The New Sign In Front Of My House

A lot of what you're asking I know not to discuss on a freakin public message board. Let's put it this way...I'm well aquainted with many of the people who wear the patch you so proudly show here. Let's put it this way, unless things have changed, Dago is/was a Wis. chapter President. Hounddog is/was in his chapter. That is as far as I'll take the "name" dropping here. I just thought MAYBE you'd relay a message from an old friend to them. Forget I even asked. sheeesh

You could have just come out with that in the first place instead of playing all these games.

Now, to set you straight, I just moved back here from eight years out west. I just recently was made aware that the S.W. Wisconsin Chapter of the US Military Vets MC P lives near me. I met up with some of them about a month ago and rolled with them for awhile, so I called "Griff," and talked with him about the club. I've since rolled with them a couple more times, attended the last meeting and decided to patch up with them so I'm still a probate. I do not know these people you speak of.

Now does that clear things up for you?

People shouldn't just assume.
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Well maybe you should discuss protocal with Griff before you ask someone to discuss things that really shouldn't be discussed on a public message board. There is really no need for you to be such a freakin asshole just because someone asked you a freakin question.
Well maybe you should discuss protocal with Griff before you ask someone to discuss things that really shouldn't be discussed on a public message board. There is really no need for you to be such a freakin asshole just because someone asked you a freakin question.

You're the one accusing me of being a liar and a fraud because you ignorantly ASSumed, so go fuck yourself.

I've said nothing here outside of "protocol." Obviously I know more about clubs than you do, especially the US Military Vets. They are NOT outlaw, and have NOTHING to hide. You making it sound as though they do is fucked up. Maybe you better check yourself. I don't think they'd appreciate that.
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No asshole. Maybe you should check yourself and your attitude at the door. For your information my husband is a member out in good standing with almost 6 years with USMVMC. So it might behoove you to watch what you spout off to people. It would stand to reason that anyone that would post the USMV patch is a PATCH HOLDER not a lowly probate and would know the other members in his state and someone who DOES know many of the Wisconsin patch holders would question the validity of someone's claims of being one when they DON'T know. Guess that kind of thing just flies right over your head huh? One must wonder how the powers that be would appreciate a PROBATE showing the patch that he hasn't even earned yet all over a freakin public message board. You know, not to be a name dropper or anything, but people that sport the NATIONAL patch on their vests. And yes, I know quite a few of them also.

So again, before you start jacking off at the mouth and talking like an asshole to someone that simply asked you a question, you should really know just who the fk you're talking to first.
No asshole. Maybe you should check yourself and your attitude at the door. For your information my husband is a member out in good standing with almost 6 years with USMVMC. So it might behoove you to watch what you spout off to people. It would stand to reason that anyone that would post the USMV patch is a PATCH HOLDER not a lowly probate and would know the other members in his state and someone who DOES know many of the Wisconsin patch holders would question the validity of someone's claims of being one when they DON'T know. Guess that kind of thing just flies right over your head huh? One must wonder how the powers that be would appreciate a PROBATE showing the patch that he hasn't even earned yet all over a freakin public message board. You know, not to be a name dropper or anything, but people that sport the NATIONAL patch on their vests. And yes, I know quite a few of them also.

So again, before you start jacking off at the mouth and talking like an asshole to someone that simply asked you a question, you should really know just who the fk you're talking to first.

If you'd have ASKED... "hey Pale, do you know such and such, if so...", but no, you just ASSumed and got yourself into this whole big shoot out.

Ass far my avatar goes, it's a fucking PICTURE. If I had an avatar pic of a ***REAL*** FULL PATCH, BOTTOM ROCKER AND ALL, you'd have a point. As it is, you're just being a nasty little bitch. And another thing, if the USMVMC considered they're new people "lowly," I wouldn't be patching with them. They consider every new man that has done his time in the military and is eligible to join to be equal, THAT'S why they don't call them PROSPECTS. THAT'S why they're not treated like dirt. THAT'S why they're treated with RESPECT. I don't know how the hell your chapters out there in Carolina act, but I do know that's NOT how they act here in Wisconsin. And JACKING OFF AT THE MOUTH, REALLY? Telling you how I met them was that I rode with them is JACKING OFF AT THE MOUTH? What in the holy hell do you have stuck up your ass? You're off your damn rocker. I don't give a fuck if I was talking about the OUTLAWS, (who I also know a few and occasionally ride with), they wouldn't give a FLYING FUCK WHO I told that I rolled with them. And another thing, whatever is on a man's cut is what he puts out in PUBLIC... his NAME, be it real or a NIC, his standing in the club, and anything else that's patched on it. DON'T YOU FUCKING KNOW THAT? If it's NOT on their cut, DON'T TALK ABOUT IT. Don't you know THAT?

Get a fucking grip woman.
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Here ya go .......... why not ask a few of your brothers if they recognize the guy in the picture.

I saved it, and I will. Our next meeting is this Wednesday.

Now THAT I wouldn't recommend, but, it's up to you. Not because of the club, but posting a picture of yourself. Not a good idea here.

(We shouldn't be fighting. Sorry this got to this point.)
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Good! I'm glad you saved it! Now that I know you have it I can delete it. I would appreciate if you do the same. It's up to you. See how easy that is? And by the way, I know that it's never a good thing to pass yourself off as a patch holder as YOUR picture does so I had every right to question your validity when you claim you don't know the members in your own state. I simply made a request thinking anyone who would post such a picture would know these people and you jumped down my throat right off the bat. Maybe a simple, "I don't know them yet" would have sufficed but nooooooooooo you go off on some tangent like only YOU could know anything about the USMVMC. Why in the hell would I ask you to relay a message if I don't know about them? Ever stop to consider that?

Now maybe we got off on the wrong foot here I don't know. But your entire attitude was uncalled for and very NOT what the USMV is all about. My husband went out in good standing just this past March due to my medical problems. He was unable to give his brothers the time or the attention that was needed so against a lot of people's wishes he made the choice to lay the colors down for awhile. So YES, I know all about them. We also stay in contact with a great many of the brothers and sisters as much as we can, two of which I asked you to relay a message to, I guess stupidly thinking that you would know the people who are your "brothers" in your state.

I will apologize for my part in the misunderstanding. I sincerely didn't mean to get you so riled up by just asking you to relay a message. If I had thought for one minute you would take offense to it I would have never said a word. Guess that's what I get for thinking. I'll relay the message myself this evening with a phone call. You need not feel put out at all. But again, there was really no reason for you to cop such an attitude right off the bat. You could simply have said you didn't know them without all the other crap.
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Oh well. I thought this was a good sign, took the photo in about 2004 in the Flinders Ranges in the outback of my state. The bloke who runs the service station and depot is a real hoot.

Whatever tough guy. I don't do petty crime. I'm sure you are Chuck Norris and Mel Gibson rolled into one. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Good luck if your burglar has a weapon. You won't be calling anyone. I am getting bored with you so forget my offer of good advice.. You just rush the thief and the chips will fall as they will.

But yet you admit you commit crimes. What a surprise, another stupid criminal.
Good! I'm glad you saved it! Now that I know you have it I can delete it. I would appreciate if you do the same. It's up to you. See how easy that is? And by the way, I know that it's never a good thing to pass yourself off as a patch holder as YOUR picture does so I had every right to question your validity when you claim you don't know the members in your own state. I simply made a request thinking anyone who would post such a picture would know these people and you jumped down my throat right off the bat. Maybe a simple, "I don't know them yet" would have sufficed but nooooooooooo you go off on some tangent like only YOU could know anything about the USMVMC. Why in the hell would I ask you to relay a message if I don't know about them? Ever stop to consider that?

Now maybe we got off on the wrong foot here I don't know. But your entire attitude was uncalled for and very NOT what the USMV is all about. My husband went out in good standing just this past March due to my medical problems. He was unable to give his brothers the time or the attention that was needed so against a lot of people's wishes he made the choice to lay the colors down for awhile. So YES, I know all about them. We also stay in contact with a great many of the brothers and sisters as much as we can, two of which I asked you to relay a message to, I guess stupidly thinking that you would know the people who are your "brothers" in your state.

I will apologize for my part in the misunderstanding. I sincerely didn't mean to get you so riled up by just asking you to relay a message. If I had thought for one minute you would take offense to it I would have never said a word. Guess that's what I get for thinking. I'll relay the message myself this evening with a phone call. You need not feel put out at all. But again, there was really no reason for you to cop such an attitude right off the bat. You could simply have said you didn't know them without all the other crap.

You got plenty of attitude going on there yourself girl. Don't play all innocent. You DID assume I knew people that I didn't. You COULD have ASKED if I knew them, instead of telling me to say hi. This is big state, and to know every single clubber in it would quite an impossibility. So this little episode can go both ways. If you don't feel good and are all too ready to jump all up in someones shit, then maybe blogging isn't such a good idea.

I was friends with many CC Riders ages ago, and I would have thought they'd be the state club anyway. I'm 54 and a serviced connected disabled veteran. I don't know how much riding I have left in me anyway. Sometimes I hurt pretty bad after sitting in the saddle for only like thirty minutes, sometimes not. But when you're on a long ride and start hurting, it's no fun at all. I just want to turn around and go home, but when it's "mandatory," well, you're fucked. I don't need it. I was a hang around with the Border Town chapter of the Vagos out in Nevada for almost three years.
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Yeah whatever you say Pale.

So you know some of the olders members of the Riders huh? Ask them, when you see them again, if they remember Scurvy. My husband was a member of the Riders for many years when he lived in Janesville.

And by the way...there is nothing wrong with the way I feel. I SAID he left the club at the time due to my medical situation. My whole problem with you was your pissy attitude and attempting to pass yourself off as something you were not. I merely pointed out that you had no right to do so being nothing more than a "hang around". Which according to the phone call we got that is all you were. But hey, it's obvious that you opened your mouth about things that could be found out. Maybe "blogging" as you call posting on a message board, isn't the thing for you since you have this thing about lying about who and what you are. For someone of your age, you're really quite naive about how easily claims made in this kind of forum can be checked out.
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Yeah whatever you say Pale.

So you know some of the olders members of the Riders huh? Ask them, when you see them again, if they remember Scurvy. My husband was a member of the Riders for many years when he lived in Janesville.

And by the way...there is nothing wrong with the way I feel. I SAID he left the club at the time due to my medical situation. My whole problem with you was your pissy attitude and attempting to pass yourself off as something you were not. I merely pointed out that you had no right to do so being nothing more than a "hang around". Which according to the phone call we got that is all you were. But hey, it's obvious that you opened your mouth about things that could be found out. Maybe "blogging" as you call posting on a message board, isn't the thing for you since you have this thing about lying about who and what you are. For someone of your age, you're really quite naive about how easily claims made in this kind of forum can be checked out.

Well little miss ncdixie whatever, I just got off the phone with the P of the whole state of Wisconsin, and he called Hound dog. One, Hound dog had no fucking idea who or what I am as far as the club goes, and neither do you. Neither of you even know who the hell I am. So whatever this phone call is you're talking about, my suspicion is you're a liar. You got a problem with that, you've been invited to call the Wisconsin USMVMC P.

I'll be going to the USMVMC meeting Sunday. I printed out the picture you posted. I'll show it to the P. We'll see if he even knows who you are. He did NOT recognize your name. He also wondered why YOU would have such a huge problem with me posting a "picture" of the USMVMC top portion of the patch. Promoting the club is something that is encouraged.

Till then, why don't you chill. You've already made a mountain out of a mole hill.

Ask Scurvy if he remembers "AC-DC."
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I find posting these in strategic areas around the outside of the house does the trick.


That will only hide your pedophilia for so long, then authorities will catch on to your molesting the little neighbor boy.


You're right. Uncalled for and inappropriate. I apologize.

Now... you want to go around the board and do the same to the people you have slandered, or are you cool with being a hypocrite?

You can start here...
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hmmmmmmmm how come you changed what you originally said pale? Say something you might not want shown? funny. I posted that pic so you could see that at least I don't profess to be something I'm not like you did. Show it if you like. I really could care less. I have no reason what so ever to feel ashamed of it. I for one carried my extensions patch proudly just as my ole man wore his with great pride. It's quite obvious seeing how quickly you removed the "avatar" after all your protestations of it being "just a picture" that you were shown to be NOT what you were trying to portray. Hell, you weren't even a "probate" as you claimed, just a "hang around". Poor got busted for pretending to be something you aren't and you're whining about it. Get over yourself pumpkin. It's NOT "just a picture". It's something you have to earn to have the right to display with your name attached. That you have not done. Again, it's all to obvious that you know that, you took the "it's just a picture" down way to quickly. Oh well, if nothing else, showing you for the liar you are helped me reconnect with a few folks I haven't talked to in awhile. Thanks!
hmmmmmmmm how come you changed what you originally said pale? Say something you might not want shown? funny. I posted that pic so you could see that at least I don't profess to be something I'm not like you did. Show it if you like. I really could care less. I have no reason what so ever to feel ashamed of it. I for one carried my extensions patch proudly just as my ole man wore his with great pride. It's quite obvious seeing how quickly you removed the "avatar" after all your protestations of it being "just a picture" that you were shown to be NOT what you were trying to portray. Hell, you weren't even a "probate" as you claimed, just a "hang around". Poor got busted for pretending to be something you aren't and you're whining about it. Get over yourself pumpkin. It's NOT "just a picture". It's something you have to earn to have the right to display with your name attached. That you have not done. Again, it's all to obvious that you know that, you took the "it's just a picture" down way to quickly. Oh well, if nothing else, showing you for the liar you are helped me reconnect with a few folks I haven't talked to in awhile. Thanks!

Calling me a liar is just digging a deeper hole for yourself lady. I had a long talk with the P yesterday and directed him here and we read this whole thread TOGETHER. I invited you to CALL the PRESIDENT and talk with him yourself. Obviously you didn't do that, so I'll have another talk with him today. He told me to let him know if you drug this bull shit out any longer. This isn't the place to handle this crap.

As far as my avatar goes, I probably change my avatar as often as anyone here. At least once a month. I've had hundreds since I joined this board. If you weren't a cherry here you'd know that. Changing it had nothing to do with you. I told the P exactly what I had posted and he had NO PROBLEM with it. It's the "picture" you find when you go to the national web site. How do you like my new one? Want to call the Vagos too?
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That will only hide your pedophilia for so long, then authorities will catch on to your molesting the little neighbor boy.


You're right. Uncalled for and inappropriate. I apologize.

Now... you want to go around the board and do the same to the people you have slandered, or are you cool with being a hypocrite?

You can start here...

As soon as Willow apologizes for saying the Anarchists in Pittsburg are my friends. That would be appropriate since she slandered me first. So, I'll see your hypocrite and raise you a "who started it".

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