The US has often been accused of invading Canada on three different occasions, but this is a myth perpetuated to stir Canadian patriotism rather than a statement of historical facts. The first two "invasions" occurred in 1775 during the Revolutionary War, when 13 of Britain's colonies were trying to rid themselves of British occupation and domination of North America. (Neither the US nor Canada were even countries at that time.) The Revolution was only partially successful in that those 13 colonies gained their independence but failed to remove the threat of British armies still stationed to the north of them.
This threat reemerged during the War of 1812 when British armies invaded the US and burned its Capitol. In retaliation, the US attacked British troops in their Canadian colony. This attack was repulsed, and the war ended with a negotiated peace treaty. Since Canada did not gain independence from Britain until 1867, it is a myth that the US ever invaded the country of Canada.
This threat reemerged during the War of 1812 when British armies invaded the US and burned its Capitol. In retaliation, the US attacked British troops in their Canadian colony. This attack was repulsed, and the war ended with a negotiated peace treaty. Since Canada did not gain independence from Britain until 1867, it is a myth that the US ever invaded the country of Canada.