The Moral Decline of America is exemplified by two different A-B commercials, 20 years apart

You’re incorrect of course.

The Marketing Director of BUD, brainwashed by Harvard, is more focused on “wokeism” and concerned primarily with showing how BUD welcomes cross-dressing gays than in bringing in business.

It is VERY likely that the top honchos of the corporation did not know about the commercial. Now they do.
Advertising is not aimed at your current customer base. It is aimed at potential customers. They made a decision based on the potential new customers targeted by that campaign would outweigh the potential loss of customers.
Many corporations have developed a WOKE mindset.
MACYs In one of the worst. They once locked the door on their customers for an eight “Minutes of Silence” in memory of an ex-felon who held a knife to a pregnant woman’s belly. (You can guess who.)
Advertising is not aimed at your current customer base. It is aimed at potential customers. They made a decision based on the potential new customers targeted by that campaign would outweigh the potential loss of customers.
I know for a fact little girly men don't drink Bud Light and won't ever.
It really doesn't.

What it does is play to the extremes and emotions just like our media conglomerate does, just like our politicians do

people in every generation have pissed and moaned about the moral decline of America

And I'm not paying the salary for any ad execs so I really have no right to say if a person should be fired by some company I have absolutely no financial stake in.

The question is why do you think you do?

I know that if I fired every single person for making a mistake that I never would have had a business to run in the first place.

And like I said people have short attention spans. Coca Cola suffered no lasting effects from having a serial rapist as a sponsor did they?

I am not even sure it was a mistake. How many bud light threads did this forum have prior to

Now there seems to be a new one popping up every hour.
Thats just it.....real Americans are of course outraged by this, the manipulation of our media, attack on our children in schools, no white people on commercials......while others just let it breeze right by them and ask "why so upset, its just a beer ad, its just a commercial", etc.
Your example of the commercials is perfect.
Thank you. The response by the leftists here is typical and to be expected: to put the person who brings it up on the defensive by attacking her. It’s their MO for forcing those who dissent from the crazy wokeness into silence.

Child: Why is the emperor naked? He’s not wearing ANY clothes!
Leftist: Why are you so hateful? Why do you care? You’re a racist!
It is up 8% compared to where it was a year ago.

BUD has dipped in the more recent past however. If investors think that Bud's LGBTQ+ customers are going to throw the outfit under the bus, they really haven't totally bought into the idea yet.

Budweiser might well be right in this- recruitment into the Gay Lifestyle might be rising so much, the decision to make Bud Light the queen of beers could be a brilliant move. Maybe the next step in their campaign will be to infuse the beer with AZT?
MACYs In one of the worst. They once locked the door on their customers for an eight “Minutes of Silence” in memory of an ex-felon who held a knife to a pregnant woman’s belly. (You can guess who.)
Criminals are being elevated to victims by many in this country.
BUD has dipped in the more recent past however. If investors think that Bud's LGBTQ+ customers are going to throw the outfit under the bus, they really haven't totally bought into the idea yet.

Budweiser might well be right in this- recruitment into the Gay Lifestyle might be rising so much, the decision to make Bud Light the queen of beers could be a brilliant move. Maybe the next step in their campaign will be to infuse the beer with AZT?

Can one really be recruited into being gay?

What would it take to turn you gay?
BUD has dipped in the more recent past however. If investors think that Bud's LGBTQ+ customers are going to throw the outfit under the bus, they really haven't totally bought into the idea yet.

Budweiser might well be right in this- recruitment into the Gay Lifestyle might be rising so much, the decision to make Bud Light the queen of beers could be a brilliant move. Maybe the next step in their campaign will be to infuse the beer with AZT?
The wackos are a small, small percentage of our population....almost statistically insignificant.
She said..... two different A-B her title.

So, I will ask again, have you seen the commercial that has caused so much triggering?

She said

1 commercial in with Clydesdales and that was posted


A Weird guy dressed as a woman

You know what she's talking about you've commented in the threads on it stop being dumb
Can one really be recruited into being gay?

What would it take to turn you gay?

The number of homos has increase exponentially over the past 40 years, so yes.

When I was in school 50 years ago, my school was 100% Normative. And so were a lot of other schools.

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