The irony of the abortion issue.

nfbw 240926 Vtiota00221

HeyNorm said: Democrats: hate the fetus,

NotfooledbyW said: Republicans are OK with killing every fetus between the ages of five weeks and 16 weeks. ā€¢Ā„ā€¢. Does that mean Republicans hate The 96% of all fetuses who are aborted between five weeks and 16 weeks nfbw 240921 Vtiita00201

Just stop killing kids and I'll leave you alone, ok?
The right to call a fetus a kid comes with the woman alone who must assume the risk of delivering a fetus to live birth.

You have no right to impose your self important authoritarian religious belief that a ā€œkidā€ begins to exist at conception on any law abiding citizen.


RWAS ā€¢ Right Wing Authoritarian Scale ā€¢ Vachyz00698. (e.g., in Theodorp Adorno et alā€™s 1950 classic "The Authoritarian Personality"), PRRI developed a Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWAS) based on agreement with four highly correlated measures of authoritarian attitudes. PRRI finds that 43% of Americans score high or very high on the RWAS, compared with 37% who score low or very low; two in ten Americans qualify as having mixed opinions (20%). nfbw 240926 Vachyz00700

43% is about at Trumpā€™s approval rating ceiling. More from the same Vachyz00698

The PRRI study clearly shows how these authoritarian orientations ā€” so pronounced among Republicans and their white evangelical Protestant baseā€”translate into concrete attitudes and support for actions that undermine our democracy. Just two examples. First, nearly half of white evangelical Protestants (48%) and nearly four in ten Republicans (39%) agree with the theocratic vision of Christian dominionism, that ā€œGod wants Christians to take control of the ā€˜seven mountainsā€™ of society, including the government, education, media and others.ā€ Second, nearly half of Republicans (49%) ā€” and a majority of Republicans with a favorable view of Trump (55%) ā€” agree that ā€œBecause things have gotten so far off track in this country, we need a leader who is willing to break some rules if that's what it takes to set things right.ā€ Four in ten white evangelicals (40%) also support rule-breaking by a strong leader. Vachyz00698
Why are you voting ā€œauthoritarianā€ adv005 Saint Marvinmartian? More from the same Vachyz00698:

White evangelical Protestants (64%) are the religious group most likely to score high on the RWAS, followed by slim majorities of Hispanic Protestants (54%) and white Catholics (54%). As a reminder, each of these groups also strongly supported Donald Trump in the 2020 election: 84% of white evangelical Protestants; 56% of other non-white/non-Black Protestants, and 57% of white Catholics. No other religious groups have majorities scoring high on the RWAS. Vachyz00698:​
nfbw 240926 Vtiota00221
Last edited:
nfbw 240926 Vtiota00221

HeyNorm said: Democrats: hate the fetus,

NotfooledbyW said: Republicans are OK with killing every fetus between the ages of five weeks and 16 weeks. ā€¢Ā„ā€¢. Does that mean Republicans hate The 96% of all fetuses who are aborted between five weeks and 16 weeks nfbw 240921 Vtiita00201

The right to call a fetus a kid comes with the woman alone who must assume the risk of delivering a fetus to live birth.

You have no right to impose your self important authoritarian religious belief that a ā€œkidā€ begins to exist at conception on any law abiding citizen.


RWAS ā€¢ Right Wing Authoritarian Scale ā€¢ Vachyz00698. (e.g., in Theodorp Adorno et alā€™s 1950 classic "The Authoritarian Personality"), PRRI developed a Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWAS) based on agreement with four highly correlated measures of authoritarian attitudes. PRRI finds that 43% of Americans score high or very high on the RWAS, compared with 37% who score low or very low; two in ten Americans qualify as having mixed opinions (20%). nfbw 240926 Vachyz00700

43% is about at Trumpā€™s approval rating ceiling. More from the same Vachyz00698

The PRRI study clearly shows how these authoritarian orientations ā€” so pronounced among Republicans and their white evangelical Protestant baseā€”translate into concrete attitudes and support for actions that undermine our democracy. Just two examples. First, nearly half of white evangelical Protestants (48%) and nearly four in ten Republicans (39%) agree with the theocratic vision of Christian dominionism, that ā€œGod wants Christians to take control of the ā€˜seven mountainsā€™ of society, including the government, education, media and others.ā€ Second, nearly half of Republicans (49%) ā€” and a majority of Republicans with a favorable view of Trump (55%) ā€” agree that ā€œBecause things have gotten so far off track in this country, we need a leader who is willing to break some rules if that's what it takes to set things right.ā€ Four in ten white evangelicals (40%) also support rule-breaking by a strong leader. Vachyz00698
Why are you voting ā€œauthoritarianā€ adv005 Saint Marvinmartian? More from the same Vachyz00698:

White evangelical Protestants (64%) are the religious group most likely to score high on the RWAS, followed by slim majorities of Hispanic Protestants (54%) and white Catholics (54%). As a reminder, each of these groups also strongly supported Donald Trump in the 2020 election: 84% of white evangelical Protestants; 56% of other non-white/non-Black Protestants, and 57% of white Catholics. No other religious groups have majorities scoring high on the RWAS. Vachyz00698:​
nfbw 240926 Vtiota00221
Horse manure, she engages with the man knowing the risk as well as he does, then she is giving the right no other person has the ability to kill that child, a separate human being. The man receives no rights to have say in his child's life which of course is unequal protection!
nfbw 240926 Vtiota00221

HeyNorm said: Democrats: hate the fetus,

NotfooledbyW said: Republicans are OK with killing every fetus between the ages of five weeks and 16 weeks. ā€¢Ā„ā€¢. Does that mean Republicans hate The 96% of all fetuses who are aborted between five weeks and 16 weeks nfbw 240921 Vtiita00201

The right to call a fetus a kid comes with the woman alone who must assume the risk of delivering a fetus to live birth.

You have no right to impose your self important authoritarian religious belief that a ā€œkidā€ begins to exist at conception on any law abiding citizen.


RWAS ā€¢ Right Wing Authoritarian Scale ā€¢ Vachyz00698. (e.g., in Theodorp Adorno et alā€™s 1950 classic "The Authoritarian Personality"), PRRI developed a Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWAS) based on agreement with four highly correlated measures of authoritarian attitudes. PRRI finds that 43% of Americans score high or very high on the RWAS, compared with 37% who score low or very low; two in ten Americans qualify as having mixed opinions (20%). nfbw 240926 Vachyz00700

43% is about at Trumpā€™s approval rating ceiling. More from the same Vachyz00698

The PRRI study clearly shows how these authoritarian orientations ā€” so pronounced among Republicans and their white evangelical Protestant baseā€”translate into concrete attitudes and support for actions that undermine our democracy. Just two examples. First, nearly half of white evangelical Protestants (48%) and nearly four in ten Republicans (39%) agree with the theocratic vision of Christian dominionism, that ā€œGod wants Christians to take control of the ā€˜seven mountainsā€™ of society, including the government, education, media and others.ā€ Second, nearly half of Republicans (49%) ā€” and a majority of Republicans with a favorable view of Trump (55%) ā€” agree that ā€œBecause things have gotten so far off track in this country, we need a leader who is willing to break some rules if that's what it takes to set things right.ā€ Four in ten white evangelicals (40%) also support rule-breaking by a strong leader. Vachyz00698
Why are you voting ā€œauthoritarianā€ adv005 Saint Marvinmartian? More from the same Vachyz00698:

White evangelical Protestants (64%) are the religious group most likely to score high on the RWAS, followed by slim majorities of Hispanic Protestants (54%) and white Catholics (54%). As a reminder, each of these groups also strongly supported Donald Trump in the 2020 election: 84% of white evangelical Protestants; 56% of other non-white/non-Black Protestants, and 57% of white Catholics. No other religious groups have majorities scoring high on the RWAS. Vachyz00698:​
nfbw 240926 Vtiota00221
No dummy, most are not. But democrats are ok with killing them up to the time of birth when they are incredibly similar to a newborn.

I am only OK if the fetus was created without the consent of the woman (making me pro choice) and if the existence of the child could kill the mother (making me pro self defense).

Now go read some morals and ethics books. You could use a healthy dose of both.
Horse manure, she engages with the man knowing the risk as well as he does, then she is giving the right no other person has the ability to kill that child, a separate human being. The man receives no rights to have say in his child's life which of course is unequal protection!

Everyone agrees that if a Man volunteers to serve in the military, he canā€™t just abdicate that ā€œchoiceā€, when he is called to serve on the front line and put his life at risk.

This really is very little difference

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