The left is killing the economy .

well.., that leaves out 99.9999999999999% to infinity of all libertards. :lmao:

damn !! i wish i could find that one that does exist, he/she certainly does not reside on USMB !! :lmao:............. :lmao:

The jobs lost in the recession were lost BECAUSE of Republican Policies, lies and fallacies- Can we say Trickle Down (Voodoo!) Economics? Hell, even Dubya's Dad knew that stuff was, uh, Bunk!

Now they want you to believe them when they claim they know what's best for the rest of us?

Your ignorance of macro-economics is only exceeded by your desire to share it with the rest of us.

Jobs were lost because the economy went into recession. A twelve year old can comprehend that simple fact. Neither Bush policies, nor trickle down economics had a damn thing to do with causing the recession.

The economy went into recession because of the dry up of credit caused by the bust of the housing boom. Even you should be able to figure that out. When consumers are out of both cash and credit, they quit buying and that causes the economy to shrink.

The follow on financial crisis, also caused by the bust of the housing bubble, helped dry up credit, but the recession was already a fact by then. There was no brink to be brought back from, since TARP averted the financial crisis before Obama ever took office.

Your leaders know that you are ignorant, and feed you the BS that you regurgitate on message boards.

This administration and the federal reserve have thrown $trillions at the economy trying to prove that Keynesian economics works, and five and a half years later, the economy is still bouncing along the bottom. How long is it going to take you people to realize that you don't have a clue?

This is RGDP for the last five years


How do you get "bouncing along the bottom" out of that?
tax,tax,tax !! regulation ,after regulation on business !! it is almost impossible to start your own business these days's not competition that kills new business and's the Federal Government !! how can anyone with a brain not know this ?

And I just had a short lived give and take on corporate taxes with a lib who thinks they are high because of our military, not entitlements :lol:

Lower tax rates on individuals and corporations ,Lower energy costs through coal and natural gas ,and oil resources sitting in the ground waiting to be used. ect...... the left is against everything that would boost our economy .....WHY ??

I believe it is that lower tax rates don't increase increase economic activities and fossil fuels create pollution which, it turns out, includes co2.

I'm pretty sure that's why. Now that you ask, it occurs to me that the reason against fossil fuels include pollutants from the beginning of extraction all the way up to combustion.

That is what I've read so far.

What can you think of?

There are some great apps that help boost memory, if that's the difficulty you're up against.

It could be a cognitive problem, such as asking rhetorical questions all the time instead of just objectively learning.

History lesson 101


I believe it is that lower tax rates don't increase increase economic activities

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I don't think you can say that one party or the other is "killing" the economy.

One can't help but notice, however, that virtually everything the Democrats say about business or free markets or capitalism or corporate taxation is anti-business. And yet they claim to be "pro-business".

Just be honest, folks, maybe that would be a good first step.


I don't think you can say that one party or the other is "killing" the economy.

One can't help but notice, however, that virtually everything the Democrats say about business or free markets or capitalism or corporate taxation is anti-business. And yet they claim to be "pro-business".

Just be honest, folks, maybe that would be a good first step.


I'll bet you think that you can support that claim. I'll bet more that you won't do so in this thread. After is so obvious that if you don't agree, you must be a dishonest extreme left wing ideologue.

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I don't think you can say that one party or the other is "killing" the economy.

One can't help but notice, however, that virtually everything the Democrats say about business or free markets or capitalism or corporate taxation is anti-business. And yet they claim to be "pro-business".

Just be honest, folks, maybe that would be a good first step.


I'll bet you think that you can support that claim. I'll bet more that you won't do so in this thread. After is so obvious that if you don't agree, you must be a dishonest extreme left wing ideologue.


Since we're waiting. Why don't you enumerate all the Democratic business initiatives, and how specifically, they were conducive to business growth and sustainment


I don't think you can say that one party or the other is "killing" the economy.

One can't help but notice, however, that virtually everything the Democrats say about business or free markets or capitalism or corporate taxation is anti-business. And yet they claim to be "pro-business".

Just be honest, folks, maybe that would be a good first step.


I'll bet you think that you can support that claim. I'll bet more that you won't do so in this thread. After is so obvious that if you don't agree, you must be a dishonest extreme left wing ideologue.


Since we're waiting. Why don't you enumerate all the Democratic business initiatives, and how specifically, they were conducive to business growth and sustainment


My little stalker friend has a PhD in Obtuse.

Who knows, perhaps his intense commitment to his partisan ideology has blinded him to the voluminous list of examples of my point. No amount of examples can ever satisfy people like that.

A fascinating psychological study, huh?


I don't think you can say that one party or the other is "killing" the economy.

One can't help but notice, however, that virtually everything the Democrats say about business or free markets or capitalism or corporate taxation is anti-business. And yet they claim to be "pro-business".

Just be honest, folks, maybe that would be a good first step.


I'll bet you think that you can support that claim. I'll bet more that you won't do so in this thread. After is so obvious that if you don't agree, you must be a dishonest extreme left wing ideologue.


Since we're waiting. Why don't you enumerate all the Democratic business initiatives, and how specifically, they were conducive to business growth and sustainment


Here's some reading material for you. It's only a few paragraphs. Enjoy.
Lower tax rates on individuals and corporations ,Lower energy costs through coal and natural gas ,and oil resources sitting in the ground waiting to be used. ect...... the left is against everything that would boost our economy .....WHY ??

I believe it is that lower tax rates don't increase increase economic activities and fossil fuels create pollution which, it turns out, includes co2.

I'm pretty sure that's why. Now that you ask, it occurs to me that the reason against fossil fuels include pollutants from the beginning of extraction all the way up to combustion.

That is what I've read so far.

What can you think of?

There are some great apps that help boost memory, if that's the difficulty you're up against.

It could be a cognitive problem, such as asking rhetorical questions all the time instead of just objectively learning.

History lesson 101


I believe it is that lower tax rates don't increase increase economic activities


I'm not sure what your point is. Is your point that "the left" thinks that lowering taxes increases economic activity?
Once a reliably-Blue State, Democrat policies have turned West Virginia completely Red - See more at: Once a reliably-Blue State, Democrat policies have turned West Virginia completely Red | Poor Richard's News

West Virginia used to vote Democrat in every Presidential election, but those days seem completely over. As Democrats in Washington continue to push policies that negatively impact the lives of virtually every West Virginian, the state has turned from Dark Blue to Bright Red.

from Washington Post:

Ordinary West Virginians used to look to Washington with something close to reverence. It was a partner in good times, a lifeline in bad ones, a powerful ally against the big corporations that came for its coal and timber. By some measures, West Virginia relies more on federal money than any other state.

But increasingly, it also has become an extreme example of the hostility that shows up in every national poll when people are asked how they feel about the federal government. Many here now speak of Washington as an enemy that threatens their economy and their way of life, that traps them into dependency.

“Washington’s 100 percent against us,” said M.E. Walker, a retired road builder who lives in Pence Springs in Summers County. “They don’t like our jobs. They don’t like our attitudes.” […]
From Franklin D. Roosevelt’s era until the 2000 election, it was among the most reliably Democratic states, one of only six that Jimmy Carter carried in 1980, and 10 that Michael S. Dukakis won in 1988.
But in the past decade or so, “West Virginia has realigned politically with the Deep South, at least in presidential elections,” historian John Alexander Williams said in a June lecture in Charleston marking the state’s 150th anniversary. “Between the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections, a time when voters were trending strongly Democratic in other parts of the nation, 366 of official Appalachia’s 410 counties increased their Republican share of presidential votes.”

In 2012, that trendline cut more deeply. Obama lost the seven West Virginia counties he had carried in 2008. It marked the first time that a major party’s presidential candidate suffered a 55-county shutout.

- See more at: Once a reliably-Blue State, Democrat policies have turned West Virginia completely Red | Poor Richard's News
tax,tax,tax !! regulation ,after regulation on business !! it is almost impossible to start your own business these days's not competition that kills new business and's the Federal Government !! how can anyone with a brain not know this ?

And I just had a short lived give and take on corporate taxes with a lib who thinks they are high because of our military, not entitlements :lol:

Thinks what are high, corporate tax rates? I thought that the general consensous amoung "libs" was that corporate tax rates are low.
The jobs lost in the recession were lost BECAUSE of Republican Policies, lies and fallacies- Can we say Trickle Down (Voodoo!) Economics? Hell, even Dubya's Dad knew that stuff was, uh, Bunk!

Now they want you to believe them when they claim they know what's best for the rest of us?

Your ignorance of macro-economics is only exceeded by your desire to share it with the rest of us.

Jobs were lost because the economy went into recession. A twelve year old can comprehend that simple fact. Neither Bush policies, nor trickle down economics had a damn thing to do with causing the recession.

The economy went into recession because of the dry up of credit caused by the bust of the housing boom. Even you should be able to figure that out. When consumers are out of both cash and credit, they quit buying and that causes the economy to shrink.

The follow on financial crisis, also caused by the bust of the housing bubble, helped dry up credit, but the recession was already a fact by then. There was no brink to be brought back from, since TARP averted the financial crisis before Obama ever took office.

Your leaders know that you are ignorant, and feed you the BS that you regurgitate on message boards.

This administration and the federal reserve have thrown $trillions at the economy trying to prove that Keynesian economics works, and five and a half years later, the economy is still bouncing along the bottom. How long is it going to take you people to realize that you don't have a clue?

This is RGDP for the last five years


How do you get "bouncing along the bottom" out of that?
Another lib who cannot read a graph.
Gdp growth this past quarter was 4%, which sounds great. But the previous quarter it was negative 2%. That's an average of 2% growth. This entire recovery has not seen growth beyond 3%. Under Reagan's recovery we regularly got 6% growth because growth is higher out of a recession as the economy tries to catch up.
Why is the economy lagging? Democrat policies that increased uncertainty both in taxes and regulation, where they hadnt already increased taxes and regulation.
Hey rabbit. Remember your claim that one exported jobs equals three jobs here in the USA.

Explain how exporting 30 million jobs to China (or where ever) will result in 90 million news jobs in the USA.

I missed your explanation the last time I asked.
Hey rabbit. Remember your claim that one exported jobs equals three jobs here in the USA.

Explain how exporting 30 million jobs to China (or where ever) will result in 90 million news jobs in the USA.

I missed your explanation the last time I asked.

That's because you're stupid, Zeke.
Hey rabbit. Remember your claim that one exported jobs equals three jobs here in the USA.

Explain how exporting 30 million jobs to China (or where ever) will result in 90 million news jobs in the USA.

I missed your explanation the last time I asked.

That's because you're stupid, Zeke.

Fuck you rabbit. That WAS your claim. You gonna back it up or just look like the asshole you are?

You said 1 exported job equals three jobs in the USA. 30 million exported jobs would equal 90 million in the USA.

You gonna back that up or be an asshole? Hell do both, I wanna see you prove your assertion.
Hurry up rabbit., I gotta go to someplace you have no familiarity with; work.
Hey rabbit. Remember your claim that one exported jobs equals three jobs here in the USA.

Explain how exporting 30 million jobs to China (or where ever) will result in 90 million news jobs in the USA.

I missed your explanation the last time I asked.

An oft repeated line by Robert Reich.
Of course, since the 2008 crash, Reich has changed that line to, "WILL EVENTUALLY equal".
Will eventually has come and gone and the wealthy get wealthier and the Mexicans build more and more beautiful homes for the wealthy.
Hey rabbit. Remember your claim that one exported jobs equals three jobs here in the USA.

Explain how exporting 30 million jobs to China (or where ever) will result in 90 million news jobs in the USA.

I missed your explanation the last time I asked.

That's because you're stupid, Zeke.

Fuck you rabbit. That WAS your claim. You gonna back it up or just look like the asshole you are?

You said 1 exported job equals three jobs in the USA. 30 million exported jobs would equal 90 million in the USA.

You gonna back that up or be an asshole? Hell do both, I wanna see you prove your assertion.

I already did. I posted the links. You're too stupid to see them.
Hey, Zeke, under Bush unemployment was like 4%. But for the previous 30 years we've been off shoring jobs like crazy. If what you think were true then unemployment should have been like 10%. But the only time it got that close was under your butt buddy Obama.
So what gives?
Hey rabbit. Remember your claim that one exported jobs equals three jobs here in the USA.

Explain how exporting 30 million jobs to China (or where ever) will result in 90 million news jobs in the USA.

I missed your explanation the last time I asked.

An oft repeated line by Robert Reich.
Of course, since the 2008 crash, Reich has changed that line to, "WILL EVENTUALLY equal".
Will eventually has come and gone and the wealthy get wealthier and the Mexicans build more and more beautiful homes for the wealthy.

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