The irony of the Harris and Janet Jackson situation.

I'm definitely "Team Janet Jackson" That's my girl.

She is usually quiet but for some reason God is using her and oddly causing her to talk and tell the truth. Bible says God uses the foolish to confound the wise.

Remember during the COVID vaccine era in 2021 God used Nikki Minaj to tell others on her "Twitter" page to stay away from that vaccine. She gave multiple reasons why then she had to battle Joyce on MSNBC, and Twitter suspended her account for a bit. Nikki told everyone the truth.
Very good point...
lol I cannot even begin to tell you how stupid it is that you idiots are still talking about this.
Harris is the one who only now is starting to identify as black and sheā€™s putting on fake accents to sound black. So youā€™re out of line once again as always left wingers are out of line. Thatā€™s the modern day left The same people who believe Whites are privileged and a child can get a sex change operation. Iā€™m not surprised by any of the left-wing trash comments in this thread.

No substance by any lefties ittā€¦ I donā€™t think a single one of them have made a comment on how Harris puts on a fake black or Latino accent. Itā€™s often the case with left wingers on the US message board they rarely ever provide substance. They only troll and provide personal attacks.
Wait. Here you are ā€œdeciding who is and isnā€™t blackā€.

Are you a leftist?

Nah just a stupid wing nut
Jackson says she's black. That's good enough for me. And I don't believe I've made any judgement about Harris' race. I know she's claimed a couple, but it doesn't matter to me.

But you seem to be calling Joe Biden a stupid wing nut.

You may be on to something...
Jackson says she's black. That's good enough for me. And I don't believe I've made any judgement about Harris' race. I know she's claimed a couple, but it doesn't matter to me.

But you seem to be calling Joe Biden a stupid wing nut.

You may be on to something...
No one is questioning whether or not Jackson is black.

She is questioning whether Harris isā€¦ stupidly, and you are all on with her

Even more stupidly
We've been repeatedly told by the left that disagreeing with a black person is racist.
You of course have never once been told this by anyone but the voices in your own head.

It's your self-deluding excuse for being called a racist more often than the average bear is.
Harris is the one who only now is starting to identify as black and sheā€™s putting on fake accents to sound black. So youā€™re out of line once again as always left wingers are out of line. Thatā€™s the modern day left The same people who believe Whites are privileged and a child can get a sex change operation. Iā€™m not surprised by any of the left-wing trash comments in this thread.

No substance by any lefties ittā€¦ I donā€™t think a single one of them have made a comment on how Harris puts on a fake black or Latino accent. Itā€™s often the case with left wingers on the US message board they rarely ever provide substance. They only troll and provide personal attacks.
I just donā€™t care. I donā€™t care if Harris never talked about being black before. Why the fuck would anyone care about that besides maybe black people? You care because you idiots throw tantrums over the dumbest shit. Youā€™re emotional drama queens of the highest order. Here you are talking about Harris having accents yet you pretend that orange retard doesnā€™t shit word salad rants the way 9 year olds do. That is literally how Trump sounds when he talks. He talks like a literal child. He is an international embarrassment.
I just donā€™t care. I donā€™t care if Harris never talked about being black before. Why the fuck would anyone care about that besides maybe black people? You care because you idiots throw tantrums over the dumbest shit. Youā€™re emotional drama queens of the highest order. Here you are talking about Harris having accents yet you pretend that orange retard doesnā€™t shit word salad rants the way 9 year olds do. That is literally how Trump sounds when he talks. He talks like a literal child. He is an international embarrassment.

You either are living under a rock or youā€™re intentionally ignoring the point. Harris is making her race a big thing. Same thing with Joe Biden when he said in 2020 he would guarantee to nominate a black woman for vice president. And yet you folks post the kind of stuff you do above. What do you think got us here. Itā€™s left-wing fanaticismā€¦ own it. You canā€™t go around blaming Trump or Trump supporters.

YES Harris puts on fake Latina and black accents when speaking to certain crowds. Itā€™s a jokeā€¦sheā€™s phonyā€¦.as for Trump he talks the same anywhere he is.

I strongly suspect your next post will not acknowledge the core points. Thatā€™s par for the course for todayā€™s left wing.
No one says this. You people are such morons lol
Again wowā€¦. act like critical race theory and the idea that whites are privileged is not part of the left-wing discourse. You guys always ignore this or youā€™re so ignorant you donā€™t know whatā€™s going on right in front of your very eyes. A major part of todayā€™s left-wing ideology is that white people should feel bad for themselves. That any time a black person is struggling in America It is somehow due to systemic racism. And that just like your left-winger Don Lemon said ā€œwhite people need to shut up and listen.ā€

Go ahead, and ignore these points and make some kind of a troll response.

You either are living under a rock or youā€™re intentionally ignoring the point. Harris is making her race a big thing. Same thing with Joe Biden when he said in 2020 he would guarantee to nominate a black woman for vice president. And yet you folks post the kind of stuff you do above. What do you think got us here. Itā€™s left-wing fanaticismā€¦ own it. You canā€™t go around blaming Trump or Trump supporters.

YES Harris puts on fake Latina and black accents when speaking to certain crowds. Itā€™s a jokeā€¦sheā€™s phonyā€¦.as for Trump he talks the same anywhere he is.

I strongly suspect your next post will not acknowledge the core points. Thatā€™s par for the course for todayā€™s left wing.
What I see is your fear that her being black makes her attractive voters.

You either are living under a rock or youā€™re intentionally ignoring the point. Harris is making her race a big thing. Same thing with Joe Biden when he said in 2020 he would guarantee to nominate a black woman for vice president. And yet you folks post the kind of stuff you do above. What do you think got us here. Itā€™s left-wing fanaticismā€¦ own it. You canā€™t go around blaming Trump or Trump supporters.

YES Harris puts on fake Latina and black accents when speaking to certain crowds. Itā€™s a jokeā€¦sheā€™s phonyā€¦.as for Trump he talks the same anywhere he is.

I strongly suspect your next post will not acknowledge the core points. Thatā€™s par for the course for todayā€™s left wing.
lol I love how what I said about Trump is completely ignored yet you think I will dodge YOUR points. Youā€™re a pussy. Prove me wrong. Address what I said about Trump.

What does that even mean a ā€œbig thingā€? Just how often does she even talk about it? I never hear it. People ask her questions about it and obviously she is going to answer them, isnā€™t she?

Iā€™ve heard her accent change when she is talking to a black audience. This is something black people do around each other out of habit. In a group, they tend to talk differently naturally. Either way I have no idea why you care. Itā€™s so stupid. Canā€™t you people focus on shit that actually matters?
Again wowā€¦. act like critical race theory and the idea that whites are privileged is not part of the left-wing discourse. You guys always ignore this or youā€™re so ignorant you donā€™t know whatā€™s going on right in front of your very eyes. A major part of todayā€™s left-wing ideology is that white people should feel bad for themselves. That any time a black person is struggling in America It is somehow due to systemic racism. And that just like your left-winger Don Lemon said ā€œwhite people need to shut up and listen.ā€

Go ahead, and ignore these points and make some kind of a troll response.
Moron what he said is that is racist for anyone white to simply disagree with black people. No one fucking says that. Itā€™s so moronic. You can make this about CRT out of left field if you want, but he didnā€™t say that did he?

You folks have to use pictures and pretend they mean something because you dumb fucking Simps can't ever find the words to defend your stupidity.... :lol:

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