The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

You think the cops don't know what the job is before they take it?

That's part of what makes them better than mouthy little weasels like you. You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous, you idiot?

If acknowledging the fact that blacks have had to have that talk with their kids for decades makes it more dangerous for them, then they should work on eliminating the need for that talk instead of being mad because somebody mentioned it.

I notice you keep avoiding questions. Why is that, whore?

It was just a coincidence?

You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous?

Avoiding? OK......I'll type slowly so hopefully you will understand. Those cops being killed had nothing to do with what the mayor said. Crazy people kill others every day, and each and every one of those deaths is a tragedy, but the only fault to be found is in the mind of the crazy person doing the shooting. One crazy guy killed himself and his family because he thought the pizza guy delivering to his neighbors had him under surveillance. With your logic, you would say it was the pizza guy's fault.

Is that direct enough for you dumbass?

Just an inconvenient coincidence, right? And same with the cops in Florida and Los Angeles attacked with the same pattern? Why are all these crazy people trying to kill cops now? It has nothing to do with Obama/Holder/Sharpton/DiBlazio encouraging cop hatred?

You people have no idea why most good, conscientious politicians gauge their words carefully knowing that the nation looks to them for leadership and follows their cues.
Face it, Mayor Talk and President If-I-had-a-son have been pushing the race narrative and now people are responding. You don't get to escape from the consequences of the words your people use.
That's horrific.
Worse. Are you expecting more cop killings?

:crybaby: Yes, there will be even more now, with the lack of support by the Obama/Holder/deBlasio/Sharpton anti-American leaders defending the actions of the lawbreakers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014: report

(Reuters) - Gun related deaths of U.S. law enforcement officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, with about one-third of officers killed in an ambush, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said on Tuesday.

Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014 compared to 32 in 2013, according to the website of the non-profit fund, which aims to increase safety for law enforcement officers.

The most deadly states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Georgia, the group said.

"Fifteen officers were shot and killed in ambush, more than any other circumstance of fatal shootings in 2014," the website said.

The deadly ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20 was a flashpoint in a deepening rift between the city's police department and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The mayor had expressed qualified support for protests sparked by the deaths of unarmed black men in confrontations with white officers, and said he warned his biracial son of the "dangers he may face" in encountering police officers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 report - Yahoo News Canada
It is pretty bad. 2013 was apparently an anomaly and 2014 was back up to normal levels.

I find it odd though that the level of angst is now so much higher than back in June when two cops were ambushed and killed by some white supremacists.
Can any of the conservatives claiming de Blasio has positioned himself as anti-cop provide any substantial evidence? Besides some benign remarks you'd have passed right over if conservative media wasn't waving them in your face?
That's horrific.
Worse. Are you expecting more cop killings?

:crybaby: Yes, there will be even more now, with the lack of support by the Obama/Holder/deBlasio/Sharpton anti-American leaders defending the actions of the lawbreakers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014: report

(Reuters) - Gun related deaths of U.S. law enforcement officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, with about one-third of officers killed in an ambush, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said on Tuesday.

Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014 compared to 32 in 2013, according to the website of the non-profit fund, which aims to increase safety for law enforcement officers.

The most deadly states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Georgia, the group said.

"Fifteen officers were shot and killed in ambush, more than any other circumstance of fatal shootings in 2014," the website said.

The deadly ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20 was a flashpoint in a deepening rift between the city's police department and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The mayor had expressed qualified support for protests sparked by the deaths of unarmed black men in confrontations with white officers, and said he warned his biracial son of the "dangers he may face" in encountering police officers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 report - Yahoo News Canada
It is pretty bad. 2013 was apparently an anomaly and 2014 was back up to normal levels.

I find it odd though that the level of angst is now so much higher than back in June when two cops were ambushed and killed by some white supremacists.

Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN
That's horrific.
Worse. Are you expecting more cop killings?

:crybaby: Yes, there will be even more now, with the lack of support by the Obama/Holder/deBlasio/Sharpton anti-American leaders defending the actions of the lawbreakers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014: report

(Reuters) - Gun related deaths of U.S. law enforcement officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, with about one-third of officers killed in an ambush, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said on Tuesday.

Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014 compared to 32 in 2013, according to the website of the non-profit fund, which aims to increase safety for law enforcement officers.

The most deadly states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Georgia, the group said.

"Fifteen officers were shot and killed in ambush, more than any other circumstance of fatal shootings in 2014," the website said.

The deadly ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20 was a flashpoint in a deepening rift between the city's police department and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The mayor had expressed qualified support for protests sparked by the deaths of unarmed black men in confrontations with white officers, and said he warned his biracial son of the "dangers he may face" in encountering police officers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 report - Yahoo News Canada
It is pretty bad. 2013 was apparently an anomaly and 2014 was back up to normal levels.

I find it odd though that the level of angst is now so much higher than back in June when two cops were ambushed and killed by some white supremacists.

Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN
Yes, it's quite comical. They are always anti-government unless it somehow involves minorities. I just can't quite work out the reason why.
Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN

Most cop ambushes are by anti-government conservative types. Therefore, by their own standards, the conservatives here on this thread are all personally responsible for those cop deaths.

Whitehall? He's cackling as savors the cop-blood he's licking off his fingers. Stephanie? She's down on the ground like a dog, lapping up puddles of cop blood. Unkotare? He's doing shots of cop blood with his pals and bragging about it. SaintMicheal? He's drinking cop blood from a chalice, like it was a new sacrament. And so on.

That's just by their own standards, of course. Those aren't the standards of normal people, but since those conservatives created those standards, they have to have them applied to themselves.

Now, since the conservatives on this thread are so fanatically pro-cop-killing, why should anyone care what they say?
Another great American said Vigilante is a dumb piece of shit. That American was me.

You aren't a great American. No Leftwat is.
Fortunately, it's not within a teabaggers ability to make that decision.

It is and I can prove it.

Only Leftwats say, "but we're patriotic too!" as though it were in question.

Nobody questions the patriotism of conservatives. We are great Americans and don't need to convince anyone of it.

Right....... everyone in the fox bubble is a great American, and not crazy at all. You keep believing that sweetlips.
You think the cops don't know what the job is before they take it?

That's part of what makes them better than mouthy little weasels like you. You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous, you idiot?

If acknowledging the fact that blacks have had to have that talk with their kids for decades makes it more dangerous for them, then they should work on eliminating the need for that talk instead of being mad because somebody mentioned it.

So who is it you're blaming for the need to have "the talk"?

I'll leave that for you to figure out.
Let's start here
New de Blasio aide has history of vulgar tweets New York Post
Then move on to here, along with his motorcade wanting to defy traffic laws, itself, to alllwing police protesters to defy the law to stopping traffic on bridges and busy streets-

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday announced the start of a significant retraining of the nation’s largest police force.

Mr. de Blasio said the grand jury’s decision had focused the public’s attention on the relationship between the police and the public.

“Fundamental questions are being asked, and rightfully so,” he said. “The way we go about policing has to change.”...
When Mr. de Blasio was running for mayor, he promised sweeping reforms of the Police Department and was often scathing in his campaign trail criticism of the department. Those scars have not fully healed, and he is still viewed with suspicion by some in the law enforcement hierarchy.

Can any of the conservatives claiming de Blasio has positioned himself as anti-cop provide any substantial evidence? Besides some benign remarks you'd have passed right over if conservative media wasn't waving them in your face?
Why would anyone LEFT or RIGHT take the side of that disgusting mayor over the citizens police officers?

Just awful
To be fair, Sharpton did get into some questionable things in the past. However, in the last several years he has regained a certain amount of credibility even if his voice is still like fingernails on a chalkboard. I don't say this to minimize him, because I do like hearing what he has to say and respect his opinion. I watch his show when I can. This is only to acknowledge that he will never be redeemed in the eyes of many. They hate the mere idea that the status quo is not the correct way to continue, and the legitimate claims of blacks of police misbehavior forces them to admit they have been wrong. It's easier to kill the messenger than it is to change anything. I guess I could be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me.
Looks to me like you nailed it. In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton, it's evident by the fact that they ALWAYS hearken back to some incident 20 years ago, some Tawana Brawly case or another. Speaks volumes that folks have to go back 20 years to power their hate for someone and/or some people.
You're right. there is no frikken REDEMPTION for that race hustling slime ball Sharpton who has brought false charges against many and now because of it he has BLOOD on his hands from those MURDERED police officers who happened not to be whities, but MINIORITIES. yet some of you still take his and that Comrade DemouthBlasios side


Revisiting Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton
There are similarities between the case of the 15-year-old Brawley, who cried rape, and today's grievance culture.

all of it here:
Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton Provide Lessons for Today PJ Media
You're right. there is no frikken REDEMPTION for that race hustling slime ball Sharpton who has brought false charges against many and now because of it he has BLOOD on his hands from those MURDERED police officers who happened not to be whities, but MINIORITIES. yet some of you still take his and that Comrade DemouthBlasios side


Revisiting Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton
There are similarities between the case of the 15-year-old Brawley, who cried rape, and today's grievance culture.

all of it here:
Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton Provide Lessons for Today PJ Media
And you, and your butt boy Dubya, have thousands of gallons of blood on your hands for starting retarded wars. :thup:

Good to see that you've finally admitted to being a fascist big government supporter though. You never fooled anyone.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

Unfortunately, DeBlasio made them look small first. Their lives don't compare to that of blacks. If I were a cop in the NYPD, I'd give him the finger too.
You're right. there is no frikken REDEMPTION for that race hustling slime ball Sharpton who has brought false charges against many and now because of it he has BLOOD on his hands from those MURDERED police officers who happened not to be whities, but MINIORITIES. yet some of you still take his and that Comrade DemouthBlasios side


Revisiting Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton
There are similarities between the case of the 15-year-old Brawley, who cried rape, and today's grievance culture.

all of it here:
Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton Provide Lessons for Today PJ Media
And you, and your butt boy Dubya, have thousands of gallons of blood on your hands for starting retarded wars. :thup:

Good to see that you've finally admitted to being a fascist big government supporter though. You never fooled anyone.
Actually this started the war. You Leftwats have short memories.

That's horrific.
Worse. Are you expecting more cop killings?

:crybaby: Yes, there will be even more now, with the lack of support by the Obama/Holder/deBlasio/Sharpton anti-American leaders defending the actions of the lawbreakers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014: report

(Reuters) - Gun related deaths of U.S. law enforcement officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, with about one-third of officers killed in an ambush, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said on Tuesday.

Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014 compared to 32 in 2013, according to the website of the non-profit fund, which aims to increase safety for law enforcement officers.

The most deadly states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Georgia, the group said.

"Fifteen officers were shot and killed in ambush, more than any other circumstance of fatal shootings in 2014," the website said.

The deadly ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20 was a flashpoint in a deepening rift between the city's police department and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The mayor had expressed qualified support for protests sparked by the deaths of unarmed black men in confrontations with white officers, and said he warned his biracial son of the "dangers he may face" in encountering police officers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 report - Yahoo News Canada
It is pretty bad. 2013 was apparently an anomaly and 2014 was back up to normal levels.

I find it odd though that the level of angst is now so much higher than back in June when two cops were ambushed and killed by some white supremacists.

Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN
Yes, it's quite comical. They are always anti-government unless it somehow involves minorities. I just can't quite work out the reason why.

There is a big difference in being against abusive government and anti- government.
Look at this patsy trying to get his way, all the benefit from publicly posturing and positioning himself to his political connsituency WITHOUT any of the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with it...

Look at this patsy trying to get his way, all the benefit from publicly posturing and positioning himself to his political connsituency WITHOUT any of the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with it...

Now you're just being an ugly TROLL.

You must be so proud
To be fair, Sharpton did get into some questionable things in the past. However, in the last several years he has regained a certain amount of credibility even if his voice is still like fingernails on a chalkboard. I don't say this to minimize him, because I do like hearing what he has to say and respect his opinion. I watch his show when I can. This is only to acknowledge that he will never be redeemed in the eyes of many. They hate the mere idea that the status quo is not the correct way to continue, and the legitimate claims of blacks of police misbehavior forces them to admit they have been wrong. It's easier to kill the messenger than it is to change anything. I guess I could be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me.
Looks to me like you nailed it. In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton, it's evident by the fact that they ALWAYS hearken back to some incident 20 years ago, some Tawana Brawly case or another. Speaks volumes that folks have to go back 20 years to power their hate for someone and/or some people.

Go back 20 years to power their hate? Is slavery less repugnant because it happened over twenty years ago? Please, I think you're just trying too hard to defend the indefensible. We both know you would not be defending David Duke by saying that he was in the KKK a whole 20 years ago and people need to stop powering their hate with such an old story.
Your argument also doesn't make sense in that Al Sharpton never apologized for destroying innocent officers lives with fraudulent racial accusations. So when you say, " In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton...". You are being misleading by implying that Al Sharpton has redeemed himself when he still insists that the Tawana Brawly hoax wasn't a hoax. Even though Tawana Brawly has admitted to the fraud.
Al Sharpton and David Duke are different sides of the same coin. The only difference? Al Sharpton has hurt more black people by stoking racial unrest for self serving reasons.
To be fair, Sharpton did get into some questionable things in the past. However, in the last several years he has regained a certain amount of credibility even if his voice is still like fingernails on a chalkboard. I don't say this to minimize him, because I do like hearing what he has to say and respect his opinion. I watch his show when I can. This is only to acknowledge that he will never be redeemed in the eyes of many. They hate the mere idea that the status quo is not the correct way to continue, and the legitimate claims of blacks of police misbehavior forces them to admit they have been wrong. It's easier to kill the messenger than it is to change anything. I guess I could be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me.
Looks to me like you nailed it. In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton, it's evident by the fact that they ALWAYS hearken back to some incident 20 years ago, some Tawana Brawly case or another. Speaks volumes that folks have to go back 20 years to power their hate for someone and/or some people.

Once the hate is there, they have to have a reason to move past it. Nothing Sharpton could ever say will give them a reason to do that. I didn't think too much of him myself, until he started his TV show. I was less than fair, but I listened to what he said, and it made sense. I still think his voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard, but I guess I can get past that part.

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