The irony of the Harris and Janet Jackson situation.

Dude , you’re an embarrassment. You post links that either don’t back your point or prove you’re full of shit.

Go sit in the corner
You want nothing more than to hear your opinions coming out of other people's mouths.

You're destined to go through life bitter and disappointed.
My homework? I asked for specific evidence of what we are talking about. It’s your job to explain it. Duh.
It's in the article you refuse to read. The failure is yours. I have no obligation to spoon-feed you only to have you screech NUH UH!!
Jackson is a true rockstar. Harris only recently started identifying as black. Harris has on numerous occasions put on a fake “Latino and black accent”. She is very phony and most people understand this. Jackson and plenty of other Americans are right to call out Harris for her nonsense.

What’s ironic is Those people who are vehemently defending Harris are cucks…they are very feminized weak people who ironically rely on strong conservative patriarchal traditional men to protect them. Our country would be ruined if it was only those left-wing BLM type people defending us.
It would have been interesting if Harris had picked Elizabeth Warren as her vp. Both seem to suffer from an identity crisis and are true chameleons.
Ms Jackson suppose to do something for you?

See that’s the problem with the dembot mindset, always asking others to do something for them, begging for handouts

Y’all are weird
:auiqs.jpg:Lol. It's as if I'm asking who the dumbest motherfuckers on this board are, and you're always the first to raise your hand. :auiqs.jpg:
NO, many people of all stripes are going to vote for her…, because she’s NOT TRUMP!

All stripes?? No the only people voting for harris are dembot cultist. Hive mind, you are all the same. There is no free thinking in the cult
All stripes?? No the only people voting for harris are dembot cultist. Hive mind, you are all the same. There is no free thinking in the cult
Dembot cultist?! Dick and Liz would like to have a word! :cool-45:

Kamala speaking in fake accents is demeaning. She makes herself look like a fool. Kerry tried it … he failed. Hillary tried it-multiple times- and failed, multiple times.
The problem with Cackles McKneepads is that she has dark skin, but has nothing but California elitist for culture. Her formative years were in Canada where she probably had no black friends. Her first exposure to black culture was at Howard University, and then she moved right back to mostly white San Francisco. She probably never lived in a predominantly black neighborhood. She attended Hindu services with her mother, not a mostly black church. She is a cultural mash-up like we all would recognize in today's world.

My grandsons were born a little over two years apart. Their father is half-black, half Puerto Rican who grew up in rural Pennsylvania to a high school teacher and church pastor. My two grandsons have never been exposed to any black culture except from their grandmother and only for brief summer visits that ended when she passed away. My grandsons are now 16 and 18, and they are both listed by their schools as mixed race, per my daughter's wishes. Neither could be more different in appearance. My oldest grandson is as white as my wife and me. He is about my height and build, just like my daughter, but he has his Puerto Rican grandfather's hair. The other younger of the two has his father's dark skin tone but is about a foot taller than his father. Because of this, mixed race is the best delineation of their ancestry. They are 0% black culture. Cackles McKneepads in not also.

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