The irony of the abortion issue.

HeyNorm said: Democrats: hate the fetus,

Republicans are OK with killing every fetus between the ages of five weeks and 16 weeks.

Does that mean Republicans hate The 96% of all fetuses who are aborted between five weeks and 16 weeks.
Women trumpet their right to exercise control of their own bodies regarding reproduction. However, abortion is needed when a woman loses control of her reproductive cycle and gets pregnant unintentionally. A woman who is in control of her reproductive life knows when she is likely to get pregnant and has little need for abortion.
How nice for you to know.

Doesn't have much bearing on the simple principle:

Mind your own business.
Democrats are similar Satanists, they love to see the blood of babies in their unholy sacrifices.

Why? What she does inside her own body is none of your fucking business. Get your nose out of my granddaughter’s uterus you white male atheist /white fundamentalist Christian sympathizing, woman domineering pig.
Until SHE creates life. Of course, if the offspring is of your weird ass lineage, maybe an abortion or two would make the world a better world.
usually women "lose control" when their rapist throws them to the ground.
That, incest, and medical emergencies, account for less than 3% of abortions! It's convenience, and gives women a special right, and unequal protection for fathers, it is so wrong!
That, incest, and medical emergencies, account for less than 3% of abortions! It's convenience, and gives women a special right, and unequal protection for fathers, it is so wrong!
back up. what do you think "gives women a special right," and how is that different from the creator who endowed the second amendment and such?

women have rights to privacy, to medical confidentiality and if she wants to abort for convenience or any other reason it is not my senator's business.
back up. what do you think "gives women a special right," and how is that different from the creator who endowed the second amendment and such?

women have rights to privacy, to medical confidentiality and if she wants to abort for convenience or any other reason it is not my senator's business.

And men should have the same convenience and not be forced to become a parent.
Women trumpet their right to exercise control of their own bodies regarding reproduction. However, abortion is needed when a woman loses control of her reproductive cycle and gets pregnant unintentionally. A woman who is in control of her reproductive life knows when she is likely to get pregnant and has little need for abortion.
This article says that you are wrong. And this is why Trump and the Republican Party are going to lose badly on Nov 5.

Try reading real news once in awhile, Kleetus --

Amber Thurman is dead at 28. Her 6-year-old son has no mother. The state of Georgia killed her, as I see it, just as surely as if it had administered a lethal injection. Its draconian abortion law clearly dissuaded doctors from helping Thurman battle infection until it was too late to save her life.
Thurman, a medical assistant planning to attend nursing school, discovered she was pregnant with twins in the summer of 2022. The timing, it turned out, was fatal. In the wake of the high court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Georgia had moved swiftly to enact a law banning abortion after six weeks.

Thurman, by then nine weeks pregnant, scheduled a D&C abortion in North Carolina, only to hit traffic on the way and find her appointment canceled; the clinic was overwhelmed with women from other states seeking care. Instead, the clinic offered Thurman the standard two-pill abortion medication.

The procedure is generally safe. But Thurman suffered from heavy bleeding, eventually passing out and ending up at a hospital, Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, Ga. She showed all the signs of an infection, including a high white blood cell count, dangerously low blood pressure and an ultrasound that showed possible remaining fetal tissue in her uterus. The standard procedure would have been both to start antibiotics and to perform a D&C to remove any remaining tissue.

The D&C didn’t happen. Even after an obstetrician diagnosed “acute severe sepsis.”
Even after lab work indicated Thurman’s vital organs were failing. Even when an intensive-care physician notified the obstetrician that Thurman’s condition was deteriorating. Medical records show doctors discussed the procedure at least twice but decided to hold off.

Finally, 19 hours after she arrived at the hospital, Thurman was taken to surgery, where doctors performed the D&C and a hysterectomy. It was too late. Thurman’s heart stopped on the operating table. The maternal mortality review committee determined there was a “good chance” that performing the D&C earlier could have prevented her death.

This article says that you are wrong. And this is why Trump and the Republican Party are going to lose badly on Nov 5.

Try reading real news once in awhile, Kleetus --

Amber Thurman is dead at 28. Her 6-year-old son has no mother. The state of Georgia killed her, as I see it, just as surely as if it had administered a lethal injection. Its draconian abortion law clearly dissuaded doctors from helping Thurman battle infection until it was too late to save her life.
Thurman, a medical assistant planning to attend nursing school, discovered she was pregnant with twins in the summer of 2022. The timing, it turned out, was fatal. In the wake of the high court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Georgia had moved swiftly to enact a law banning abortion after six weeks.

Thurman, by then nine weeks pregnant, scheduled a D&C abortion in North Carolina, only to hit traffic on the way and find her appointment canceled; the clinic was overwhelmed with women from other states seeking care. Instead, the clinic offered Thurman the standard two-pill abortion medication.

The procedure is generally safe. But Thurman suffered from heavy bleeding, eventually passing out and ending up at a hospital, Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, Ga. She showed all the signs of an infection, including a high white blood cell count, dangerously low blood pressure and an ultrasound that showed possible remaining fetal tissue in her uterus. The standard procedure would have been both to start antibiotics and to perform a D&C to remove any remaining tissue.

The D&C didn’t happen. Even after an obstetrician diagnosed “acute severe sepsis.”
Even after lab work indicated Thurman’s vital organs were failing. Even when an intensive-care physician notified the obstetrician that Thurman’s condition was deteriorating. Medical records show doctors discussed the procedure at least twice but decided to hold off.

Finally, 19 hours after she arrived at the hospital, Thurman was taken to surgery, where doctors performed the D&C and a hysterectomy. It was too late. Thurman’s heart stopped on the operating table. The maternal mortality review committee determined there was a “good chance” that performing the D&C earlier could have prevented her death.

The law states quite clearly a doctor may perform an abortion to save the life of the mother.

Quit trying to make the cowardly doctor out to be some kind of hero.

He should be sat in a chair and made to ride the lightning.
This article says that you are wrong. And this is why Trump and the Republican Party are going to lose badly on Nov 5.

Try reading real news once in awhile, Kleetus --

Amber Thurman is dead at 28. Her 6-year-old son has no mother. The state of Georgia killed her, as I see it, just as surely as if it had administered a lethal injection. Its draconian abortion law clearly dissuaded doctors from helping Thurman battle infection until it was too late to save her life.
Thurman, a medical assistant planning to attend nursing school, discovered she was pregnant with twins in the summer of 2022. The timing, it turned out, was fatal. In the wake of the high court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Georgia had moved swiftly to enact a law banning abortion after six weeks.

Thurman, by then nine weeks pregnant, scheduled a D&C abortion in North Carolina, only to hit traffic on the way and find her appointment canceled; the clinic was overwhelmed with women from other states seeking care. Instead, the clinic offered Thurman the standard two-pill abortion medication.

The procedure is generally safe. But Thurman suffered from heavy bleeding, eventually passing out and ending up at a hospital, Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, Ga. She showed all the signs of an infection, including a high white blood cell count, dangerously low blood pressure and an ultrasound that showed possible remaining fetal tissue in her uterus. The standard procedure would have been both to start antibiotics and to perform a D&C to remove any remaining tissue.

The D&C didn’t happen. Even after an obstetrician diagnosed “acute severe sepsis.”
Even after lab work indicated Thurman’s vital organs were failing. Even when an intensive-care physician notified the obstetrician that Thurman’s condition was deteriorating. Medical records show doctors discussed the procedure at least twice but decided to hold off.

Finally, 19 hours after she arrived at the hospital, Thurman was taken to surgery, where doctors performed the D&C and a hysterectomy. It was too late. Thurman’s heart stopped on the operating table. The maternal mortality review committee determined there was a “good chance” that performing the D&C earlier could have prevented her death.

Tragic story but doesn't refute my statement. Sad, because with a little care such unintended pregnancies are preventable. Too many women have gotten used to abortion as their 'get out of jail' card.
The law states quite clearly a doctor may perform an abortion to save the life of the mother.

Quit trying to make the cowardly doctor out to be some kind of hero.

He should be sat in a chair and made to ride the lightning.
Imbecile, this isn't about the fucking doctor.

It's about how your deranged GQP Taliban party killed this woman. And it's why your deranged GQP Taliban party will lose badly in November.
Tragic story but doesn't refute my statement. Sad, because with a little care such unintended pregnancies are preventable. Too many women have gotten used to abortion as their 'get out of jail' card.
Fine, it doesn't "refute" your story. Instead, it just makes you look like a heartless asshole, just like your deranged GQP Taliban party.

The GQP Taliban killed this woman. And you Jesus freaks are going to lose badly in November.
Imbecile, this isn't about the fucking doctor.

It's about how your deranged GQP Taliban party killed this woman. And it's why your deranged GQP Taliban party will lose badly in November.

I noticed you didn’t refute a single thing I posted. Not one.

Do better next time. K?
Fine, it doesn't "refute" your story. Instead, it just makes you look like a heartless asshole, just like your deranged GQP Taliban party.

The GQP Taliban killed this woman. And you Jesus freaks are going to lose badly in November.

No it doesn’t. It simply made you look foolish. Was that your intent?
back up. what do you think "gives women a special right," and how is that different from the creator who endowed the second amendment and such?

women have rights to privacy, to medical confidentiality and if she wants to abort for convenience or any other reason it is not my senator's business.
Her special right, is she is not the only one who has skin in the game, it's not her body she is killing first of all, and the father should receive equal protection as that is his child also

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