The irony of the Harris and Janet Jackson situation.

Now YOU get to offer proof that I'm racist.
Maybe lower your dosage.

You lied. Nobody has ever said that to tou.

It is your self-deluding excuse. Which is self evident, because your stupid lie is such an obvious lie.

Sorry buddy. I didn't leave you any wiggle room, there.

Tantrum time.
Maybe lower your dosage.

You lied. Nobody has ever said that to tou.

It is your self-deluding excuse. Which is self evident, because your stupid lie is such an obvious lie.

Sorry buddy. I didn't leave you any wiggle room, there.

Tantrum time. proof that I'm a racist.

Must be a day ending in Y. proof that I'm a racist.

Must be a day ending in Y.
I didn't say you were. You forgot that, being a very incapable and low information person, you invented a strawman to diddle.

This is because you can't meet my actual points head on.

And this is because they were spot on, so tantrums are all that are left to you.
If you actually know what this article says, quote what’s relevant. I’m guessing you just randomly googled it though
"Teacher, I DEMAND you do my homework for me!!"

That didn't work for you in second grade. It's not going to work now.
I didn't say you were. You forgot that, being a very incapable and low information person, you invented a strawman to diddle.

This is because you can't meet my actual points head on.

And this is because they were spot on, so tantrums are all that are left to you.
News flash: If you have to tell people you didn't.

It's bedtime, kid. You have school tomorrow.
You’re talking to one of the dumbest wing nuts on the board

He never backs up anything because he’s always wrong
Your refusal to consider the points I make, backed up with citations, does not mean I never back anything up.

Your self-imposed ignorance is not my responsibility.
Your refusal to consider the points I make, backed up with citations, does not mean I never back anything up.

Your self-imposed ignorance is not my responsibility.
Dude , you’re an embarrassment. You post links that either don’t back your point or prove you’re full of shit.

Go sit in the corner

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