The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

On September 9, 1919, an American nightmare came true. The entire Boston police force deserted their posts, leaving the city virtually defenseless. Women were raped on street corners, stores were looted, and pedestrians were beaten and robbed while crowds not only looked on but cheered.

The police strike and the mayhem that followed made an inconspicuous governor, Calvin Coolidge, known throughout America, turning him into a national hero and, eventually, a president. It also created a monster: for two days, more than 700,000 residents of Boston's urban core were without police protection, and the mob ruled the streets.
Did you have this talk?...I know I didn't and I didn't have to give it to my children, perhaps your BIGOTRY has your brain all fucked up? OR is it that blacks commit SO MUCH CRIME that they are so stupid that their parents have to warn them if they do crime WATCH OUT FOR THE POLICE???!!!
Every SENSIBLE black parent gives their black child, especially boy children, that talk if you love them.

Your hatred runs so deep you do not realize how your very words BETRAY you. If you had a gun and a badge a fella like me would be shot on sight if you encountered them, just because of how you FEEL.


Every one of your posts on this thread has been obtusely racist, and you think you can accuse others of hatred?
A great American once said, "I welcome your hatred!"

Another great American said Vigilante is a dumb piece of shit. That American was me.

You aren't a great American. No Leftwat is.
Fortunately, it's not within a teabaggers ability to make that decision.
Every SENSIBLE black parent gives their black child, especially boy children, that talk if you love them.

Your hatred runs so deep you do not realize how your very words BETRAY you. If you had a gun and a badge a fella like me would be shot on sight if you encountered them, just because of how you FEEL.


Every one of your posts on this thread has been obtusely racist, and you think you can accuse others of hatred?
A great American once said, "I welcome your hatred!"

Another great American said Vigilante is a dumb piece of shit. That American was me.

You aren't a great American. No Leftwat is.
Fortunately, it's not within a teabaggers ability to make that decision.

It is and I can prove it.

Only Leftwats say, "but we're patriotic too!" as though it were in question.

Nobody questions the patriotism of conservatives. We are great Americans and don't need to convince anyone of it.
No, only blacks, and progs paint the police bad! I'm an even older white guy that remembers blacks in the back of the bus, and separate rest rooms. Those days are gone, but the black racial hatred has been ginned up by these scum, and it's gotten worse over the last 6 years!

f()ck off weirdo

You parental units won't let you write FUCK on a message board?
Your vagina is showing

politics forum

I haven't the time to deal with you mental defectives tonight! DainteOne!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
yeah right -- with all the time you spend online you expect people to believe you have a life?


I simply can't help it if you are a slacker and are afraid of getting involved in anything worthwhile!
Every one of your posts on this thread has been obtusely racist, and you think you can accuse others of hatred?
A great American once said, "I welcome your hatred!"

Another great American said Vigilante is a dumb piece of shit. That American was me.

You aren't a great American. No Leftwat is.
Fortunately, it's not within a teabaggers ability to make that decision.

It is and I can prove it.

Only Leftwats say, "but we're patriotic too!" as though it were in question.

Nobody questions the patriotism of conservatives. We are great Americans and don't need to convince anyone of it.

Right....... everyone in the fox bubble is a great American, and not crazy at all. You keep believing that sweetlips.
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?
His fear mongering: On December 3, 2014, de Blasio stated in a speech following a grand jury decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner that he and his black wife Chirlane McCray, had had many conversations with their son regarding taking "special care in any encounters he has with the police officers who are there to protect him." The mayor explained that what he and his wife did was "What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, [which] is train them to be very careful whenever they have an encounter with a police officer," adding "I have talked to many families of color. They have had to have the same conversation with their sons."
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He created an atmosphere of distrust and hate towards the police. In short he is a scumbag.

The fact that they have needed to have that particular talk for decades doesn't matter, but mentioning it is creating an atmosphere of distrust? Here's a hint, you dumb goober,.....the distrust is already there. That's why they have had to have that talk for decades. Surely you aren't that dumb and childish are you?
When a person is in a position of PUBLIC TRUST they need to exercise fidelity to the position. Spreading that kind of talk does not meet that standard.
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?
His fear mongering: On December 3, 2014, de Blasio stated in a speech following a grand jury decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner that he and his black wife Chirlane McCray, had had many conversations with their son regarding taking "special care in any encounters he has with the police officers who are there to protect him." The mayor explained that what he and his wife did was "What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, [which] is train them to be very careful whenever they have an encounter with a police officer," adding "I have talked to many families of color. They have had to have the same conversation with their sons."
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He created an atmosphere of distrust and hate towards the police. In short he is a scumbag.

The fact that they have needed to have that particular talk for decades doesn't matter, but mentioning it is creating an atmosphere of distrust? Here's a hint, you dumb goober,.....the distrust is already there. That's why they have had to have that talk for decades. Surely you aren't that dumb and childish are you?
When a person is in a position of PUBLIC TRUST they need to exercise fidelity to the position. Spreading that kind of talk does not meet that standard.

That's just stupid. Are you saying that just ignoring the fear that blacks have had of cops for decades doesn't matter if it's never mentioned? That discussion with young black men has been happening all across the country for a long time. The cops should be embarrassed that is was mentioned instead of mad.
That's just stupid. Are you saying that just ignoring the fear that blacks have had of cops for decades doesn't matter if it's never mentioned? That discussion with young black men has been happening all across the country for a long time. The cops should be embarrassed that is was mentioned instead of mad.
You got it Brother. You see, to the far RW radical racist, ignoring racism is the answer, and talking about actual racism is worse than the racism itself. That's why they hate Reverend Sharpton so much, he talks about the many instances of racism, and they absolutely hate him for it. Now they've turned it on DeBlasio. He's speaking out against injustice and police brutality and they absolutely HATE him for it.

The bible did predict that in the last days people will do things topsy turvey, this surely is it.
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?
His fear mongering: On December 3, 2014, de Blasio stated in a speech following a grand jury decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner that he and his black wife Chirlane McCray, had had many conversations with their son regarding taking "special care in any encounters he has with the police officers who are there to protect him." The mayor explained that what he and his wife did was "What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, [which] is train them to be very careful whenever they have an encounter with a police officer," adding "I have talked to many families of color. They have had to have the same conversation with their sons."
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He created an atmosphere of distrust and hate towards the police. In short he is a scumbag.

The fact that they have needed to have that particular talk for decades doesn't matter, but mentioning it is creating an atmosphere of distrust? Here's a hint, you dumb goober,.....the distrust is already there. That's why they have had to have that talk for decades. Surely you aren't that dumb and childish are you?
When a person is in a position of PUBLIC TRUST they need to exercise fidelity to the position. Spreading that kind of talk does not meet that standard.

That's just stupid. Are you saying that just ignoring the fear that blacks have had of cops for decades doesn't matter if it's never mentioned? That discussion with young black men has been happening all across the country for a long time. The cops should be embarrassed that is was mentioned instead of mad.

I show my fear of something by charging on it. :poke:

My parents taught me not to go around wielding guns, or mouth off to cops, because that is the type of shit the gets you shot or put in jail. When I get stopped by cops, I don't get shot or arrested. Not because I'm white, but because I keep my cool and I treat them with respect.

DeBlasio probably told his kid the same thing, however, the context and way in which he said this, implied that blacks should fear, and hence "rightly" hate cops, was wrong.
That's just stupid. Are you saying that just ignoring the fear that blacks have had of cops for decades doesn't matter if it's never mentioned? That discussion with young black men has been happening all across the country for a long time. The cops should be embarrassed that is was mentioned instead of mad.
You got it Brother. You see, to the far RW radical racist, ignoring racism is the answer, and talking about actual racism is worse than the racism itself. That's why they hate Reverend Sharpton so much, he talks about the many instances of racism, and they absolutely hate him for it. Now they've turned it on DeBlasio. He's speaking out against injustice and police brutality and they absolutely HATE him for it.

The bible did predict that in the last days people will do things topsy turvey, this surely is it.

I already said earlier about Sharpton, I don't wanna repeat it, so look it up.

Now, all of you liberals claiming that DeBlasio encouraging hatred towards police (by saying that his son should fear the cops at a time when riots are happening) is acceptable rhetoric from a mayor of 12 million people who should remain impartial are fucking retarded. Seriously, all you libs rely on is hyperbole and strawman arguments while those arguing against you are backing up their arguments with statistics. Once you've become emotional in a debate, that should indicate that your subconscious is telling you that you are the side that is losing the debate.

Anyway, keep em coming. This thread is entertaining.
I already said earlier about Sharpton, I don't wanna repeat it, so look it up.

Now, all of you liberals claiming that DeBlasio encouraging hatred towards police (by saying that his son should fear the cops at a time when riots are happening) is acceptable rhetoric from a mayor of 12 million people who should remain impartial are fucking retarded. Seriously, all you libs rely on is hyperbole and strawman arguments while those arguing against you are backing up their arguments with statistics. Once you've become emotional in a debate, that should indicate that your subconscious is telling you that you are the side that is losing the debate.

Anyway, keep em coming. This thread is entertaining.
You're the one going on and on about how DeBlasio told people to hate cops where that is CLEARLY NOT the case, but I'M the emotional one?!?


Entertaining thread indeed.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny
That's just stupid. Are you saying that just ignoring the fear that blacks have had of cops for decades doesn't matter if it's never mentioned? That discussion with young black men has been happening all across the country for a long time. The cops should be embarrassed that is was mentioned instead of mad.
You got it Brother. You see, to the far RW radical racist, ignoring racism is the answer, and talking about actual racism is worse than the racism itself. That's why they hate Reverend Sharpton so much, he talks about the many instances of racism, and they absolutely hate him for it. Now they've turned it on DeBlasio. He's speaking out against injustice and police brutality and they absolutely HATE him for it.

The bible did predict that in the last days people will do things topsy turvey, this surely is it.

To be fair, Sharpton did get into some questionable things in the past. However, in the last several years he has regained a certain amount of credibility even if his voice is still like fingernails on a chalkboard. I don't say this to minimize him, because I do like hearing what he has to say and respect his opinion. I watch his show when I can. This is only to acknowledge that he will never be redeemed in the eyes of many. They hate the mere idea that the status quo is not the correct way to continue, and the legitimate claims of blacks of police misbehavior forces them to admit they have been wrong. It's easier to kill the messenger than it is to change anything. I guess I could be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me.
You're the one going on and on about how DeBlasio told people to hate cops where that is CLEARLY NOT the case, but I'M the emotional one?!?


Entertaining thread indeed.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny

If I am wrong tell me, why NY police is acting the way they're acting now?
His fear mongering: On December 3, 2014, de Blasio stated in a speech following a grand jury decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner that he and his black wife Chirlane McCray, had had many conversations with their son regarding taking "special care in any encounters he has with the police officers who are there to protect him." The mayor explained that what he and his wife did was "What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, [which] is train them to be very careful whenever they have an encounter with a police officer," adding "I have talked to many families of color. They have had to have the same conversation with their sons."
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He created an atmosphere of distrust and hate towards the police. In short he is a scumbag.

The fact that they have needed to have that particular talk for decades doesn't matter, but mentioning it is creating an atmosphere of distrust? Here's a hint, you dumb goober,.....the distrust is already there. That's why they have had to have that talk for decades. Surely you aren't that dumb and childish are you?
When a person is in a position of PUBLIC TRUST they need to exercise fidelity to the position. Spreading that kind of talk does not meet that standard.

That's just stupid. Are you saying that just ignoring the fear that blacks have had of cops for decades doesn't matter if it's never mentioned? That discussion with young black men has been happening all across the country for a long time. The cops should be embarrassed that is was mentioned instead of mad.

I show my fear of something by charging on it. :poke:

My parents taught me not to go around wielding guns, or mouth off to cops, because that is the type of shit the gets you shot or put in jail. When I get stopped by cops, I don't get shot or arrested. Not because I'm white, but because I keep my cool and I treat them with respect.

DeBlasio probably told his kid the same thing, however, the context and way in which he said this, implied that blacks should fear, and hence "rightly" hate cops, was wrong.

Where did he say his kid should hate cops? You got a link?
That has nothing to do with my OP.

1.They are making themselves look really small, I guess that's who they are right now.

2. How are they helping?
Rather than pander for the Black and ultra-Liberal vote by publicly denouncing the entire police force and parading his Black wife around like the token she obviously is, DeBlasio should have quietly commenced internal actions to detect and deal with those specific members of NYPD who are inclined to misconduct and excessive use of force.

There is no question that a percentage of NYC cops are arrogant, brutal authoritarians. But having lived in NYC for most of my younger life I can attest that description does not apply to all of them, so DeBlasio is plainly guilty of tossing out the baby with the bathwater in his approach to reform.

While I do credit DeBlasio with good judgment in decriminalizing marijuana, in this PD debacle he has given with one hand and taken back with the other. I'm sure there are some sensible executives on his staff whom I hope he has the good sense to listen to.
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?
His fear mongering: On December 3, 2014, de Blasio stated in a speech following a grand jury decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner that he and his black wife Chirlane McCray, had had many conversations with their son regarding taking "special care in any encounters he has with the police officers who are there to protect him." The mayor explained that what he and his wife did was "What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, [which] is train them to be very careful whenever they have an encounter with a police officer," adding "I have talked to many families of color. They have had to have the same conversation with their sons."
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He created an atmosphere of distrust and hate towards the police. In short he is a scumbag.
You are a scumbag if you perceive that the FACT that blacks have had to had such talks with their sons for decades in America. It's not a myth, it's a fact. DeBlasio didn't generate an atmosphere of anything. The cops generated an atmosphere of distrust with blacks with their violent actions towards them via police brutality.

It needs to stop.
What insanity makes you think that white parents don't have the same conversation with their kids about the cops?
That has nothing to do with my OP.

1.They are making themselves look really small, I guess that's who they are right now.

2. How are they helping?
Rather than pander for the Black and ultra-Liberal vote by publicly denouncing the entire police force and parading his Black wife around like the token she obviously is, DeBlasio should have quietly commenced internal actions to detect and deal with those specific members of NYPD who are inclined to misconduct and excessive use of force.

There is no question that a percentage of NYC cops are arrogant, brutal authoritarians. But having lived in NYC for most of my younger life I can attest that description does not apply to all of them, so DeBlasio is plainly guilty of tossing out the baby with the bathwater in his approach to reform.

While I do credit DeBlasio with good judgment in decriminalizing marijuana, in this PD debacle he has given with one hand and taken back with the other. I'm sure there are some sensible executives on his staff whom I hope he has the good sense to listen to.
And therein lies the problem. It has been politicized and that is not good for anyone but DeBlasio.

or better yet, call a strike if it is so damn bad....
Did you really make the assertion that cops going on strike (an illegal act btw) is BETTER than protesting by showing their distastes for the recent political moves peaceably!

That is insane - even for the most far gone on this board. I do not expect to see something like that from you....
Rather than pander for the Black and ultra-Liberal vote by publicly denouncing the entire police force and parading his Black wife around like the token she obviously is, DeBlasio should have quietly commenced internal actions to detect and deal with those specific members of NYPD who are inclined to misconduct and excessive use of force.

I agree with this part. DeBlasio thought he could get ahead politically if he aligned himself with civil rights leaders and continued to criticize the police for tactics that could be perceived as racist (stop and frisk). He pretty much encouraged the protests in New York and showed little or no support for the police. Then came speech what he told his son. It is unlikely he will recover from the backlash.

There is no question that a percentage of NYC cops are arrogant, brutal authoritarians. But having lived in NYC for most of my younger life I can attest that description does not apply to all of them, so DeBlasio is plainly guilty of tossing out the baby with the bathwater in his approach to reform.

No question that there are cases of police brutality, but there is a way to fight against that.

Now, the police union though is primarily using the recent tragedy as leverage in their contract negotiations with the city. This union is like any other union, and will do anything to make sure they get paid a ton of overtime and that they will get their generous pensions when they retire. Check this out... This is why you see the union leaders primarily rallying the cops to turn their backs to the mayor. Now the police have simply stopped doing their job, refusing to arrest people or issue tickets.

While I do credit DeBlasio with good judgment in decriminalizing marijuana, in this PD debacle he has given with one hand and taken back with the other. I'm sure there are some sensible executives on his staff whom I hope he has the good sense to listen to.

I don't agree with commie on anything. :D However, while I support police turning backs on him, they need to get over themselves and start doing their jobs again before the city tears itself apart.

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