The Lincoln Project Can Suck It


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021
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The pricks over at the Lincoln Project are the biggest bunch of smug assholes to ever ban together in opposition to their party.

One of the more wonderful results of this Trump victory is that they get to eat all the crow they tried to dish up in advance of the election.

I can't recall a bigger bunch of turncoats in all my days. They should name themselves the ArnoldProject in memory of history's most famous traitor.

This is their crybaby response to Trump's victory. I hope it gave them cramps writing it:

The Lincoln Project accepts that America has voted to re-elect Donald Trump on his victory. We believe in this democracy and in the peaceful transfer of power when the voters have spoken.

Four years ago when he lost by over seven million votes, Donald Trump’s Big Lie tore the country apart. For the first time in American history, there was no peaceful transition of power.

We said, as did many, this is not how it should work in America. In a democracy, someone must be willing to lose. In this election, it’s our turn to play that role in our democratic process.

We will stand with the millions who share a different vision of America than Donald Trump and his allies.

In the days, weeks and months ahead, we will not challenge the legitimacy of the voters’ choice for president. We will confront his policies and his inevitable abuse of power.


It has to be "inevitable" since that is all they yelled and hollared about for five years.

Yes, let's be Max Waters and just assume something will be done wrong.

I truly detest these POSs.

They can suck it.
Watched these butthurt pussies somehow wanting to throw this on anyone.

Screw Michael Steel.

Screw this asshole Rich Wilson.

They joke about accents.

They must be scarred.

"...wanted a dictator."

"....wanted grifters."

".....national ban on abortion rights."

".....economic hardships."

Wilson....starts out playing the race card.

Then they tell you you have to pay to watch. Talk about grifters.
Watched these butthurt pussies somehow wanting to throw this on anyone.

Screw Michael Steel.

Screw this asshole Rich Wilson.

They joke about accents.

They must be scarred.

"...wanted a dictator."

"....wanted grifters."

".....national ban on abortion rights."

".....economic hardships."

Wilson....starts out playing the race card.

Then they tell you you have to pay to watch. Talk about grifters.
Wilson is a rich, establishment, globalist who hates the American worker. So him, the three young geniuses he claims to know and the rest of the robber barons of the Lincoln project, might as well just "Git their shit....and git". If Lincoln were alive today, he'd sue these assholes for dragging his name through the mud. MAGA
Upset because some group doesn't want to see Jan 6th repeated?

The pricks over at the Lincoln Project are the biggest bunch of smug assholes to ever ban together in opposition to their party.

One of the more wonderful results of this Trump victory is that they get to eat all the crow they tried to dish up in advance of the election.

I can't recall a bigger bunch of turncoats in all my days. They should name themselves the ArnoldProject in memory of history's most famous traitor.

This is their crybaby response to Trump's victory. I hope it gave them cramps writing it:

The Lincoln Project accepts that America has voted to re-elect Donald Trump on his victory. We believe in this democracy and in the peaceful transfer of power when the voters have spoken.

Four years ago when he lost by over seven million votes, Donald Trump’s Big Lie tore the country apart. For the first time in American history, there was no peaceful transition of power.

We said, as did many, this is not how it should work in America. In a democracy, someone must be willing to lose. In this election, it’s our turn to play that role in our democratic process.

We will stand with the millions who share a different vision of America than Donald Trump and his allies.

In the days, weeks and months ahead, we will not challenge the legitimacy of the voters’ choice for president. We will confront his policies and his inevitable abuse of power.


It has to be "inevitable" since that is all they yelled and hollared about for five years.

Yes, let's be Max Waters and just assume something will be done wrong.

I truly detest these POSs.

They can suck it.
do you always want someone to suck it
The pricks over at the Lincoln Project are the biggest bunch of smug assholes to ever ban together in opposition to their party.

One of the more wonderful results of this Trump victory is that they get to eat all the crow they tried to dish up in advance of the election.

I can't recall a bigger bunch of turncoats in all my days. They should name themselves the ArnoldProject in memory of history's most famous traitor.

This is their crybaby response to Trump's victory. I hope it gave them cramps writing it:

The Lincoln Project accepts that America has voted to re-elect Donald Trump on his victory. We believe in this democracy and in the peaceful transfer of power when the voters have spoken.

Four years ago when he lost by over seven million votes, Donald Trump’s Big Lie tore the country apart. For the first time in American history, there was no peaceful transition of power.

We said, as did many, this is not how it should work in America. In a democracy, someone must be willing to lose. In this election, it’s our turn to play that role in our democratic process.

We will stand with the millions who share a different vision of America than Donald Trump and his allies.

In the days, weeks and months ahead, we will not challenge the legitimacy of the voters’ choice for president. We will confront his policies and his inevitable abuse of power.


It has to be "inevitable" since that is all they yelled and hollared about for five years.

Yes, let's be Max Waters and just assume something will be done wrong.

I truly detest these POSs.

They can suck it.
I'm pretty sure they don't think too much of you either.
The Lincoln Project is the 911 W crowd.

They are left wing Zionist Fascist traitors.

It is a disgrace to America that all of them have not already been put in front of a firing squad.
"lost by 7 MILLION votes..."
Yeah, SEVEN FUCKING MILLION PHANTOM BIDEN VOTERS that didn't show up this time, eh?
It's PROOF that the 2020 election was thoroughly RIGGED!!!!!!!
This won't be ignored going forward....... :evil:
The real number is more than 7 million....If you honestly believe that Kumswalla got more votes than the golden child Obama, you have access to better drugs than I can get.

Trump was able to win far beyond the margin of fraud....Unfortunately, at least four Senate candidates and several HoR candidates weren't able to.
Watched these butthurt pussies somehow wanting to throw this on anyone.

Screw Michael Steel.

Screw this asshole Rich Wilson.

They joke about accents.

They must be scarred.

"...wanted a dictator."

"....wanted grifters."

".....national ban on abortion rights."

".....economic hardships."

Wilson....starts out playing the race card.

Then they tell you you have to pay to watch. Talk about grifters.
These are the same assholes who stole the delegates from Rick Santorum and Ron Paul in 2012, in order to elevate the greasy shoe salesman Mittens Romney.

They're exactly the smug know-it-all shitheels that made Trump possible, and can't muster the introspection to notice the fact.
These are the same assholes who stole the delegates from Rick Santorum and Ron Paul in 2012, in order to elevate the greasy shoe salesman Mittens Romney.

They're exactly the smug know-it-all shitheels that made Trump possible, and can't muster the introspection to notice the fact.
Introspection is foreign to traitors. And these scum ARE traitors.
So you think that we should just accept that our elections are crooked?

Audit after audit. Investigation after investigation. Lawsuit after lawsuit.


Free and fair elections are the bedrock of our democracy. We're China or Russia without them. 2020 was a fraudulent election. MAGA.

Pelosi said Biden should be added to Mt Rushmore.

When is that happening?
Trump should praise the Lincoln project, then the democrats will destroy it and the people for Trump.

Maybe Trump should nominate all the top democrat politicians then the democrats will destroy themselves.

Wishful thinking on my part
Audit after audit. Investigation after investigation. Lawsuit after lawsuit.
There was only one thorough audit -in AZ- and all the lawsuits -except in WI- were thrown out on technicalities before any evidence was presented.

But you already knew this and continue to lie lie lie about it....Then you wonder how a guy like Trump wins.
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