mental disorder is all rubbish.
No, it's not one of many. You're a liar. The APA first put homosexuality ON the list of mental illnesses in 1952..then removed it in 1973, not based upon *studies*...but based upon their determination that it didn't meet the CRITERIA of mental illness.

Horse feathers !

The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatrics association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !
You keep making this claim but fail to prove it.
Mal, Mal, you realize you're just helping gay marriage along? Rational people look at you and say "he's coo coo for coco puffs". Thank you.

^Thinks I give a shit... :rofl:

And make note... Seawytch can't take issue with one thing I Posted... Because none of it's Untrue.

ALL of it happened and it's good to Know the History regardless of whether or not Sea and her Contemporaries want the Public to Remain Ignorant and in line with their Agenda.

Gay Marriage the end of it?... Not by a long shot. :thup:

Teaching Homosexuality in Grade School is already happening and it will only expand as time goes on.

When I Predicted this 15 and 20 years ago the Seawytch's of the World said I was using Scare Tactics and that their Agenda had not place in Elementary Education...

Sorry... I was Right.

And I will continue to be.

Mainstream Liberal Professors and Doctors have been Pushing towards Children now out in the open for over a Decade.

Writing in Gay Publications about it... As I have Illustrated.

I don't Expect the Activists here to be Honest about it.

They are very Close to a Hugh Victory in their ongoing Cause.

They Know better than to be Honest right now.


Everything you have posted hinges on a false cause.

I understand you believe homosexuality is a mental disorder, butwithout using theargumentum ad naturam fallacy explain why you believe that?

Explain the pathology, explain why it is indeed disordered. Explain how the years ofresearchthat went into it to discover it wasn't a mental disorder is all rubbish.

Until somebody presents the Science that caused the APA to reverse YEARS of Evidence and Study that had them Conclude that it WAS/IS a Mental Disorder, I will conclude that none exists and that the Reversal was Purely Political... As it Obviously was. :thup:

There is no Rational Explanation for a Human Born and Equipped to Couple with the Opposite Sex, the Reason for it's own Existence, to Defy that...

Aside from Bad Wiring.

Save me the "Animals do it" Talking Point.

You don't get to Pick and Choose which Animalistic Behaviors you are going to use to Justify your Deviant Choices. :lol:


Until somebody presents the Science that caused the APA to reverse YEARS of Evidence
What years of evidence?
and Study that had them Conclude that it WAS/IS a Mental Disorder
What study?
I will conclude that none exists and that the Reversal was Purely Political... As it Obviously was. :thup:
Lack of evidence supporting it being a mental disorder, I.e. lack of pathology, lack of difficulty functioning inthe everyday life really disqualifies it from being a mental disorder. There isn't anything political about it.

Demanding proof that your claim is false is a logical fallacy. The burden of proof is on you to prove it is right.

There is no Rational Explanation for a Human Born and Equipped to Couple with the Opposite Sex, the Reason for it's own Existence, to Defy that.
I made it clear that you should explain this without using the argumentum ad naturam fallacy. So, you have used that logical fallacy.

Aside from Bad Wiring.
Bad Wiring? Explain.

Save me the "Animals do it" Talking Point.

You don't get to Pick and Choose which Animalistic Behaviors you are going to use to Justify your Deviant Choices. :lol:
Ah, now we have the straw man fallacy. You can'targue my points so you make up some that I never made and argue those.
Do you have any logical support what so ever for your beliefs?
It is a Mental Disorder... 1 in 4 Homosexual Men being HIV Infected in San Francisco according to the CDC 30 years after Knowing just how NOT to get it is an example of a REALLY High Percentage of them being Dangerously Wreckless and it having a Direct Impact on Society.

You can Dismiss the Fact that they are Designed by Nature and Equipped to Couple with the Opposite Sex and that is Exactly why they Exist at all, but it doesn't change that Fact.

There are MANY Mental Disorders that People have and who Function in Society.

I've asked Repeatedly and it has NEVER been Provided... What was the APA's Justification for their Reversal after Decades of Study and Conclusions regarding Homosexuals having a Mental Issue?

It's funny though... Even the APA to this latest Statement on Homosexuality can't say with any Certainty what causes Sexual Orientation...

"The American Psychiatric Association believes
that the causes of sexual orientation (whether homosexual
or heterosexual) are not known at this time and likely are
multifactorial including biological and behavioral roots
which may vary between different individuals and may
even vary over time."

I really like to see the last Statement they made before Reversing their position and the first one when they did reverse their position.



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