The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

You think the cops don't know what the job is before they take it?

That's part of what makes them better than mouthy little weasels like you. You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous, you idiot?
Bullshit. Cops are just embarrassed by the fact that blacks have needed to have that talk with their kids for decades, and they are mad because it was mentioned publicly.

Or maybe they are pissed that their che-loving mayor shot his mouth off for the sake of political theater and two of their brothers (so far) were murdered by some simple-minded, low-life piece of filth as a consequence? Get your head out of your ass. You've gone from 'ridiculously partisan' all the way into 'fucking moron' range now.

You think those cops were shot because of what DeBlasio said? What an idiot.

Just a coincidence? What an idiot.

You've worked yourself up over this so much till I think you actually believe the silly things you are saying.

So, you really believe it is just a coincidence? Go ahead and say so directly so you can be properly associated with such rank stupidity.
Two NYPD Police Officers were murdered while on duty. They weren't in a gun fight or responding to a call. They were murdered by a maniac domestic terrorist who fell for the same anti-American anti-establishment propaganda that we see posted by hate filled left wingers every day.
You think the cops don't know what the job is before they take it?

That's part of what makes them better than mouthy little weasels like you. You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous, you idiot?

If acknowledging the fact that blacks have had to have that talk with their kids for decades makes it more dangerous for them, then they should work on eliminating the need for that talk instead of being mad because somebody mentioned it.
You think the cops don't know what the job is before they take it?

That's part of what makes them better than mouthy little weasels like you. You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous, you idiot?

If acknowledging the fact that blacks have had to have that talk with their kids for decades makes it more dangerous for them, then they should work on eliminating the need for that talk instead of being mad because somebody mentioned it.

I notice you keep avoiding questions. Why is that, whore?

It was just a coincidence?

You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous?
Bullshit. Cops are just embarrassed by the fact that blacks have needed to have that talk with their kids for decades, and they are mad because it was mentioned publicly.

Or maybe they are pissed that their che-loving mayor shot his mouth off for the sake of political theater and two of their brothers (so far) were murdered by some simple-minded, low-life piece of filth as a consequence? Get your head out of your ass. You've gone from 'ridiculously partisan' all the way into 'fucking moron' range now.

You think those cops were shot because of what DeBlasio said? What an idiot.

Just a coincidence? What an idiot.

You've worked yourself up over this so much till I think you actually believe the silly things you are saying.

So, you really believe it is just a coincidence? Go ahead and say so directly so you can be properly associated with such rank stupidity.

Oh my....A crazy teabagger is calling common sense stupidity. How long have you lived in bizzaro world?
Or maybe they are pissed that their che-loving mayor shot his mouth off for the sake of political theater and two of their brothers (so far) were murdered by some simple-minded, low-life piece of filth as a consequence? Get your head out of your ass. You've gone from 'ridiculously partisan' all the way into 'fucking moron' range now.

You think those cops were shot because of what DeBlasio said? What an idiot.

Just a coincidence? What an idiot.

You've worked yourself up over this so much till I think you actually believe the silly things you are saying.

So, you really believe it is just a coincidence? Go ahead and say so directly so you can be properly associated with such rank stupidity.

Oh my....A crazy teabagger

Wrong boogeyman, whore. Try again.

So, you want to go on record with your 'coincidence' story, idiot? Try to be direct.
You think the cops don't know what the job is before they take it?

That's part of what makes them better than mouthy little weasels like you. You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous, you idiot?

If acknowledging the fact that blacks have had to have that talk with their kids for decades makes it more dangerous for them, then they should work on eliminating the need for that talk instead of being mad because somebody mentioned it.

I notice you keep avoiding questions. Why is that, whore?

It was just a coincidence?

You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous?

Avoiding? OK......I'll type slowly so hopefully you will understand. Those cops being killed had nothing to do with what the mayor said. Crazy people kill others every day, and each and every one of those deaths is a tragedy, but the only fault to be found is in the mind of the crazy person doing the shooting. One crazy guy killed himself and his family because he thought the pizza guy delivering to his neighbors had him under surveillance. With your logic, you would say it was the pizza guy's fault.

Is that direct enough for you dumbass?
Those cops being killed had nothing to do with what the mayor said. ..

So, you really are such an idiotic partisan whore that you are claiming it was just a coincidence. Noted for the record that you really are that much of a shameless fool.
Those cops being killed had nothing to do with what the mayor said. ..

So, you really are such an idiotic partisan whore that you are claiming it was just a coincidence. Noted for the record that you really are that much of a shameless fool.

Oh My.....Another crazy teabagger doesn't appreciate my opinion. I do declare......this just might give me a case of the vapors.
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.

A great American once said, "I welcome your hatred!"

Another great American said Vigilante is a dumb piece of shit. That American was me.

You aren't a great American. No Leftwat is.
Fortunately, it's not within a teabaggers ability to make that decision.

It is and I can prove it.

Only Leftwats say, "but we're patriotic too!" as though it were in question.

Nobody questions the patriotism of conservatives. We are great Americans and don't need to convince anyone of it.

Right....... everyone in the fox bubble is a great American, and not crazy at all. You keep believing that sweetlips.
You think the cops don't know what the job is before they take it?

That's part of what makes them better than mouthy little weasels like you. You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous, you idiot?

If acknowledging the fact that blacks have had to have that talk with their kids for decades makes it more dangerous for them, then they should work on eliminating the need for that talk instead of being mad because somebody mentioned it.

So who is it you're blaming for the need to have "the talk"?
Worse. Are you expecting more cop killings?

:crybaby: Yes, there will be even more now, with the lack of support by the Obama/Holder/deBlasio/Sharpton anti-American leaders defending the actions of the lawbreakers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014: report

(Reuters) - Gun related deaths of U.S. law enforcement officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, with about one-third of officers killed in an ambush, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said on Tuesday.

Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014 compared to 32 in 2013, according to the website of the non-profit fund, which aims to increase safety for law enforcement officers.

The most deadly states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Georgia, the group said.

"Fifteen officers were shot and killed in ambush, more than any other circumstance of fatal shootings in 2014," the website said.

The deadly ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20 was a flashpoint in a deepening rift between the city's police department and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The mayor had expressed qualified support for protests sparked by the deaths of unarmed black men in confrontations with white officers, and said he warned his biracial son of the "dangers he may face" in encountering police officers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 report - Yahoo News Canada
you being a crazy teabagger and all.

It is clear how desperately you want that to be true, since your 'limited' little brain isn't capable of anything other than crying about the boogeyman while you wet yourself, but no matter how much SPAM you post, you are still out of luck.
That's horrific.
Worse. Are you expecting more cop killings?

:crybaby: Yes, there will be even more now, with the lack of support by the Obama/Holder/deBlasio/Sharpton anti-American leaders defending the actions of the lawbreakers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014: report

(Reuters) - Gun related deaths of U.S. law enforcement officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, with about one-third of officers killed in an ambush, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said on Tuesday.

Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014 compared to 32 in 2013, according to the website of the non-profit fund, which aims to increase safety for law enforcement officers.

The most deadly states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Georgia, the group said.

"Fifteen officers were shot and killed in ambush, more than any other circumstance of fatal shootings in 2014," the website said.

The deadly ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20 was a flashpoint in a deepening rift between the city's police department and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The mayor had expressed qualified support for protests sparked by the deaths of unarmed black men in confrontations with white officers, and said he warned his biracial son of the "dangers he may face" in encountering police officers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 report - Yahoo News Canada

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