The Jon Stewart Accusation (that "we" are being cheap bastards)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
With all due huzzahs for the First Responders of 9-11, here's my question, if you will pardon the length of it:

The people at issue were essentially all employees of the various government entities of "New York." As such, they had employer-paid medical insurance, workmen's comp, disability insurance (short and long term), generous PTO allowances, inexpensive, subsidized life insurance, and what most Americans would deem ridiculously early retirement potential. Plus, with all of that, they were well compensated during this effort, and probably scoring hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of compensated OT.

So with all that going for them, what, exactly, are they looking for the U.S. taxpayers to provide?

Tangentially, one might note that the families of those who died in "9-11" had the same sorts of perks and benefits from their employers, and the U.S. taxpayers forked over MILLIONS to each and every one of those families... in the same manner as though WE were driving those fucking planes into the buildings, and we were financially responsible in a wrongful death lawsuit. On what basis was that funded? People die at work all the time; that's why, if we are prudent, we have INSURANCE.

It really pisses me off when politicians show their "generosity" and "compassion" with my fucking tax dollars.

Seriously, what exactly are the U.S. taxpayers being asked to pay for with respect to these First Responders - that is not already being funded by their generous package of employee benefits?
DGS I'm sorry to say that your post just seems ignorant... Really? The standard policies and procedures of a Fire Department adequately foresaw the collapse of world trade centers with your everyday Arkansas Fire fighting first responder in it? I think that's ridiculous. Yet, it seems like the very epicenter of your post there. I think the Government was due to review the protocols. How about that?
What I want to know is why does Stewart and Colbert get to grandstand in front of congress?
With all due huzzahs for the First Responders of 9-11, here's my question, if you will pardon the length of it:

The people at issue were essentially all employees of the various government entities of "New York." As such, they had employer-paid medical insurance, workmen's comp, disability insurance (short and long term), generous PTO allowances, inexpensive, subsidized life insurance, and what most Americans would deem ridiculously early retirement potential. Plus, with all of that, they were well compensated during this effort, and probably scoring hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of compensated OT.

So with all that going for them, what, exactly, are they looking for the U.S. taxpayers to provide?

Tangentially, one might note that the families of those who died in "9-11" had the same sorts of perks and benefits from their employers, and the U.S. taxpayers forked over MILLIONS to each and every one of those families... in the same manner as though WE were driving those fucking planes into the buildings, and we were financially responsible in a wrongful death lawsuit. On what basis was that funded? People die at work all the time; that's why, if we are prudent, we have INSURANCE.

It really pisses me off when politicians show their "generosity" and "compassion" with my fucking tax dollars.

Seriously, what exactly are the U.S. taxpayers being asked to pay for with respect to these First Responders - that is not already being funded by their generous package of employee benefits?

Many insurance plans also have yearly and lifetimes maximums that they will pay out, so that doesn't mean these people still haven't been saddled with unsustainable debt as a result.
With all due huzzahs for the First Responders of 9-11, here's my question, if you will pardon the length of it:

The people at issue were essentially all employees of the various government entities of "New York." As such, they had employer-paid medical insurance, workmen's comp, disability insurance (short and long term), generous PTO allowances, inexpensive, subsidized life insurance, and what most Americans would deem ridiculously early retirement potential. Plus, with all of that, they were well compensated during this effort, and probably scoring hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of compensated OT.

So with all that going for them, what, exactly, are they looking for the U.S. taxpayers to provide?

Tangentially, one might note that the families of those who died in "9-11" had the same sorts of perks and benefits from their employers, and the U.S. taxpayers forked over MILLIONS to each and every one of those families... in the same manner as though WE were driving those fucking planes into the buildings, and we were financially responsible in a wrongful death lawsuit. On what basis was that funded? People die at work all the time; that's why, if we are prudent, we have INSURANCE.

It really pisses me off when politicians show their "generosity" and "compassion" with my fucking tax dollars.

Seriously, what exactly are the U.S. taxpayers being asked to pay for with respect to these First Responders - that is not already being funded by their generous package of employee benefits?

Those members of congress that jon is so mad at? He is one of the people who wants those same morons to be in control of healthcare for the entire country. He has pushed giving those same morons more power and control over our healthcare system, pushed for it on his show, and then, when they can't take care of the needs of a tiny population like the 9/11 First responders......he wants to give them even more power and control. He doesn't understand that he is the problem, not those morons in congress.....he keeps supporting their incompetence and inefficiency, and their inability to do anything right. Jon Stewart is the problem.....he believes that the government should control healthcare.....and then bitches when they can't take care of the healthcare of that tiny population.....

His solution.......give the very people who keep screwing up, more power, more money and more control.....

And he doesn't even see how stupid he is...
While I do not usually watch nor really respect Stewart,(that goes for any TV or radio person, the no respect thing) this case Congress needs to step up and ensure these people don't pay one lousy dime for their healthcare. This is the easiest call ever. These people have up their well being in a terrorist attack. They have numerous illnesses. If we can't right this then something is wrong. For once Stewart is spot on.
What I want to know is why does Stewart and Colbert get to grandstand in front of congress?
Because they are 100% political, and political correctness has destroyed this country. To think any different is fucking retarded
What I want to know is why does Stewart and Colbert get to grandstand in front of congress?
We all know the Prog Socialist Comedians are the moral fiber of the world. They commit suicide at a higher level then many professions. When they do commit suicide it is never about their selfish ways of violating the seven deadly sins over a period of years or decades. Their spiel when alive is about not coping with the unfairness to everyone in this world of wrong. Giving up what they had/have would help many.
Seriously, how much could these people POSSIBLY be out of pocket? Some co-pays and deductibles? We are talking about PEANUTS. LIfetime limits were largely eliminated by the ACA, and again these people work for THE GOVERNMENT, IN NEW YORK, where benefits and compensation are relatively opulent (compared to the Real World).

The comedian made it sound like these people were driven to destitution by their plight.

I call bullshit. Never happened.

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