The Idolatry of Ronald Reagan


VIP Member
Oct 17, 2014
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.
Kid this topic has been discussed to death 10,000 times.
Every once in a while a new member will come in and think this is something no one has thought of.
Find something current to talk about
Reagan voted for FDR.
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.
At one time governments were used for the benefit of the royalists, nobles and church. When the colonists declared and won their independence they declared an end to that practice with limited government. Later Americans discovered they could use the government just as the elite had done, but now for the good of all people. That was as big a change as the Revolution itself and It took some time for that revelation to take place, and is a revelation still taking place. .
Kid this topic has been discussed to death 10,000 times.
Every once in a while a new member will come in and think this is something no one has thought of.
Find something current to talk about

Is anyone holding a gun to your head to read this thread and reply?

Something ''current'' belongs in Current Events, not History.

You can always start your own brilliant thread -- but that might involve thinking.
It's going to do worse in History, because history has already spoken and it says you're full of shit. Why doncha jerk off to some old SNL skits?
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.

The point, genius, is that conservatives oppose such programs.
He "won" the Cold War. Now everything in our houses and in front of our noses in made by a communist country, that has the biggest economy in the world, that owns much of our national debt.

Reagan did smash the chains of slavery however, for hundreds of millions of people cursed to live in communist countries, and he brought down the Berlin Wall, didn't he? They can vote for parties other than the communist party now, and they no longer need internal passports to go visit their folks a hundred miles down the road, and they can even leave the country if they wish.

We take things like that for granted, but they were watershed events in communist totalities, and they were largely the work of Ronald Reagan. He was ten times the man, and ten times the leader, of the pathetic excuse for a man we're currently saddled with. His farewell speech to the British parliament was one of the half dozen greatest presidential speeches in US history. He was a great man in many ways, Ronnie was.
He "won" the Cold War. Now everything in our houses and in front of our noses in made by a communist country, that has the biggest economy in the world, that owns much of our national debt.

Reagan did smash the chains of slavery however, for hundreds of millions of people cursed to live in communist countries, and he brought down the Berlin Wall, didn't he? They can vote for parties other than the communist party now, and they no longer need internal passports to go visit their folks a hundred miles down the road, and they can even leave the country if they wish.

We take things like that for granted, but they were watershed events in communist totalities, and they were largely the work of Ronald Reagan. He was ten times the man, and ten times the leader, of the pathetic excuse for a man we're currently saddled with. His farewell speech to the British parliament was one of the half dozen greatest presidential speeches in US history. He was a great man in many ways, Ronnie was.
Yeah, and Reagan voted for FDR.
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.
Yawn... who's sock are you?
This is especially true if you consider that he'd be "shown the door" at a contemporary Repub Primary for being an amnesty-givin', tax-raisin', budget-buster. :thup: A RINO w/ 32 people in his administration convicted of crimes :rofl: :boohoo:

We only seem to have one "true believer" in that he seems to believe, whole-heartedly; mind you, that the Gipper could do no wrong lol & thats :up: CrusaderFrank

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What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.

The point, genius, is that conservatives oppose such programs.

Hey moron, 90% of the people who serve in uniform and who die for this democracy, so that all those programs can exist in the first place, are conservatives. Fucking liberals. They think "rights" and freedoms just fell out of the sky. Nobody had to pay for them...certainly not them.
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.

The point, genius, is that conservatives oppose such programs.

Hey moron, 90% of the people who serve in uniform and who die for this democracy, so that all those programs can exist in the first place, are conservatives. Fucking liberals. They think "rights" and freedoms just fell out of the sky. Nobody had to pay for them...certainly not them.

Name-calling [''moron''] and foul language [''fucking liberals''] are poor substitutes for well-articulated thought. Ronnie would not have been pleased with such zealous apparatchiks as you.
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.

The point, genius, is that conservatives oppose such programs.

Hey moron, 90% of the people who serve in uniform and who die for this democracy, so that all those programs can exist in the first place, are conservatives. Fucking liberals. They think "rights" and freedoms just fell out of the sky. Nobody had to pay for them...certainly not them.

Name-calling [''moron''] and foul language [''fucking liberals''] are poor substitutes for well-articulated thought. Ronnie would not have been pleased with such zealous apparatchiks as you.

You know, you're absolutely right. I've been trying to banish profanity from my writing. It really has no place in intelligent dialectic. It's really rather an insult to our beautiful language as well. I'm trying to clean up my act, but that's hard to do around here sometimes.
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.

The point, genius, is that conservatives oppose such programs.

Hey moron, 90% of the people who serve in uniform and who die for this democracy, so that all those programs can exist in the first place, are conservatives. Fucking liberals. They think "rights" and freedoms just fell out of the sky. Nobody had to pay for them...certainly not them.

Name-calling [''moron''] and foul language [''fucking liberals''] are poor substitutes for well-articulated thought. Ronnie would not have been pleased with such zealous apparatchiks as you.

You know, you're absolutely right. I've been trying to banish profanity from my writing. It really has no place in intelligent dialectic. It's really rather an insult to our beautiful language as well. I'm trying to clean up my act, but that's hard to do around here sometimes.

I have to agree that this site draws many people who use language they would not normally use.

Remember to say not only the right thing at the right time, but also refrain from saying the wrong thing at the opportune moment [Ben Franklin].
What did Ronald Reagan ever do that makes every GOP candidate want to be a mindless Ronald Reagan redux?

Conservatives extol limited government, but they never refuse social security or medicare; they never refuse federal aid when disaster strikes; they never refuse workers' comp or unemployment benefits; and they all benefits from the Fair Labor Standards Act and other federal laws related to public health, education, welfare, and safety.

Yes, ALL Americans benefit from entitlements that ALL Americans paid for regardless of who is in office, genius.

The point, genius, is that conservatives oppose such programs.

Hey moron, 90% of the people who serve in uniform and who die for this democracy, so that all those programs can exist in the first place, are conservatives. Fucking liberals. They think "rights" and freedoms just fell out of the sky. Nobody had to pay for them...certainly not them.

That's why F'n liberals Oliver Stone and John Kerry served in combat and sissyboy republicans bush and cheney stayed stateside.
Reagan defeated the Democrat home team, the USSR

Iran Contra. Don't you guys ever learn from history? Reagan's administration was the most corrupt, had the most convicted felons. I have to keep repeating it and maybe someday you'll understand the difference between outright criminality and propaganda.
That's why F'n liberals Oliver Stone and John Kerry served in combat and sissyboy republicans bush and cheney stayed stateside.
Yeah, because Clinton and obama were such great war heroes. Might want to look into Lurch's stint overseas sometime too.

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