Diamond Member
It's not about DEI. It's about racism and college leaders bowing to Republicans. | Opinion
House Bill 4 is a relentless Republican attack on diversity in higher education in Kentucky - one of the least diverse states in the union.
Before or after reading this Opinion piece, I invite our correspondents to ponder the following question:
Can you even imagine a Black person or woman being the victim of discrimination because of their race or gender on an American campus?
The answer is an obvious and emphatic, "No."
The reason why this question is relevant is that DEI was invented because harmful discrimination had been eradicated. There were no more complaints of racial discrimination on campus (other than obviously frivolous ones), so it was necessary to invent some other way for the Grievance Industry to ply their trade.
Opposing DEI is NOT advocating for racial discrimination; it is asking for an end to it. Take RACE out of the discussion. Don't even keep track of it. Take it off the application forms.