The knockout game

TY for pointing out how JoeB131 was wrong. He is wrong 999/1000X.
You were probably stuffed in a a girl
There were no beatings like that when I was in school, though. None.
It was 1-3 hits and over, or people breaking it up.
The worst thing was they jumped a big black boy, but they were all kinda small
so, well he caught the side of a chair on his head, wrasslin' style and had a line lump,
they tried to hurt him, but they were all like smaller than me and he's a big boy.
I talked to him later, well, after we got some retribution for that nonsense,
and he was OK. It looked bad when it was happening. Could do nothing at the time, the teacher locked us in. Oh! He had a black eye from it. :(
I was mad. Wish that teacher hadn't done that. Just me and another guy could have
turned that all kinds of around.
The guy that got jumped was a big Tuba player that had the best jokes in school and was not a fighter.
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TY for pointing out how JoeB131 was wrong. He is wrong 999/1000X.
Except I'm not. Police spending has increased since 2020.

It's like we just don't learn.

However, a national investigation by the ABC Owned Televisions Stations found those calls have not transformed into action.

An analysis of budgets for more than 100 law enforcement agencies across the country uncovered the opposite. Ninety percent of cities and counties increased spending for police between the fiscal years 2018-19 and 2021-22.

Of the 10% of agencies who did decrease funding, the cuts were small with only eight agencies slashing the budget by more than 2%; a percentage many local government budget experts deem irrelevant.
Once two police officers threw me into an alley and beat me up by mistake.
Similar thing happened to me only it was 5 Black kids when I was six and they were 12-13 and beat me with a stick in between buildings at a middle school in Virginia. Thank God adults heard my screams and intervened resulting in the kids running away. This was in the mid 1970s.

That was learned hate and anger from the parents and I had to pay for the sins of whites in this country even though I was third generation wetback Mediterranean.
Kids in high school get into fights.

But you guy use this as "proof" that, what, black people a evil?
White kids at the schools I attended rarely fought. When they did they did not hit people from behind. They did not gang up on people.
Similar thing happened to me only it was 5 Black kids when I was six and they were 12-13 and beat me with a stick in between buildings at a middle school in Virginia. Thank God adults heard my screams and intervened resulting in the kids running away. This was in the mid 1970s.

That was learned hate and anger from the parents and I had to pay for the sins of whites in this country even though I was third generation wetback Mediterranean.
What kind of idiots let a six year old wander around by himself?

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