The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

His fear mongering: On December 3, 2014, de Blasio stated in a speech following a grand jury decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner that he and his black wife Chirlane McCray, had had many conversations with their son regarding taking "special care in any encounters he has with the police officers who are there to protect him." The mayor explained that what he and his wife did was "What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, [which] is train them to be very careful whenever they have an encounter with a police officer," adding "I have talked to many families of color. They have had to have the same conversation with their sons."
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He created an atmosphere of distrust and hate towards the police. In short he is a scumbag.

The fact that they have needed to have that particular talk for decades doesn't matter, but mentioning it is creating an atmosphere of distrust? Here's a hint, you dumb goober,.....the distrust is already there. That's why they have had to have that talk for decades. Surely you aren't that dumb and childish are you?
When a person is in a position of PUBLIC TRUST they need to exercise fidelity to the position. Spreading that kind of talk does not meet that standard.

That's just stupid. Are you saying that just ignoring the fear that blacks have had of cops for decades doesn't matter if it's never mentioned? That discussion with young black men has been happening all across the country for a long time. The cops should be embarrassed that is was mentioned instead of mad.

I never said that. A Public Servant has a responsibility maintain the public trust DiBlasio did not do that and the police showed their distrust in him in an orderly fashion.

Bullshit. Cops are just embarrassed by the fact that blacks have needed to have that talk with their kids for decades, and they are mad because it was mentioned publicly.
One can argue that the cops are being childish by turning their backs on de Blasio I suppose. However, I would rather have the cops being "childish" than the mayor being racially divisive for political expediency. As sins go, "childishness" seems to be one of the least destructive.
In the normal world, if you are upset with the head of the organization you work for and have grievances, you go to your immediate Boss, and have them handle it.... you don't turn you back on the CEO when he walks in a handle the situation PROFESSIONALLY with your own immediate superiors....

I'm sorry, their actions are just simply those of infants and not mature adults and that's kinda scary that these are the guys that are suppose to protect us....? Please!!!

So this begs the question. What's worse, employees turning their back on the CEO or the CEO turning his back on the employees. Can we at least agree that de Blasion is not a CEO that inspires confidence in his employees?
No, we cannot agree on that, because it's not t true. It's simply just. not. true.

If your argument is that the police are acting badly then it would stand to reason that their boss (CEO) is at least partially responsible. Unless you think a good "CEO" has no control over his workers. Unless of course, you think de Blasio's police force is above reproach. I find it interesting that you think Guilliani was responsible for his police force but de Blasio isn't responsible for HIS police force. I don't see how one can scorn the police but not their boss. Political convenience?

A good CEO (your term) would recognize a problem and make efforts to remedy that problem. Just as importantly, he would also explain to customers (or in this case the people) who have been hurt by that problem how and why they should expect things to be better. That's exactly what he did.
His fear mongering: On December 3, 2014, de Blasio stated in a speech following a grand jury decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner that he and his black wife Chirlane McCray, had had many conversations with their son regarding taking "special care in any encounters he has with the police officers who are there to protect him." The mayor explained that what he and his wife did was "What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, [which] is train them to be very careful whenever they have an encounter with a police officer," adding "I have talked to many families of color. They have had to have the same conversation with their sons."
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He created an atmosphere of distrust and hate towards the police. In short he is a scumbag.

The fact that they have needed to have that particular talk for decades doesn't matter, but mentioning it is creating an atmosphere of distrust? Here's a hint, you dumb goober,.....the distrust is already there. That's why they have had to have that talk for decades. Surely you aren't that dumb and childish are you?
When a person is in a position of PUBLIC TRUST they need to exercise fidelity to the position. Spreading that kind of talk does not meet that standard.

That's just stupid. Are you saying that just ignoring the fear that blacks have had of cops for decades doesn't matter if it's never mentioned? That discussion with young black men has been happening all across the country for a long time. The cops should be embarrassed that is was mentioned instead of mad.

I never said that. A Public Servant has a responsibility maintain the public trust DiBlasio did not do that and the police showed their distrust in him in an orderly fashion.

Bullshit. Cops are just embarrassed by the fact that blacks have needed to have that talk with their kids for decades, and they are mad because it was mentioned publicly.
Instead of Bulldog your name should be Bullshit, just like your post.:bsflag:
The fact that they have needed to have that particular talk for decades doesn't matter, but mentioning it is creating an atmosphere of distrust? Here's a hint, you dumb goober,.....the distrust is already there. That's why they have had to have that talk for decades. Surely you aren't that dumb and childish are you?
When a person is in a position of PUBLIC TRUST they need to exercise fidelity to the position. Spreading that kind of talk does not meet that standard.

That's just stupid. Are you saying that just ignoring the fear that blacks have had of cops for decades doesn't matter if it's never mentioned? That discussion with young black men has been happening all across the country for a long time. The cops should be embarrassed that is was mentioned instead of mad.

I never said that. A Public Servant has a responsibility maintain the public trust DiBlasio did not do that and the police showed their distrust in him in an orderly fashion.

Bullshit. Cops are just embarrassed by the fact that blacks have needed to have that talk with their kids for decades, and they are mad because it was mentioned publicly.
Instead of Bulldog your name should be Bullshit, just like your post.:bsflag:

You think that mentioning the historic fact of racism is worse than the actual racism? What a dumb teabagger you are.
I would call this making themselves look SMALL not those police officers


and the ops threads on this fits small too as he had to go make another one but stuck "tizzy" in that one
I show my fear of something by charging on it. :poke:

My parents taught me not to go around wielding guns, or mouth off to cops, because that is the type of shit the gets you shot or put in jail. When I get stopped by cops, I don't get shot or arrested. Not because I'm white, but because I keep my cool and I treat them with respect.

DeBlasio probably told his kid the same thing, however, the context and way in which he said this, implied that blacks should fear, and hence "rightly" hate cops, was wrong.
Wow, you are claiming that cops are animals. They're gonna turn their backs on you.

Where exactly I claim that?
The notion that de Blasio is 'anti cop' is of course ridiculous and unfounded; police officers are at liberty to express their opinions, but in this case their inference is incorrect.

And you expect the word of a mouthy, partisan nobody like you to be given credence over that of many, many actual police officers who work in the city in which deblasio has vilified them in the hopes of political gain? You're a bad joke.
The notion that de Blasio is 'anti cop' is of course ridiculous and unfounded; police officers are at liberty to express their opinions, but in this case their inference is incorrect.

And you expect the word of a mouthy, partisan nobody like you to be given credence over that of many, many actual police officers who work in the city in which deblasio has vilified them in the hopes of political gain? You're a bad joke.

Of course he take his comrade DeBlasio side and smear all those "citizen" police officers.
bad joke is the right choice
Bullshit. Cops are just embarrassed by the fact that blacks have needed to have that talk with their kids for decades, and they are mad because it was mentioned publicly.

Or maybe they are pissed that their che-loving mayor shot his mouth off for the sake of political theater and two of their brothers (so far) were murdered by some simple-minded, low-life piece of filth as a consequence? Get your head out of your ass. You've gone from 'ridiculously partisan' all the way into 'fucking moron' range now.
No one would be eager to go to work knowing their boss only has their back so far as he can stick a knife in it. How many of the mouthy 'blame the police' idiots disgracing themselves on this thread would make a career of a job where getting shot by some scumbag was a very real possibility every day? How many fewer after some idiot mayor 'shot' his mouth off and made it many, many times more likely?
Perhaps blacks have nobody to blame but their criminal and gang banging brethren for the added police vigilance....
Yeah, its the systems fault, white privelege, institutional predjudice, discrimination, slavery.......
Theyre the victims..... Lol
Bullshit. Cops are just embarrassed by the fact that blacks have needed to have that talk with their kids for decades, and they are mad because it was mentioned publicly.

Or maybe they are pissed that their che-loving mayor shot his mouth off for the sake of political theater and two of their brothers (so far) were murdered by some simple-minded, low-life piece of filth as a consequence? Get your head out of your ass. You've gone from 'ridiculously partisan' all the way into 'fucking moron' range now.

You think those cops were shot because of what DeBlasio said? What an idiot.
No one would be eager to go to work knowing their boss only has their back so far as he can stick a knife in it. How many of the mouthy 'blame the police' idiots disgracing themselves on this thread would make a career of a job where getting shot by some scumbag was a very real possibility every day? How many fewer after some idiot mayor 'shot' his mouth off and made it many, many times more likely?
Nice meltdown.

The mental defective would have shot the cops no matter what the mayor said.

Taking a job that may lead you to being shot does not give you permission to kill people for minor crimes and/or because they look scary.
Bullshit. Cops are just embarrassed by the fact that blacks have needed to have that talk with their kids for decades, and they are mad because it was mentioned publicly.

Or maybe they are pissed that their che-loving mayor shot his mouth off for the sake of political theater and two of their brothers (so far) were murdered by some simple-minded, low-life piece of filth as a consequence? Get your head out of your ass. You've gone from 'ridiculously partisan' all the way into 'fucking moron' range now.

You think those cops were shot because of what DeBlasio said? What an idiot.

Just a coincidence? What an idiot.
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Funny how the left supports all sorts of nut case organizations like "occupy Wall Street" which is in business to disrupt commerce and occupy public property with junkies and rapists but they think the NYPD is the enemy when they work within the system and show their dislike for the left wing mayor.
No one would be eager to go to work knowing their boss only has their back so far as he can stick a knife in it. How many of the mouthy 'blame the police' idiots disgracing themselves on this thread would make a career of a job where getting shot by some scumbag was a very real possibility every day? How many fewer after some idiot mayor 'shot' his mouth off and made it many, many times more likely?

You think the cops don't know what the job is before they take it?
Bullshit. Cops are just embarrassed by the fact that blacks have needed to have that talk with their kids for decades, and they are mad because it was mentioned publicly.

Or maybe they are pissed that their che-loving mayor shot his mouth off for the sake of political theater and two of their brothers (so far) were murdered by some simple-minded, low-life piece of filth as a consequence? Get your head out of your ass. You've gone from 'ridiculously partisan' all the way into 'fucking moron' range now.

You think those cops were shot because of what DeBlasio said? What an idiot.

Just a coincidence? What an idiot.

You've worked yourself up over this so much till I think you actually believe the silly things you are saying.

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