The Kerry Effect

So our choices are war crimes were committed constantly by everyone or they didn't occur. Another typical sheep post by a devotee of the Holy Church of the Democratic Party.

It's simple enough.

Don't attack countries that don't attack you.

How hard is that?

You mean countries like Germany and Kosovo?

Former was a world war, latter was a police action.

Don't play petty points. But if you are a teabagger or neocon, sound bites are all you are good at anyway. Looking at an issue indepth is not exactly a well known trait of righties....
It's simple enough.

Don't attack countries that don't attack you.

How hard is that?

You mean countries like Germany and Kosovo?

Former was a world war, latter was a police action.

Don't play petty points. But if you are a teabagger or neocon, sound bites are all you are good at anyway. Looking at an issue indepth is not exactly a well known trait of righties....
they called Korea a police action, too. Vietnam was called a conflict. when people come home in fucking body bags, it's a fucking war.
The primary reason Gerald Ford loss the election was because he supported Nixon and pardoned him. Cartier's strategy was to link Ford to Nixon and to present himself as a Christian that would bring morality back to the Whitehorse. The economy was never a major issue in the campaign.

There were a whole lot of reasons behind Ford's loss, not the least of which he had no real constituency to start with. Despite that, he only BARELY got edged out by Carter. but the 7.4% unemployment rate he was sporting didn't help.

Actuall, many historians don't even count the 1899 recession as an actual recession. And again, the "Full Lunch Pail" slogan resonated quite a bit with the working man, who rejected Christian Populist William Jenning Bryan.

There was still a recession.

If you think a weak candidate can win the election, nominate one and we'll see. You certainly have a number of choices.

Actually, I think most of the candidates have stronger resumes than the Community Organizer does.

The fact you see him as a community organiser speaks volumes of your partisanship.

He certainly does have his work cut out for him though. I have found him a weak and ineffectual president because he bends over too much towards the conservatives.

That being said, he is still better at his worst than Bush was at his best..

He bends over to everyone. He has no backbone whatsoever.
It's simple enough.

Don't attack countries that don't attack you.

How hard is that?

You mean countries like Germany and Kosovo?

Former was a world war, latter was a police action.

Don't play petty points. But if you are a teabagger or neocon, sound bites are all you are good at anyway. Looking at an issue indepth is not exactly a well known trait of righties....

Yeah, but, what’s that got to do with the fact that neither country attacked us first?

Also, Vietnam was called a "police action" for virtually the entire time I was growing up and had the draft hanging over my head. So what does that have to do with anything?

And I assume you did not grow up under similar circumstances because you consider these things to be “petty points”.
You mean countries like Germany and Kosovo?

Former was a world war, latter was a police action.

Don't play petty points. But if you are a teabagger or neocon, sound bites are all you are good at anyway. Looking at an issue indepth is not exactly a well known trait of righties....

Yeah, but, what’s that got to do with the fact that neither country attacked us first?

Also, Vietnam was called a "police action" for virtually the entire time I was growing up and had the draft hanging over my head. So what does that have to do with anything?

And I assume you did not grow up under similar circumstances because you consider these things to be “petty points”.
Germany attacked us first. They sank our boats in the Atlantic. It was part of their declaration of war. Actually they sank our boats before that... but we remained "neutral".
You mean countries like Germany and Kosovo?

Former was a world war, latter was a police action.

Don't play petty points. But if you are a teabagger or neocon, sound bites are all you are good at anyway. Looking at an issue indepth is not exactly a well known trait of righties....
they called Korea a police action, too. Vietnam was called a conflict. when people come home in fucking body bags, it's a fucking war.

I disagree. There are varying degrees of war. There was no out and out conflict and the US was asked (many times) to help out with Kosovo by many European countries, as well as the Muslims in Bosnia. I don't recall the Iraqi or Afghani govts asking for any help....
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You mean countries like Germany and Kosovo?

Former was a world war, latter was a police action.

Don't play petty points. But if you are a teabagger or neocon, sound bites are all you are good at anyway. Looking at an issue indepth is not exactly a well known trait of righties....

Yeah, but, what’s that got to do with the fact that neither country attacked us first?

Also, Vietnam was called a "police action" for virtually the entire time I was growing up and had the draft hanging over my head. So what does that have to do with anything?

And I assume you did not grow up under similar circumstances because you consider these things to be “petty points”.

No, I consider YOUR points petty points, not Viet Nam, not Korea, or WWII or Kosovo....

You are trying to draw a line between invading Iraq/Afghanistan and Kosovo and WWII....they are different actions, therefore have different merits or lack thereof. IOW, you are comparing apples with oranges and calling them banana's...
Germany declared war on us.

So didn’t al-Qaida.

Al Qaeda's not a country.

So I guess that’s why we declared a blanket war on terrorism and not some specific country.

Also, just as we waited to enter WWII while Germany sank our ships, so didn’t we wait to enter into a war on terrorism. It literally took us decades to reach the breaking point. Decades of putting up with our citizens being killed all over the world in places like night clubs, peaceful cruise ships, airliners, warships and military barracks.
So didn’t al-Qaida.

Al Qaeda's not a country.

So I guess that’s why we declared a blanket war on terrorism and not some specific country.

Also, just as we waited to enter WWII while Germany sank our ships, so didn’t we wait to enter into a war on terrorism. It literally took us decades to reach the breaking point. Decades of putting up with our citizens being killed all over the world in places like night clubs, peaceful cruise ships, airliners, warships and military barracks.

I suppose. although how many people (not countries) have declared war on america? lots, I assume.
Former was a world war, latter was a police action.

Don't play petty points. But if you are a teabagger or neocon, sound bites are all you are good at anyway. Looking at an issue indepth is not exactly a well known trait of righties....

Yeah, but, what’s that got to do with the fact that neither country attacked us first?

Also, Vietnam was called a "police action" for virtually the entire time I was growing up and had the draft hanging over my head. So what does that have to do with anything?

And I assume you did not grow up under similar circumstances because you consider these things to be “petty points”.

No, I consider YOUR points petty points, not Viet Nam, not Korea, or WWII or Kosovo....

You are trying to draw a line between invading Iraq/Afghanistan and Kosovo and WWII....they are different actions, therefore have different merits or lack thereof. IOW, you are comparing apples with oranges and calling them banana's...

Oops, I guess I simply did not realize that you’re the one who gets to decide which wars, police actions, or conflicts have merit.

Sorry about making the petty points.
Al Qaeda's not a country.

So I guess that’s why we declared a blanket war on terrorism and not some specific country.

Also, just as we waited to enter WWII while Germany sank our ships, so didn’t we wait to enter into a war on terrorism. It literally took us decades to reach the breaking point. Decades of putting up with our citizens being killed all over the world in places like night clubs, peaceful cruise ships, airliners, warships and military barracks.

I suppose. although how many people (not countries) have declared war on america? lots, I assume.

Not sure but at least we tried to do something about those who followed through.
The fact you see him as a community organiser speaks volumes of your partisanship.

He certainly does have his work cut out for him though. I have found him a weak and ineffectual president because he bends over too much towards the conservatives.

That being said, he is still better at his worst than Bush was at his best..

I see him as the "Community Organizer" because that was his pre-political career. just like Jimmy Carter was the Peanut Farmer and Ronald Reagan was the Actor and George Bush was the "Oil Man".

He's weak because he 'leads from behind', doesn't take the lead, and outsources the hard work of government. He just didn't roll over for the Republicans, he rolled over for the Congressional Democrats.

And sorry, while I'm no fan of Bush, the fact is, his worst unemployment rate was better than Obama's best. I'd rather take Bush's term average of 5% than Obama's average of 9%.

(Psst..oh, yeah, Bush isn't running.)
War crimes. Real War Crimes. Unfortunately there's no one except ourselves to police ourselves.

Which is why the crimes in Vietnam got a free pass.

Unless you hold that genocide, rape and other atrocities didn't occur.

The world knows they did. You would be in a minority. Even in this country.

So our choices are war crimes were committed constantly by everyone or they didn't occur. Another typical sheep post by a devotee of the Holy Church of the Democratic Party.

It's simple enough.

Don't attack countries that don't attack you.

How hard is that?

We were discussing "war crimes," now suddenly we're discussing whether we should have been in the war. Typical liberal argument, when you're losing, go a different direction.
So our choices are war crimes were committed constantly by everyone or they didn't occur. Another typical sheep post by a devotee of the Holy Church of the Democratic Party.

It's simple enough.

Don't attack countries that don't attack you.

How hard is that?

You mean countries like Germany and Kosovo?

I agree on Kosovo, but Germany was regularly attacking us at sea, in American harbors and even firing onto American soil.
So our choices are war crimes were committed constantly by everyone or they didn't occur. Another typical sheep post by a devotee of the Holy Church of the Democratic Party.

It's simple enough.

Don't attack countries that don't attack you.

How hard is that?

We were discussing "war crimes," now suddenly we're discussing whether we should have been in the war. Typical liberal argument, when you're losing, go a different direction.


Are attacking a country that hasn't attacked you, killing millions of people, raping children, torturing and killing pows and destroying infrastructure, war crimes?

Yes or no?

Are attacking a country that hasn't attacked you, killing millions of people, raping children, torturing and killing pows and destroying infrastructure, war crimes?

Yes or no?

Only if you lose.

Not that we really did those things in Vietnam, and when they happened outside the rules of war, they were punished.

But if Kerry realy felt that way, why didn't he just SAY SO in 2004? Why did he run away from 1972 John Kerry like a relative looking for money?

Are attacking a country that hasn't attacked you, killing millions of people, raping children, torturing and killing pows and destroying infrastructure, war crimes?

Yes or no?

Only if you lose.

Not that we really did those things in Vietnam, and when they happened outside the rules of war, they were punished.

But if Kerry realy felt that way, why didn't he just SAY SO in 2004? Why did he run away from 1972 John Kerry like a relative looking for money?

They happened and on a large scale.

Almost no one was punished.

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